Hear Xue an say so, shadow tortoise Emperor just relaxed tone, then then full face solemnly blunt Xue an a hug fist.

"Mr. Xue, I'll never forget your kindness! If we need to wait in the future, in a word, we will do our best! "

These words are from the true feelings of the shadow turtle emperor, so they are very sincere.

Xue an smelt speech a smile, "since say so of words, that I still really need your place now!"

"Mr. Xue, it's all right to talk!" The shadow turtle emperor said immediately.

Xue an raised his hand and pointed to LV Yangyan beside him, "do you remember that before I left, I said that I had my own arrangement for Baozhu City, and he was the new Lord of Baozhu city I found for you!"

LV Yangyan was stunned at that time.

He thought that he came to Baozhu city just to guard and treat his sister's injury at the same time.

Never thought that Xue an would let himself be the city leader.

After hearing what Xue an said, the shadow turtle Emperor gave LV Yangyan a deep look.

When he found out that LV Yangyan's breath had something to do with him, he was stunned.

One side of Xue an see light smile, "how? Are you satisfied with this candidate? "

The shadow turtle emperor took a deep breath and said slowly, "how can I feel so familiar with his breath..."

"Of course, I'm familiar with him, because he has Zhenwu blood and is a descendant of Zhenwu Taoism, and Zhenwu You must know that, too! "

Hearing the word Zhenwu, the shadow turtle emperor was shocked, and immediately his face was happy, "of course I know! Thank you for your arrangement

As a turtle, how could he not know the ancestor.

So he rushed to LV Yangyan and said, "is Zhenwu OK now?"

Lu Yangyan said with a bitter smile, "Lord Zhenwu has disappeared thousands of years ago. Where have I seen him?"

The shadow turtle emperor sighed, but immediately reached out and patted LV Yangyan on the shoulder.

"It's OK. Originally, you and I are the same origin. Now that you are the Lord of Baozhu City, we will be a family."

"Everything depends on the cultivation of the turtle emperor!"

"Ha ha ha, it's easy to say!" The shadow turtle emperor clapped his hands and laughed, obviously very satisfied with LV Yangyan.

Looking at a person and a demon, Xue an smiles faintly.

On one side, Yue Qinghuan looks at Xue an's expected smile. How does she look like her brother.

And this kind of feeling also makes her who has been away from home for a long time suddenly start to miss home.

As soon as this feeling of missing appears, it comes like a surging tide.

Although she is usually very tired of her brother's control over herself, she even thinks that his nagging is terrible several times.

But now she is nostalgic for that feeling, for the man who always sits on the chair and smiles at herself.

In a moment, this kind of emotion easily broke her psychological defense line, so she couldn't wait to say to Xue an: "Xue an."


"Now that we're done here, come back with me."

"Go back? Where to? " Xue an light way.

"Naturally, I'm going back to my wife's house." Yue Qinghuan's face is inexplicable. He doesn't understand why Xue an would ask.

Isn't that what has been said in advance?

But unexpectedly, Xue an gently shook his head, "don't go!"

"What did you say? No? Why don't you go? Are you afraid? " Yue Qinghuan's face darkened in an instant.

Xue an chuckled, "of course I'm not afraid, and what I said is not that I will never go, but I just need to slow down!"

"Slow down. When will it be?" Yue Qinghuan asked aggressively.

Xue an took a deep look at her and said, "it's slow until my strength is enough to support my idea!"

These words make Yue Qinghuan swallow all the following words.

Because Bing Xue is as smart as she, she understood Xue an's meaning in an instant.

At this time, Xue an continued: "before, I always thought that although my realm was low, my strength was still good. But the story of the king of Yuehua made me understand that the outer heaven on this day was more realistic than the heavens where I was. Here, only strength is the foundation of everything."

Speaking of this, Xue an took a deep look at Yue Qinghuan, "and now even if I follow you back to Yue's house, I don't think I will be valued by my present state."

Yue Qinghuan's mouth moved. He wanted to say something, but he couldn't say it.

Because what Xue an said was an iron fact, she could not refute it.

It was only after a moment that she said in a low voice, "what are you going to practice to?"

"At least we should cross the existing realm and reach the peak of xianzun! Because only in that way can I have a little voice! " Xue an said in a deep voice.

After hearing this, the look in Yue Qinghuan's eyes became more and more dim."You have a good idea, but have you ever thought about..."

Yue Qinghuan raised his head and said, "when you get to your level, it's very difficult to improve your strength. It's even more difficult to cross a big level, and you need all kinds of opportunities to get together."

"So if you want to cultivate a little bit from the present state, no matter how amazing your talent is, it will take at least ten years, then the problem will come. Do we have to wait here for ten years?"

Facing Yue Qinghuan's question, Xue an was silent.

At this time, shadow turtle emperor, LV Yangyan and others also heard the dialogue between Xue an and Yue Qinghuan, and they were all silent.


Do you really have to wait here for ten years?

Just when everyone was at a loss, the man who followed Xue an and others from the prison suddenly said timidly.

"I I think I may have an opportunity here to help Mr. Xue ascend to the throne as early as possible! "

As soon as the words came out, all the people turned their heads and focused their eyes on the man.

The irascible shadow turtle emperor stepped forward and said: "what did you say? Can you say that again? "

This time, the expression on the man's face could not help but be more flustered and stammered: "I I said I have an opportunity here, which may help Mr. Xue! "

In front of everyone's eyes is a bright.

The shadow turtle emperor roared: "don't you hurry to talk about it!"

Don't say that this man's strength has been sealed. Even if he is not sealed, as a dandy, he can't be the opponent of shadow turtle emperor and other demon kings.

So under this roar, his whole body trembled even more.

The shadow turtle Emperor just wanted to talk.

Just then, Xue an reached out and patted the shadow turtle emperor on the shoulder.

The shadow turtle emperor retreated. Then Xue an came forward and said softly, "don't be afraid. What's your chance?"

The man calmed down a little, then said in a trembling voice: "it's a cave!"

"The cave?"

"That's right!" The man took a deep breath and said word by word: "and it's a deserted immortal cave!"

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