The next day, the day just dawned, Anqing began to knock on the door impatiently.

"Brother in law, sister, get up quickly!"

Now Xue an doesn't have to sleep at all, but because she is used to it, she still lies in bed to sleep.

Hearing an Qing's cry, he frowned slightly.

What's the matter?

When she gets up and opens the door, Anqing laughs, "brother-in-law, I'm really sorry. I guess you can't stay at home."


"I should have told you yesterday, but as soon as you got off the plane, I didn't! Huo Fenghuang is going to take part in the world special forces competition. The general should lead the team, but now the general is not in. "

When it comes to sunny, it's a bit gloomy.

"Therefore, the order just given by the army is to let you lead the team over!"

"I lead the team?" Xue an was a little surprised.

"Mm-hmm! This is also my proposal. After all, you are the most suitable person to build the fire phoenix by yourself in terms of qualification and prestige! " Anqing said seriously.

Xue an couldn't laugh or cry I am not a member of the army. Is this order useless to me? "

An Qing cunning smile, "at the beginning, the general did not grant you the rank of major general Zhuque? From then on, you will be in the army

Xue an:.... "

"Don't be angry, brother-in-law. It's really important..."

Xue an waved his hand and said faintly, "well, if someone else does this, I will definitely refuse, but you are the exception. What's more, I promised general Lin to take care of the people for him."

"So you agree! ha-ha! Brother in law, you are very kind! " Anqing is dancing.

And when Xue an led the news of tempering Phoenix camp, all members of fire phoenix were excited.

"The drillmaster is coming back!"

"That's great. The instructor will lead the team and win the first prize this time!"

A few of the players who came in later were even more red eyed.

Because their ears are full of Xue an's deeds, especially Xue an's means of trying out fire phoenix players in the devil's land makes these people envious.

And Xue an is chatting with an Yan and her daughter at the moment.

"I won't go this time because it's not convenient for us to appear in the army!" An Yan said.

Xue an nodded. "Well, I just asked. The venue of this competition is in Siberia. It's not too far from us. I come here by sword, but it's only a day's journey."

"Mm-hmm! Husband, you should be careful outside An Yan said.

Xue an a smile, suddenly from the bag out of a delicate shape of the pan.

"Look, this is the artifact I just made for you. Take it to defend yourself."

Anyan some cry and smile, but found very handy.

In fact, Anyan didn't know that Xue an had spent a lot of trouble for this pan, although he didn't have all kinds of natural materials and earth treasures, he might not even have the magic weapon.

But because Xue an uses the most advanced heart refining technique in the refining utensils, it still makes this ordinary pan with a trace of aura.

"It's the most suitable thing for you to use, and no one will doubt its use. It can also be used to stir fry dishes. It's perfect!" Xue an said with a smile.

An Yan was excited to test a few times, and then nodded with satisfaction, "as expected, it's very convenient, but I don't know if it's powerful or not!"

Xue an suddenly felt a chill on his back, and then said to Anqing with a serious face: "I think we should go now, or we will delay time and easily cause trouble."

Anqing held back a smile and nodded, "yes!"

When Xue an appeared on the plane that was about to fly to Siberia, all the members of fire phoenix stood up and saluted.

"See the drillmaster!"

The sound made the rest of the camp look sideways.

Xue an looked at these former subordinates and nodded with satisfaction.

I gave each of them a piece of Kung Fu at the beginning, but now it seems that they have practiced it well.

"Well, sit down!"

All of them took their seats, and then Cheng Hao and sun Ling came together.

"Drillmaster, I heard that we are going to Siberia this time? And I heard that this competition is the most difficult in recent years? "

Xue an nodded, "it's Siberia, but I don't know if it's difficult. Why? Scared? "

Cheng Hao smiles. "I'm afraid the difficulty is not enough. It's not interesting for us to win the first place."

Sun Ling was somewhat apologetic to Xue an: "drillmaster, that day..."

Xue an waved his hand, "OK, don't mention it when it's over."

On the way to Siberia, Xue an talked to the players.

And if they don't understand in practice, Xue an will answer them one by one.

So by the time they arrived in Siberia, the best of these people, such as Cheng Hao and others, had a slightly stronger cultivation.Wait for the plane, a beautiful figure quickly walked over and saluted Xue an.

"Mr. Xue! I didn't expect to see you so soon

Xue an looked at it and said it was Susannah, the instructor of state e hired by commander Hu at the beginning.

In this camp full of men, Susanna's appearance is like a shot in the arm, which makes everyone excited. At least the people who passed by were staring at Susanna.

Only Xue an's expression indifferent smile, "how are you here?"

"This time I'm here on behalf of the military of country e! Seeing your name on the leader's list, I came to wait for you Susannah said with a smile.

At this time, Cheng Hao and others winked at xue'an, and then left happily.

Susannah enviously said: "your team members are simply too strong, really enviable!"

At this time, a cold voice sounded from behind, "hum, I think it's just ordinary! It's a great blow

With the voice, a bald head came slowly.

This person looks fierce, dark face, a pair of triangular eyes full of cold light, people feel very uncomfortable.

Susannah frowned at the sight of the man.

"Black snake instructor, why are you here?"

The black snake grinned and saw Susanna's eyes full of naked possessiveness. "I came to see how powerful the famous fire phoenix is, and what kind of character is the instructor who was blown into a fairy."

"The result is..." A sneer appeared at the corner of the black snake's mouth.

"But so!"

Susannah frowned and gave Xue an apologetic smile, meaning don't be angry.

Xue an is very interested in looking at the black snake, and then noncommittal smile.

"Interesting, is there anyone who dares to cross between humans and animals?"

This sentence makes the black snake's face crazy change, just want to say something.

Suzanne's face sank. "Drillmaster black snake, the purpose of Siberian training camp, I think you should be clear, prohibit any private fighting and verbal provocation, or you will be disqualified! Do you understand? "

Black licked his dry lips. "Good. I'll let my boys tear your men to pieces on the field."

He was too lazy to respond to the threat. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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