Woman ha ha a smile, delicate eyes suddenly flashed a very malicious luster.

"The immortal cave was left by the ancient immortals. There must be many organs and dangers in it. If you want to go in, you must use your life to open a bloody road. Now that the people of this Zhai family are dying in front of you, won't you save the warrior of our sorcery?"

The old woman was overjoyed and said, "it's still the saint's thoughtfulness. I'm stupid."

"Well, let's get ready. If we can get this immortal cave this time, then my position in the sorcery will be as strong as a rock, and no one can shake it!"


In the void just a few light hours away from zhaijia planet, there are countless broken pebbles.

These Stardust and gravel are like a huge river, lying in the void, with a radius of hundreds of millions of miles.

This is the Lingshi vein that once belonged to the Zhu family and was later plundered by the Zhai family.

In this huge mining area, most of them are useless stones, and the real spirit stones are almost hidden in the depths of the sea of stars and gravel.

But if you want to go deep into it, you will also take a huge risk.

Because I don't know how this sea of stars and gravel came into being, there are all kinds of hidden dangers, visible or invisible.

And one of the most dangerous is how to find the direction in it.

Because once you enter it, you don't know whether it's because of the special magnetic field or anything else, any object used to explore the direction will be invalid.

In addition, the size of the gravel inside is basically the same.

In this case, no matter how powerful you are, you will lose your sense of direction in a very short time.

Therefore, from ancient times to the present, I don't know how many people came into it, but they never came back.

However, the benefits of Lingshi are so huge that no one would be willing to give up. So in order to obtain valuable minerals, the people of Zhu family first built a wharf and harbor from the periphery of the sea of stars and gravel, and then seeped through it little by little from the periphery like ants moving mountains.

Because the spirit stone adheres to the spirit of heaven and earth, once it appears, it is often one by one.

So in the process of digging in, as long as we find the spirit stone, we will take this point as the benchmark and continue to go in.

It is in this seemingly inefficient and stupid method that Zhu family successfully excavated several large ore veins with rich content in this sea of stars and gravel.

This is also the reason why Zhai family was jealous of it and plundered it by various shameful means.

After all, such a huge profit is enough to make anyone crazy.

Right now.

Zhai Devon led Zhai family's many elite to stand on the wharf at the forefront of the mining area.

The former convenience is a deep channel extending into the sea of stars and gravel.

On weekdays, this passage can be said to be full of people. The trams transporting Lingshi come in and go out, which is a hot scene.

But today, because of the need to enter the mining area to explore the cave of Xianzong, zhaidevon has long ordered to disperse all the miners, and strictly block the surrounding Star area, no one is allowed to enter.

Therefore, today's mining area is very quiet, with only the fine sound of Stardust collision coming from the sea of stardust.

At this time, zhaidevon stepped forward and asked with a smile: "holy lady, is Xianzong cave in this mine?"

The saint looked at the deep and silent passage in front of her and nodded.

"Yes! Through the breath of blessing the sage from your daughter and the oracle of the Lord wizard, we can conclude that the immortal cave is in this passage. "

"But we have explored it more than ten times before, and we haven't found anything unusual." An old Zhai parent was puzzled.

"The Oracle can't be wrong, so if you don't find something different, it only means that you don't have enough chance!" Said the virgin slowly.

Then she took a deep breath, moved her steps gently, and went straight to the passage.

The voodoo crowd followed.

Zhai Devon was even more unwilling to fall behind, for fear of being left behind again, so he said in a loud voice: "holy lady, I'll show you the way!"

Then he entered the passage first.

Seeing this, the saint and the old woman looked at each other, and then there was a sneer on her face.

Unfortunately, Zhai Devon, who was blindfolded by Xianzong cave, did not notice this at all. Instead, he was excited to lead the way.

As for the other members of the Zhai family, even though they felt that something was wrong, they did not dare to say anything because of the authority of the master.

In this way, the party soon came to the deepest part of the mine road, and the proven road ended there. If they went further, they would be the wild land without exploration. Once they entered it, the risk factor would increase sharply.

Zhai Devon stopped and said, "holy lady, if you go further, you will find the sea of stars and gravel. Do you have a specific route? Otherwise, once you get lost, you will be in trouble! ""Of course!"

With that, the saint reached out her hand to see the void in front of her.

In a flash, a layer of light curtain emerged, on which was a dense road map.

And in the middle of the road map is a golden dot of light.

The saint pointed to the spot, "this That's where Xianzong cave is

Seeing this scene, many people held their breath, and zhaidevon's eyes flashed a touch of greed.

The virgin then said, "if you want to enter it, this is the only way to go!"

With that, the saint's fingers glided on the light curtain and drew a zigzag line.

"Master Zhai, do you remember?"

Zhai Devon nodded excitedly, "remember!"

The saint girl smiles, "let's move on."


With that, zhaidevon rushed to the sea of stars and gravel. He had lost his mind completely.

Other people, including Zhai family, are the same. Under the great temptation of Xianzong cave, they completely forget the danger.

Among them, only Zhai Zhuqing's reason still exists. She looks pale at this scene, and her body keeps shrinking back. She seems to be extremely resistant to entering.

But at this time, the old woman appeared beside her, and then said: "girl Zhai, where are you going?"

Zhai Zhuqing was startled, and then forced to smile: "I I don't have to go in! "

"How can that be? After all Your father, the master of the Zhai family is right in front of you, so please do the same! "

Looking at the old woman's fake smile, Zhai Zhuqing had to resist the fear and follow her.

And then there are the saints and the voodoo people.

And just as they got deep into the sea of stars and gravel.

At the other end of the sea of stars and gravel, Xue an, Yue Qinghuan and Zhu Zhesheng also showed their bodies.

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