Hearing this, Zhu Zhesheng's eyes burned with a faint and ghostly light.

"My Lord, although we have never entered the Xianzong cave, we have found a path unknown to anyone after many years of exploration. Therefore, as long as they are not close to the core area of the Xianzong cave, we can arrive ahead of time."

"Well, in that case, let's go now!"

While Xue an and others were on their way according to the location of Xianzong cave marked on the map, there was a planet floating in the vast space.

This planet is not big, but it is very rich.

Because it is zhaijia, who is famous for running the Lingshi business, who is in charge of this planet.

Especially in recent years, with the development of several high-quality ore veins, the Zhai family has become the leader in the nearby star field.

At this moment, in a secret room of the Zhai family, Zhai Devon, the head of the Zhai family, Zhai Zhuqing, the eldest daughter, and many top decision makers of the Zhai family gathered together.

In this big secret room, not only the Zhai family, but also many strange faces were sitting opposite them.

These men and women have, but without exception, are first-class masters.

In particular, the woman sitting in the middle has the most terrifying power. Although she is pretty, she has a grim power when she looks at her exile, especially when her eyes are shining.

Although there is no such kind of bearing as saying the world's laws, it is still a half step saint.

But this is not the reason why zhaidevon and others respect this woman so much.

After all, although half step saints are rare, they will not be paid too much attention to because of the great wealth of Zhai family.

The key is that the power behind the woman is too amazing, so even Zhai Devon has to sit down and bow down.

At the moment, the chamber of secrets is silent.

All the people were absorbed in watching the old woman sitting on the high platform in the middle of the secret room, who was performing the deduction with her eyes closed.

Around the platform stood ten strong swordsmen.

In front of them knelt a lot of prisoners who looked dispirited and had their hands and feet tied tightly.

The old woman couldn't see how old she was. Under her silver hair, there was a wrinkled face.

And the thin body sitting cross knee, thin fingers like chicken feet are rapidly calculating what, mouth is more chanting.

And with this kind of performance almost like a magic wand, in front of the old woman's body, layers of illusions whirled up and down, like clouds, constantly changing shape.

Suddenly, the old woman opened her eyes.

In a flash, the whole room seemed to have a flash of interest.

In that frightening bright eyes, even zhaidevon had to bow his head and retreat.

At the same time, the old woman said in a cryptic voice: "where is the woman who has had a close relationship with that man?"

Zhai bamboo green smell speech quite some unnatural out of the crowd, bowed his head and whispered: "little girl here!"

"Come forward!"

Zhai bamboo green dare not neglect, had to bear the fear of heart came forward.

Just standing still, the old woman grabbed her arm.

Zhai bamboo green just want to scream, the next second will be lost in the old woman's eyes.

Then the old woman recites words, and countless illusions appear on the top of zhaizhuqing's head, one by one passing by like a movie.

All of a sudden, the old woman seemed to see something and suddenly burst out to drink, "stop!"

The picture stops instantly, and then the old woman's whole body shakes like a wind.

While trembling, she cried in a nearly crying voice: "ghosts cry and wolves howl, only I am the God of witchcraft."

With an order, a virtual image of the old woman, which could not see her face clearly but contained supreme dignity, appeared behind her.

As soon as the virtual image appeared, all the pictures were broken, and a message flew into the old woman's sea of knowledge.

The old woman cried and worshipped, "thank you, Lord wizard!"

Words fall.

On one side, dozens of swordsmen who had been prepared for a long time waved their swords together and directly beheaded all the prisoners kneeling in front of them.

The blood spattered out, and the breath of gray rose from the bodies of the prisoners and converged to the virtual image.

Until all the breath is absorbed, the virtual image nods and disappears.

After it disappeared, the audience was a little relieved.

The old woman stood up tremblingly, released zhaizhuqing, and knelt down.

"Tell your holiness that after deduction and the oracle of Lord Wushen, the exact location of the immortal cave has been known!"

"Oh? Where is that? " The woman, known as the saint, said faintly."It's in a vein left by Zhu family!"

This remark is like a stone breaking the sky.

Zhai Devon immediately said, "no way. At that time, after I got hold of the vein, I ordered people to explore it carefully for no less than ten times, but I didn't find anything unusual."

The old woman sneered, "master of Zhai, do you mean that you doubt the oracle of our Shamanism?"

Zhai Devon was so scared that he quickly bowed his head. "I dare not. It's just that if Xianzong cave is really in the vein, how can we feel nothing?"

"Hum, how can you know the true God? I think the immortal cave is a chance. If anyone can see it, it's a joke! "

Hearing the old woman's words, zhaidevon's face turned blue and red. For a moment, he didn't know how to get it right.

At this moment, the woman slowly stood up and said in a dignified tone: "well, the master of the Zhai family is also kind-hearted, so don't say any more!"

"Yes The old woman just stepped down.

Then the woman looked at Zhai Devon and said in a deep voice: "master Zhai, now the specific location of Xianzong cave has been known. Let's pay the preface. After it is completed, our Shamanism only needs half of it, and the other half belongs to your Zhai family. How about that?"

Zhaidevon was overjoyed. Several times before, he failed to find the immortal cave, but he was found by the witchcraft and said that he could help them find the treasure.

But these days, zhaidevon has been terrified, for fear that the sorceress will turn his face and refuse to accept the account after learning the whereabouts of the treasure.

All the efforts of the Zhai family were in vain.

Now hearing the woman's promise, a big stone in zhaidevon's heart fell to the ground, and he said, "everything depends on the arrangement of the saint."

"Very good. Next, ask the master of Zhai to gather the elite and get ready to start!"


Zhai Devon left happily.

Zhaizhuqing frowned slightly, but he didn't dare to say anything, so he had to go with him.

After they left, the old woman came forward with some puzzlement, "saint, since she already knows the whereabouts of the cave, why do you still care about this simple house? It's just a bunch of mediocre people. Why don't you just sacrifice them to the Lord wizard? "

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