But he had been ready for this. With a wave of his hand, a familiar voice would appear in the sea of knowledge of these shadow turtles.

All of a sudden, these shadow turtles were shocked, and immediately fell to their knees full of surprise and reverence, listening to the voice in their mind.

Xue an stood in the same place and watched quietly.

A moment later, the shadow turtles just looked up at Xue an.

Xue an shrugged slightly, "how about it? Is there any doubt now? "

It is the breath of the shadow turtle emperor that has just emerged in the sea of knowledge of these shadow turtles.

At that time, in order to prevent this kind of thing, Xue an specially wanted a wisp of divine thoughts from the shadow turtle emperor.

I didn't expect it would come in handy now.

These shadow turtles kowtow to Xue an respectfully.

"My Lord, we have no doubt. We were ignorant before. Please forgive me!"

Because in that divine thought, the shadow turtle emperor made it clear that the boy in white came to save them, so he should treat him as respectful as himself!

These shadow turtles dare not neglect.

Xue an smelt speech a smile, "well, all get up, can still be on the way?"

"Lord Hui, although we were imprisoned, we didn't get hurt. It's natural to go on our way!"

"Well, let's go back to Baozhu city now!"

With an order, people immediately began to get busy.

These shadow turtles are also ready. Someone takes the initiative to carry LV Yangyan and his sister. They are just about to leave.

Just then, an urgent cry came from the cell behind him.

"My Lord, please stay. I have something to say!"

When they were stunned, Xue an turned to look.

But the man who bargained with him before was on the fence of the cell, looking at himself expectantly.

In fact, after the war just now, the cell has been damaged by a big hole, and almost all the prisoners who were held here have sneaked away.

Now only this man is left to look at Xue an.

"What do you want to say?"

"My Lord, I want to follow you to Baozhu City, but can I?"

Hearing these words, Xue an couldn't help looking at the man deeply, "are you going to return to Baozhu city with us?"

"That's right!"


A look of embarrassment appeared on the man's face. Then he lowered his head and said in a low voice: "I have no place to stand now. Even the spirit mine handed down by my ancestors has been lost by me. I have no way to go, so I want to follow you back to Baozhu City!"

Speaking of this, he raised his head and looked at Xue an with a pleading face, "don't worry, my Lord. I will never give you any trouble. I just want to leave this exquisite City, OK?"

Xue an did not say a word, just quietly looking at the man.

Until after a long time, even the man's face showed the color of despair, that he was rejected.

Xue an just nodded, "good!"

The man was overjoyed, "thank you, my Lord!"

Then he climbed out of the hole in the cell and followed Xue an very familiar.

During the whole process, he wisely did not mention his seal.

Xue an didn't say a word either.

It's as if they've all ignored it.

This time, when all the people were ready, Xue an said in a deep voice, "go!"

After that, these shadow turtles took the lead and flew into the sky carrying LV Yangyan and his sister.

Then Xue an waved and a sword light fell into the man's body.

As soon as the man was shocked, he was also carried up by the sword light.

After all this, Xue an stamped his feet.


After a loud noise, the courtyard began to shake violently.

Then Xue an and Yue Qinghuan rose and disappeared into the sky.

As soon as they left, the whole dream death home collapsed into ruins.

Such a movement naturally also shocked many people in Linglong city.

But when they got here, all they could see was ruins.

"Hiss! Who the hell is this kid? " Someone exclaimed.

"Now I'm totally lost in Linglong City, but will the people of Yin Yang family give up?" Some people wonder.

Before that, Linglong city was led by zuisheng building, but now it has been uprooted by Xue an, leaving a gap in power, which naturally makes countless people covet.

The whole Linglong city began to move in the dark.

Xue an didn't know these things, and even if he did, he wouldn't care.

Compared with the time it takes to go back, it's much faster.These shadow turtles are very good at flying, especially in the void between the stars. They are very fast.

So it took only one day for Xue an to return to Baozhu city.

At the moment, Baozhu City, from the surface, is not any different, or so prosperous.

It was as if the fall of Zhang pengtian, the former city Lord, had never happened.

But only a few people know that the whole Baozhu city is actually loose on the outside and tight on the inside.

In many key and important places, there are usually big men with big figure and dull expression.

The breath of these men is very different from that of the human race, which is just transformed from the masters of the shadow turtle clan.

When Xue an and others come back this time, they will not make a big fuss.

Actually, they haven't arrived at Baozhu city yet.

The shadow turtle emperor knew the news and immediately abandoned the idle people and emptied the huge city Lord's mansion.

When Xue an and many shadow turtle families landed, the shadow turtle emperor rushed up immediately.

As soon as they saw that they were their own kings, they fell to their knees.

"The emperor! We're back! "

The shadow turtle emperor was very excited. He carefully examined these people and found that they were OK. He put a heart into his stomach and nodded: "just come back! You have suffered too. Go down and cultivate yourself first

After these shadow turtles retreated, the shadow turtle emperor couldn't wait to ask, "what clues have you found?"

Xue an nodded, "I'm glad I didn't disgrace my life!"

Then Xue an told the story.

After hearing that the creator behind the scenes was actually a master from the Yin and Yang family, the shadow turtle emperor was shocked, and then his face became dignified gradually.

"Why did the Yin Yang family do this to the shadow turtle family?"

Xue an shook his head. "Now I don't know, but it seems that there is something hidden behind him after listening to the words of Yue Zhongjun."

The shadow turtle emperor's face was very blue, because he finally realized the seriousness of the incident.

If it's just a zuisheng building, he doesn't care.

But if you add such an ancient alligator as the Yin Yang family, even if he is always conceited, he knows very well that he may not even have the strength to fight back.

Not to mention that there may be a deeper existence behind the Yin Yang family.

How could it not frighten him.

Xue Anrou said in a voice: "but you don't have to worry too much. After this time, things have come to light. Those behind the scenes will definitely not attack you again!"

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