"You are all elite special forces personnel from all over the world, so I don't have to say too much. There are only two requirements in the competition. First, kill the opponent! Second, win! Good luck to you

A bearded officer of state e stood on the high platform and delivered a very brief opening speech.

That's right.

Casualties are allowed in the world special forces competition.

This is also the most authoritative reason.

After he stepped down, the competition officially began, and more than a dozen special forces boarded helicopters.

They will be mixed into the mountains and forests around 20 kilometers.

In this vast forest, we speak by our strength.

The instructors were all concentrated in the hall.

There are dots of light on the screen representing their respective units.

It's the only information they can see.

Everyone was staring at the big screen.

Only Xue an was sitting on the sofa, sipping vodka.

He is now a little bit in love with the taste and even drinks it as water.

There is also the black snake, he also sat quietly in the distance, did not even look up to see the big screen, seems to be very confident in his troops.

In the other room, Chekov looked at the monitor screen in the hall, took out a drink from his jug and chuckled, "Susanna, which of these people do you think will win?"

Susannah said respectfully, "general, in my opinion, it should be the phoenix of China."

"Oh? Why? " Chekov was a little curious.

"Because the instructor of Fire Phoenix Very strong! " Suzanne said.

Chekov smiles and stares at Xue an, who is drinking on the screen. "I heard that when you went to China, you were defeated by him?"


"But I think it's hard to predict the outcome of this competition. After all, the black mamba of M country is not vegetarian, and this black snake is the God of killing who once galloped on the battlefield of China D Chekov said lightly.

Susanna kept her head down and said nothing.

Chekov turned his back to her, his eyes twinkled, and then whispered, "Susanna, remember, you are always a loyal soldier of country E. don't be blinded by some personal friendship!"

A little doubt flashed in Susanna's eyes. She didn't understand why the general suddenly said this, but said respectfully, "yes!"

"To these warriors Chekov held up his jug to the distant forest, but a cold smile appeared in his mouth.

Ten minutes after the start of the game.

The light spots on the big screen began to decrease sharply.

The hall of screams one after another, many instructors are all livid.

Because although the competition has just begun, it has been revealed that two teams are harvesting the battlefield.

Soon, the first team to be eliminated appeared.

It also set a record for the fastest elimination in all competitions.

While the people were in doubt, xue'an was indifferent, because he had absolute confidence in his men.

Last night, in order to adapt to the harsh fantasy of the Siberian jungle, she asked them to undergo several heart demon trials.

As Xue an thought.

At the moment, in the snow covered jungle, Zou Yi is bending down slowly.

He was wearing a snow-white field uniform, which was hard to detect in the vast forest.

But the most important thing is that Zou Yi cultivates a skill which is specially used for lurking assassins.

This is what Xue an gave him.

After Zou Yi got it, he began to practice crazily. Now he has achieved a lot. Although he can't compare with Cheng Hao and sun Ling, he seems to be a master.

Holding his breath and concentrating, Zou Yi slowly approached a sniper who was lurking behind a snowdrift.

Ten meters!

Five meters!

Zou Yi can see the slight heat from the sniper's nostrils.

Zou Yi suddenly burst out, and the dagger went straight into the third and fourth vertebrae from his back.

The blade cut off blood vessels and nerves, and the sniper was paralyzed without a sound.

Cheng Hao, as a captain before he left, made it clear that this is the war, and we should not be merciful.

After killing an enemy sniper, Zou Yi breathed a sigh and was just about to hide again.

Suddenly, a strong murderous spirit came from the side.

Zou Yi didn't even think about it. He looked back subconsciously.

A bayonet with a cold light was stabbed from his position.

Zou Yi was scared out of cold sweat. If he had just reacted a little slower, he would have died on the spot.

At this time, Zou Yi could see clearly who the enemy was.

A foreign devil with a cold face and a thin combat uniform."Wipe, it's Black Mamba!" Zou Yi can't help but sink when he sees the other team's uniform.

Black Mamba special forces are a very strong team in this competition. Team leader Cheng Hao said that they are the real opponents this time.

In particular, I heard that these m-countrymen used biochemical technology to transform every soldier into a killing machine.

So when Zou Yi saw this opponent, his heart sank.

Just to dodge, the black mamba player's bayonet changed from a straight stab to a downward thrust.

The change was so fast that Zou Yi's spirits were exposed.

It's over. It's a dead end this time!

Zou Yi just had this idea in mind.

A powerful figure from the front of the back across, hard with the back to resist the blow.

When the sound, actually issued the sound of gold and iron cross, as if this strong man's body is not made of meat, but made of steel.

Zhou Daniao!

At the beginning, the simple and honest man has become one of the top experts in the team by practicing the immortal Vajra method given to him by Xue an.

He is also Zou Yi's golden partner.

Zou Yi couldn't help but breathe when he saw him, but at this time, the black mamba team member sprang up, and the army spike in his hand fell straight down.

Zou Yi can't help exclaiming, "be careful!"

Zhou Daniao's face showed a look of disdain and snorted angrily. His muscles seemed to be covered with a light layer of gold.


The bayonet broke.

This time, even the members of the black mamba were shocked.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Zhou Daniao turned around and blew it out with one punch.

After landing, the man's chest and stomach were burst, and he died on the spot.

"OK, Daniel, your immortal Vajra method has improved again!" Zou Yi said with a smile.

Zhou daniou said with a simple smile, "there are some places I don't understand. The instructor told me this time. Naturally, it's powerful."

"OK, now we'll meet the captain according to the agreement. You'll be at 30 degrees on my left hand. Let's move forward together." Zou Yi said in a deep voice.

Zhou Daniao nods.

He is a man with a simple head, so he will partner with Zou Yi, who has a flexible mind.

"Haha, if we win this competition, maybe our instructor won't leave!" Zou Yi said with a smile.

Hearing this, Zhou Daniao's eyes lit up and said in a stuffy voice: "for the sake of the drillmaster, I will tear these guys apart!"

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