After the black snake left, Susannah said apologetically, "Mr. Xue, this man..."

Xue an light way: "biochemical arms only."

Suzanne takes a shock and looks at Xue an in disbelief. "How do you know?"

"M dare to see that they are crazy except for the old men." Xue an said lightly.

The black snake was transplanted with the gene of boa constrictor and other beasts, which greatly increased his strength and became a terrorist weapon to harvest life on the battlefield.

But in Xue an's opinion, this is rubbish.

Human potential is the greatest, but if they are contaminated by the genes of these beasts and livestock, they can no longer be stored.

Susannah nodded. "Mr. Xue is as smart as a torch."

Xue an a smile, "your idioms are also good!"

"I wonder if Mr. Xue would like to have a drink?" Susannah said with a smile.

When the woman laughed, all the people around her who had been secretly watching her were stunned.

The training camp is in the worst part of Siberia.

Ice and snow cover most of the year.

Although it's only August and September, it's snowing here.

However, there is a small town nearby which is still very prosperous because there is a permanent army here.

Of course, where there are many armies in country e, pubs are the most on the street.

At the moment, in a modest tavern, Suzanne and Xue are sitting opposite each other, drinking the high-quality vodka produced here.

To put it bluntly, it is a kind of wine with alcohol content of more than 90%.

Suzanne looked at Xue an's face unchanged and drank vodka one by one. She was surprised and said, "does Mr. Xue drink so much?"

Xue an smiles, if he wants to, then he can't get drunk in the wine jar.

"You seem to have a lot on your mind?" Xue an put down the wine glass, light way.

Susannah listened, slightly stunned, and then sighed.

"Mr. Xue is really good. Yes, something has upset me recently."

Xue an continued to drink.

Suzanne's face flashed a look of panic. "Mr. Xue, do you believe in the existence of the devil?"

Xue an raised her eyes and looked at her, then a smile, "what's the matter?"

"Recently..." Susannah pauses and says, "there's a devil near the training camp recently."

"I didn't believe it at first, but once, I followed a small team to patrol, but I really met..."

Susannah's face began to turn white. "It was a group of wolves walking upright, and they also looked at me. That look is absolutely intelligent creatures can have."

Xue an's expression is indifferent, continue to drink wine slowly, "and then?"

"I have never asked the old man here! If before, I would have sniffed, but now I'm confused

"Later, I reflected to my superiors, but they all refused to believe it. Now the competition is around the corner. If something goes wrong..." Susanna's face was full of worry.

Xue an smiles. "There's an old saying in China. Soldiers come to block water and come to Tutun. If there are werewolves, maybe this competition will be more exciting."

"I hope so." Susanna's face still had a lingering gloom.

At this time, two drunk, open chest big men of country e came over with a smile.

Out of the barracks, it is natural to change the military uniform, so now Susanna is wearing a casual dress, that graceful and moving figure, has long been the salivation of many men in the tavern.

"Chinese? Get out of here Yelled a man drunk.

A lot of people in the bar are laughing and ready to see the fun.

After all, in many cases, Chinese people are the most bullied.

As soon as Susanna's face sank, she wanted to talk.

She was afraid that Xue an would kill this man again in a rage, which would make a big fuss.

Xue an shook her head gently.

"Do you hear me? Get out of here! We're going to have a drink with this chick The man yelled.

The man snapped a fork on the table.

The fork goes straight through the palm of the hand and goes deep into the wood.

The man began to have some did not respond to come over, after a moment of pain to cry out.

Another rushed up to start, Xue an pressed him on the table, picked up another fork directly through the neck and nailed it on the table.

However, Xue an pinches very accurately, this fork avoids the blood vessel perfectly, did not kill them both.

Then Xue an said lightly in Russian: "when you meet Chinese people, remember not to be so arrogant, or you will lose your life next time! Do you understand? "

Two painful grinning, crying father called mother of e country big man repeatedly nodded.And Xue an's thunder method also shocked everyone in the pub.

"Let's go!" Xue an got up and said faintly.

Susannah looked at Xue an with a surprised look. She waited until she got outside. She said, "when you started, I thought you would kill them!"

Xue an smiles, "kill them? That will only dirty my hands

After Xue an left, the people in the tavern came forward and tried to pull them out of the table, but they didn't expect that the fork could not be pulled out when it was inserted into the wood.

In the end, the wood had to be sawed apart a little bit, and then it was found that the wood and fork had become one.

This scene let a few people in e country take a chill in their heart.

How powerful is that elegant looking Chinese man?

It's easy to handle a fork, but it's melting.

At the moment, at the site of the black mamba special forces of the M army.

The black snake's face was gloomy.

Because he just received the news, Suzanne and Sheehan changed their clothes and went out.

It made the black snake, who was salivating at Susanna, mad.

The Chinese! Must die!

Although there are rumors that he is strong, the black snake has strong self-confidence and thinks that he can tear xue'an into pieces!

After all.

He still has a lot of cards to play.

The black snake caresses a light blue injection, which is the special stimulant that has just been airlifted from M.

As long as you inject it, your ability will suddenly increase by 20 times.

What is that concept?

Now the power of the black snake's punch is one ton!

If you turn it 20 times, you will get 20 tons of power in one blow.

It's enough to blow a train out.

Therefore, the black snake has such a strong self-confidence.

As for his men, they all stood quietly against the wall with their eyes closed.

There is a nutrition tube in everyone's body.

This is the best way to save energy before the war!

In the eyes of black snake, only such troops are real weapons on earth, and all the rest are rubbish.

Fire Phoenix? Hey, I'll let you all go to hell! The black snake sneered. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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