The game is only an hour.

Three teams were eliminated, and the results were either dead or disabled.

The cruel result of the game scared a lot of people.

In some countries, instructors are pale and angry and want Chekov to stop the game.

Kirchkov just smiles.

"As I said, this competition is a war. Once it starts, it can't be stopped unless it wins or dies."

Chekov's words caused a stir, and many people began to complain.

But Chekov didn't even want to listen, so he turned and went out.

These instructors are almost mad, but Chekov did not enter the oil and salt, so they targeted the black snake and xue'an.

From the beginning to the present, the two men's troops have reaped the most fruits and lost the least.

"Isn't China's special forces known for their humanitarianism? Why did it hurt the killer this time? " Roared a dark, bellied man.

You don't have to ask about your nationality. You can guess which country it is from just by your strong curry flavor.

But his questions did not make Xue an lift his eyelids, still slowly drinking vodka.

"Chinese, shouldn't you make an explanation for this Another blonde man with a gloomy face murmured.

With a smile on his face, Xue's eyes raised and looked at the corner of his mouth.

"General Chekov is right. This is the battlefield, and if our troops are not strong enough, you Will you let it go? "

Xue an's words made these people look ugly.

"But you don't have to be so cruel." The instructor of Y degree still refuses to give up.

Xue an said lightly: "if you fall behind, you will be beaten. This is an ancestral precept handed down by our ancestors. Now I give it to you!"

The people around xue'an wanted to say anything else, so they heard a few screams from behind.

Looking around, I saw several instructors questioning the black snake were lying on the floor.

Blood soaked the whole floor, sending out a thick smell of blood.

Everyone was stunned.

"You How dare you kill someone? " A pale instructor trembled,

the black snake sneered, "no strength, you don't even have the qualification to talk nonsense in front of me! If you dare to talk more, these people will come to you

The black snake's ruthless means shocked everyone.

Then the black snake looked at xue'an and said with indifference: "I admit that I underestimate your fire phoenix, but do you think that with this strength, you can compete with us black mamba?"

Xue an said with a faint smile, "I don't need to talk about the outcome, but at least None of my men have been killed yet

Everyone was shocked and turned to look at the big screen.

Sure enough!

Only the fire phoenix special forces are still full.

The black snake's face gradually darkened. After a cold snort, it closed its eyes again.

Just as he closed his eyes, the chip embedded in the black mamba players received a signal at the same time.

The faces of the black mamba members, who were indifferent as if they were machines, all changed. Their eyes quickly turned red, and their momentum was enhanced several times.

Then these people will be like killing gods, tearing up all the enemies in front of them and heading straight to the direction of the flaming Phoenix.

Everyone looked quietly at the two troops on the screen, and Suzanne could not help but look dignified.

Only Xue an, as if all the outside world had nothing to do with him, was still drinking the wine.

Right now in the jungle.

Fire Phoenix's team members all arrived, but Cheng Hao and others did not have time to be happy, because a very strong momentum is approaching.

Now there are only two of them left in the whole battlefield.

Others either die or quit.

Sun Ling, the other party's leader, seems to have a strong idea

Cheng Hao said lightly: "a special force fed by medicine and technology is destined to become our defeated general!"

Say it.

The black mamba's men still rushed forward.

These people have been running at a speed from beginning to end, even the hills and trees can't stop them.

Cheng Hao said in a deep voice: "everyone, kill each other and give the instructor a perfect result!"


The voice of the promise shocked the valley, and the people of the fire phoenix rushed up without hesitation.

If you look down from the air at the moment, you can see that the two armies, one black and one white, are like two sharp blades, entangled in each other in an instant and begin to fight cruelly.

And there was silence in the hall.

One, two, three.

The light spots of the black mamba are decreasing one by one.Can belong to the fire phoenix light spot but tenacious one has not extinguished.

Such a scene also made the black snake's face blue.

Xue Yiran just laughed.

Because he knew it was just the beginning.


Zhou Da Niu smashed a member of the black mamba with one blow, and then said in a deep voice, "who else?"

Such a fierce momentum let these indifferent Black Mamba players were surprised, involuntarily back two steps.

"Hey, you know you are afraid! I thought you were all robots A voice came from behind the men, and a dagger reaped life like a ghost.

Fire phoenix gradually gained the upper hand by overwhelming advantage.

But at this time, the forest stretched out and came the sound of footsteps shaking the four fields.

Cheng Hao and others were surprised. They thought it was the reinforcements of the black mamba. But they turned their heads and saw a strange scene.

A group of more than 20 werewolves came out slowly.

These werewolves are about three meters tall, fierce and with a trace of contempt on their faces.

Cheng Hao and others were stunned.

This What's going on?

Just then, an impatient hand of a werewolf was waved away, and with this palm, a black mamba strong man in front of him was directly blasted into pieces.


Cheng Hao and others took a breath of cold air and retreated one after another.

"Humans, you are fighting in our territory, so we will let you pay the price of bleeding!" One of the leading werewolves said coldly.

The voice fell to the ground, and the members of the black mamba were just like small earth bags in front of the bulldozer, which were directly flattened.

"Back!" Cheng Hao looked at the heart full of cold, deep voice command way.

But as soon as they were about to retreat, a group of werewolves appeared behind them, blocking their way.

"These people's physique is much better than those rubbish. If you take them back, you can make our family's booty!" A werewolf ordered.

The Phoenix was in trouble on the fire side.

The hall is in a mess.

The light spot representing Black Mamba suddenly disappears from the screen, which makes the black snake stand up and stare at Xue an with a grim face.

"What's the matter? What kind of tricks have you Chinese made? "

Xue an didn't speak, but raised her eyes in doubt and looked into the distance.

And now, a faint howl of the wolf came. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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