With tears in his eyes, chunei Qingzi looked at Xue an reluctantly.

Xue an smiles, "since you call me master, then I will give this sword to you to keep!"

Then Xue an gave the Liuguang sword to chunei Qingzi.

Chunei Qingzi looked shocked and said: "master, you can't use this sword. Aren't you carrying it with you? If you give it to me, what will you use? "

"In my eyes, everything in heaven and earth is a sword, and I don't rigidly adhere to it. Take it. If you guard here alone for a long time, it's inevitable that someone will have a different idea." Xue an said lightly.

Takeuchi Qingzi looked solemn and respectfully took over the streamer and said in a deep voice: "master, don't worry, I will not insult the power of this sword!"

Xue an slightly nodded, turned around with an Yan and others boarded the plane.

When Takeuchi stood still, he felt empty in his heart.

In a corner far away from the airport, Meijia of this bridge looks at Xue an's back in the distance. Her hands are stirring the corners of her clothes, and her knuckles turn white due to excessive force.

When the plane flies into the sky and slowly sails to China.

At the top of country R, a heated debate is going on.

"Send troops now, and one shell will bring down the plane! It can also be regarded as removing the great trouble from my empire! " A middle-aged man with a sinister face said in a deep voice.

"But this Xue anxiou is a God. We all saw what happened last night. If he didn't die, who could resist him?" Another retorted.

People in the room are arguing. The prime minister sitting in the throne turns his head and looks at Fujida in the corner.

According to her qualifications, she is not qualified to stand here, but she is the only one who has seen Xue an's hand and is still alive, so she is allowed to participate in the meeting.

"Fujita, what do you think of it?"

Fujita Meixi's eyes were dull and in a daze. When she heard the prime minister's cry, she was shocked and recovered.

"Ah, prime minister, I don't know how to look at it, but Xue an said something to me."

"Oh? What do you say? "

"He said..." Fujida meihee was stunned and her eyes were shining with horror.

"He has only a little patience! No one knows what will happen if we do it again. "

There was a dead silence in the room.

Even the proponents of landing the plane were silent at the moment.

After a long time.

The prime minister sighed slightly, "well, don't mention it again. Remember to block the news completely, otherwise It's a disgrace to my empire! "


The plane landed smoothly.

When the family came out of the airport hall, an Qing was waiting at the door.

As soon as I saw her.

Two little girls cheerfully rushed past.


Anqing crouched down with a smile, carefully observed and thought about it, then nodded with satisfaction.

"Well, it's good. It's not skinny anymore."

"Auntie, why do you think we are thin or not?" Xue wanted to ask.

"Because if you lose weight, your parents must have failed to take care of you. In that case, my aunt will be very angry and angry."

Anqing said, took out a big bag of snacks from the bag.

"Take it! Specially prepared for you two

"Thank you, aunt!"

An Yan at this time some helpless sigh tone, "you ah, quickly spoiled them!"

An Qing hey hey a smile, "spoiled me to manage!"

Then he looked at xue'an and gave a thumbs up in admiration.

"Brother in law, great!"

Xue an a smile, "fierce what?"

"Tut Tut, I killed most of the martial arts experts in r country with one fist, cut several Ninja streams with sword, and collapsed the Tokyo Tower. Isn't that serious?"

An Qing is now in a high position in the army, so she can know a lot of news that the outside world does not know.

Xue an said with a smile, "in my opinion, it's just that the people of r country are too weak."

"Haha! That's great

When we get home.

Chen Xiuhe and Xue an's brothers all arrived.

Qiao Le said excitedly: "second brother, during this period of time when you left, our destiny was sold out of control. Later, the supply was in short supply, so we had to limit the supply, and now the major foreign forces want to buy it."

Xue an said: "that also must guarantee the domestic supply first, but can get some defective products to sell with some water!"

"This Is that all right? " Joel's eyes widened.

"Why not? How did they sell us things? Now, how can we sell it back? It's almost effective, and we can't eat people! " Xue an said lightly.

"Good! It's a good idea! Hey hey, those foreign devils are not good fuckers. I get it! " Joel rubbed his hands with excitement.All the way to the night, the group rubbed against Xue an's meal, and then dispersed.

Two little girls because of jet lag, early sleepy can not, let an Yan take back to bed.

Xue an is lying in bed, closing his eyes.

Suddenly, he felt a shock in the house.

Xue an immediately stood up, and at this time, an Yan also ran into Xue an's arms in panic.


"What's the matter?" Xue an quickly hugs an Yan.

"I just fell asleep. I suddenly felt a shock in my body, and then I had a strange feeling. What's going on?" Anyan was obviously afraid.

Xue an's face became heavy. Was it a seal and a trick?

But on a closer look, Xue an couldn't help laughing.

"It's OK, it's just that you're breaking through again now!"


Xue an nodded, and then said in surprise, "wife, I find you seem to be a cultivation genius."

"It's impossible for others to break through after years of hard work. You can break through when you are sleeping. If this is spread out, many people will die of shame and indignation!"

Yes, now Anyan has broken through from the real world to the carefree world.

This progress makes Xue an astonished.

After all, different from his own rebirth, Anyan began to practice without foundation.

It seems that my wife's background is even bigger than I thought at first.

Xue an's mouth showed a faint smile.

At this time, an Yan breathed a sigh.

As long as it's OK!

At this time, Xue an leaned down and whispered in an Yan's ear: "wife, now your cultivation is getting higher and higher, isn't it..."

An Yan didn't understand what meaning at first, and then suddenly understood, his face turned red.

"This I'm not feeling well these two days! " An Yan sound like a mosquito said.

Xue an ha ha a smile, "amuse you, little fool!"

An Yan breathed a sigh of relief, and then suddenly twisted Xue an's waist.


Xue an gasped.

This is a little painful!

Seeing this, an Yan quickly let go of his hand and breathed to Xue an's wound with heartache, "husband, I'm sorry, I don't know I'm so strong now! Does it still hurt? "

Xue an shook his head and seized an Yan's small hand. He said happily, "the stronger the hand, the better. Later, I'll make you an invincible pan. Whoever dares not accept it will pat Ya's!"

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