This remark caused a stir among the people.

Because people all know what this immortal cave means.

Even in Tianwaitian, where the strong are everywhere, there are few people who can be called Xianzong cave.

Because none of these places is not Zhong lingyuxiu, where the magic of nature lies.

There is even a rumor that in some large caves, they can even have direct contact with the laws of heaven.

It is self-evident that this is good for one's practice.

And if it is as the man said, even if the immortal cave is deserted, it will be an unimaginable huge treasure.

No matter what sect it is, the most precious treasures are usually hidden in the cave.

This means that it is not only a holy place for practice, but also a treasure house.

But this guy who lost all his wealth in zuisheng building, even his life, can know where Xianzong cave is?

People have expressed deep doubts about this.

Seems to feel the suspicion of the public, the man blushed, stammered and said: "I know you don't believe it, but how can I cheat you?"

"You said you didn't cheat us, but you'd better show us the evidence!" Yue Qinghuan said.

"Good! Then I'll give you the evidence! "

With that, the man reached out and began to unbutton his chest.

Yue Qinghuan was scared back and said, "Hey, what are you doing?"

"Here's the proof! Don't you want evidence? "

With the voice, the man took off his coat, revealing the ribs.

And on his back and chest, there are dense scars.

These scars seem to have been around for a long time, and some only have a shallow mark left.

But even so, the number and density of the scars are still shocking.

Then the man took a deep breath and slashed his stomach with his nails.

There was a long cut in his stomach and blood gushed out.

The man's face was pale and full of pain, but he was still self-supporting, shaking his hands and probing into the wound, and began to stir up, as if looking for something.

Such a tragic scene made LV Yangyan's sister scream, and she turned her head and did not dare to see it again.

As for Yue Qinghuan, his face changed slightly.

Because she did not expect that the man who looked like a dandy and smooth would be so strong.

At this time, but see the man stuffy hum, and then arm a force, then pulled out a thing from the belly.

Dripping with blood, he was in a cold sweat and said: "this is my evidence!"

As he said this, his figure was crumbling and he seemed to faint at any time.

Xue an appeared beside him with a soft light in his hand, and put it on the man's shoulder.

In a flash, the wound on the man's stomach stopped bleeding and quickly healed.

At the same time, his eyes were radiant again, full of gratitude, he said to Xue an, "thank you very much!"

Xue an smiles, then looks at the thing in his hand.

"This is..."

The man carefully opened the package outside this thing, which was a map of non paper and non silk.

After unfolding, we can see that a huge road map has been drawn in a meticulous way.

"This is the map to the immortal cave." Said the man.

Xue an raised his eyebrow slightly. Although it was just a casual glance, he could see that the map was not a forgery.

At this time, the man handed the map to Xue an, "as long as you follow the above route, you can find the immortal cave!"

When Xue an received it, he found that it was as warm and moist as jade, and once he entered it, he would never return, no matter whether he was a God or a man of cultivation.

This further confirms the extraordinary of this thing.

This can not help but let Xue an's expression gradually solemn, and then looked at the man.

"Do you really want to give this to me?"

The man nodded, "of course!"

"Do you know the value of this thing?"

"How can I know? In fact, our family paid a very heavy price to keep this thing! "

Xue an's heart moved, "so, this thing is your ancestral?"

The man nodded, "that's right!"

Next, the man will roughly about the whole thing.

It turned out that the man's name was Zhu Zhesheng, and he had been living in lingkuang for generations.

Because of the accumulation of his ancestors, his family is also quite rich, so he has some prestige in the star field where his family is located.

But compared with the great wealth, it is the withered relationship of Zhu family.Especially after Zhu Zhesheng's generation, the people withered completely, leaving only his successor.

If that's all, the key is that after all the elders in his family have passed away, he starts to act recklessly under no control.

Especially under the temptation of some intentional people, he is infected with the bad habit of gambling.

Soon, the family's wealth was lost by him.

But at least he had a bottom line. Although he lost his fortune, he didn't think of moving the spirit vein.

But he didn't think about it, but he couldn't stand the covet of others.

Soon, under the deliberate encouragement of people with ulterior motives, he came to the Linglong City, and soon became addicted to zuisheng building.

At this point, he naturally did not care about the bottom line, not the bottom line, and soon the spirit vein was sold by him.

The wealth he got made him very beautiful in zuisheng building for a while, but the final result was just like all the gamblers in the world, he was washed white.

But by this time, it was still not over. These people didn't know what was going on. They knew that his family had such a treasure map, and they began to keep pressing him.

Among them, the one who lured him to zuisheng building was the most energetic.

Until then, Zhu Zhesheng finally understood everything.

It turned out that the whole thing was a trap from the beginning to the end.

What these people want is not only Zhu's estate, but also this treasure map.

But Zhu Zhesheng is also very clear that if he really hands over this treasure map, he will not be far away from death.

So he gritted his teeth and refused to admit it.

At this time, his generous temperament actually helped him to survive several times of torture.

Later, I don't know whether these people gave up or what happened. Suddenly, no one paid any attention to him, and threw him into the dungeon of the dream death courtyard, leaving him to live and die.

And this pass, has been closed to the emergence of Xue an.

Originally, Zhu Zhesheng was completely desperate.

But Xue an's appearance made him see hope again.

He said with a bitter smile: "this treasure map is a treasure handed down from generation to generation in my family. When my father handed it to me, he warned me that unless I had full confidence, I would not show it to others, otherwise it would lead to death. Therefore, I kept the secret in my belly until I met you!"

Xue an held the treasure map in his hand, took a deep look at Zhu Zhesheng, and then said slowly, "well What do you want? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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