Looking at the vast and endless sea of stars and gravel, I wish the sage to kneel down and burst into tears.

"Father, uncle, unworthy offspring, Zhu Zhesheng is back!"

With that, he knocked his head heavily for three times, then raised his head and said with a fierce face: "if you wait for the spirit in heaven, and wait to see, I will make the Zhai family pay a thousand times the price this time."

On his side, he cried and laughed, gritted his teeth and swore.

On the other side, Yue Qinghuan came up to Xue an and said in surprise, "Xue an, how can I feel that this sea of stars and gravel is strange?"

Xue an has been gazing at the sea of stars and gravel since he appeared. Only when he heard Yue Qinghuan's words did he narrow his eyes.

"What's so strange?"

"The stars and gravel in the sea of stars and gravel seem to be in disorder, but in some places they seem to have some strange regularity, just like It's like... "

Yue Qinghuan frowned and thought for a long time, but suddenly his eyes brightened, "it's like the formation that our strategists listed when they were arranging troops."

Xue an turned her head and glanced at her, and found that although the girl was naive like a child sometimes, her eyes were sharp and terrible sometimes.

For example, after only a short time, she found the law in the sea of stars and gravel.

"What do you think?" Yue Qinghuan asked again.

Xue an nodded, and then said: "do you really think that such a vast sea of stars and gravel is out of thin air?"

Yue Qinghuan's eyes brightened. "You mean Is the sea of stars and gravel related to the immortal cave

"Of course, if I guess correctly, there should have been a huge and incomparable planet here. The immortal cave is on this planet, but I don't know why. The planet suddenly broke up and became like this under some unknown rules."

At this time, Zhu Zhesheng had calmed down his excitement and got close to him.

Therefore, after hearing Xue an's words, his face could not help showing a leisurely look, whispering.

"If all the pebbles in front of us come from a single planet, how huge the planet would be!"

Xue an didn't say a word, because from the point of view of the heavens, such a huge planet is against common sense and can't exist at all.

But on this day, everything can happen.

Yue Qinghuan thought differently from Zhu Zhesheng. She was shocked and said, "don't worry about the size of this planet. The key is what makes this planet what it is now?"

Now, all three were silent.

With Xue an's current strength, it is possible to destroy a small planet in the sky.

But it's almost impossible to destroy such a huge planet.

Because to such a great extent, this planet has definitely generated extremely strong laws of heaven, which can not be destroyed by ordinary means.

Even saints are not good enough.

Unless There are saints and above.

And this idea also makes Yue Qinghuan and Zhu Zhesheng's face become very dignified.

"It seems that the loss of Xianzong cave is not so simple!" Yue Qinghuan said.

Xue an then chuckled, "well, no matter who can do it, our top priority now is to get into the immortal cave before Zhai's house. I believe all our questions will be answered by then."

Hearing this, Yue Qinghuan nodded and then looked at Zhu Zhesheng.

"Didn't you say that there was a path unknown to anyone? Where is it? Don't point it out. "

Zhu Zhesheng said with a smile, "don't worry, Miss Yue. Since I said there is, there must be!"

With that, he suddenly tore open his sleeve and showed his lower arm.

"Well, what are you trying to do? I don't think I'll hide anything under the skin again! "

Yue Qinghuan stepped back and said helplessly.

"Of course not! In fact, I can't even find this path, so I have to rely on external forces! "

"So you tear your own clothes? Are you sure you're not a nudist? " Yue Qinghuan looked at Zhu Zhesheng's arm for a long time. He didn't find anything unusual, so he asked.

Zhu Zhesheng didn't speak. He just bit the tip of his tongue and spat out a mouthful of blood essence at his arm.


When the red blood fog fell, Zhu Zhesheng's arm immediately showed strange patterns.

In the blink of an eye, this decoration is all over Zhu Zhesheng's whole arm.

Only then did I see that it was a tattoo of a strange bird.

I saw this strange bird was red and independent. The most important thing was that it had three heads.

The three heads ran down the elbows to the wrists, and six eyes glowed abnormally red."That's the key to finding this path!" Zhu Zhesheng said.

"That's it? How can I find it? " Yue Qinghuan didn't believe it.

On the contrary, Xue an raised her eyebrows slightly, "this is "Standard"

Zhu Zhesheng was surprised. "You have good eyesight. That's right. This is the standard of strange birds in ancient times!"

It is said that this standard is one of the ancient alien species, with three feet and six tails.

But that's not the point. It's rumored that the bird has a strange trait.

Because this kind of bird is strong and loyal. Once it appears, it will be in pairs. Once one of them dies, the other will never forget it. No matter how far away it is, it can find its place.

So someone took advantage of their characteristics, killed one of them in the place where it needed to be marked, and then completely covered up all traces.

If you need to find it in the future, you can successfully find it through another standard.

Although this method is simple and crude, it can not be cracked and is extremely safe.

Zhu family obviously also uses this method to ensure the absolute safety of this path.

Zhu Zhesheng said in a deep voice: "this standard tattoo was handed down by an ancestor of my Zhu family. At that time, the ancestor of the genius found the path leading to Xianzong cave by some way, but he didn't dare to make a public statement. Instead, he secretly found a pair of standard tattoos to mark it!"

"This tattoo doesn't show at ordinary times, so no one knows. Because there is a standard soul in it, when using it, as long as you wake it up with blood essence, you can find the path according to the prompts!"

Zhu Zhesheng raised his arm and aimed at the sea of stars and gravel. With a little shaking, the eyes of the head on the left side of the standard began to twinkle.

"That's the entrance to the path. Follow me!"

With that, Zhu Zhesheng took the lead and went into it.

Xue an and Yue Qinghuan did not hesitate, and followed closely.

In the blink of an eye, the three disappeared in the vast sea of stars and gravel.

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