Although the sea of stars and gravel is vast, under the guidance of standard tattoos, the three people soon came to the center.

Here, the pebbles are as big as hills, and they are extremely dense. You must be very careful when you move, or you may collide with them.

Although Zhu Zhesheng, the worst of Xue an's three, is no less powerful than Xiandi, if he really collides with Xingshi in the core area, he will not have good fruit to eat.

First of all, after tens of millions of years of impact, all that can be left are extremely strong cores.

Its hardness is even higher than that of many pure gold and steel. It's really a great loss to collide with these stars and gravel in the flesh.

Secondly, the stars and gravels here are in a delicate state of balance. Once external forces intervene, this balance is likely to be broken, making these stars and gravels return to a chaotic state.

At that time, even the route of travel may change.

So Zhu Zhesheng and Yue Qinghuan could not be more careful at this time. They even dared not breathe loudly and walked cautiously.

As for Xue an, he was calm and easy to walk among the stars and gravel, like a leisurely walk in the courtyard, not contaminated with the slightest smoke.

After walking on for a while, Yue Qinghuan finally couldn't help asking, "haven't you arrived yet?"

Zhu Zhesheng shook his head, "not yet!"

"How far is that?"

Zhu Zhesheng said with a bitter smile: "to tell you the truth, this is my first time here, because there are strict rules at home. Unless you have to, you can't enter here without permission! But it looks like it's almost there! "

Yue Qinghuan turned his lips. "Besides these big stones, I don't think there's any danger here. As for being so timid?"

Zhu Zhesheng was embarrassed and just wanted to say something.

At this moment, Xue an suddenly stopped, and then said in a deep voice, "listen, there seems to be some strange sound!"

They also immediately stopped and listened to the movement around them.

But after listening for a long time, there was nothing different except the occasional crash.

Yue Qinghuan couldn't help saying, "I didn't hear anything! Did you hear me wrong? "

"No, I'll never hear it wrong. There was a strange sound just now!" Xue an said firmly.

At the same time, Xue an's eyes narrowed slightly and his sharp eyes went around to see some clues.

But this time it's still nothing.

This can not help but make Xue an slightly frown, he can be sure that he will never hear wrong.

It's a kind of mechanical sound.

But why did it disappear all of a sudden?

The dignified look on Xue an's face also frightened Zhu Zhesheng. He swallowed his saliva secretly, and a cold sweat appeared on his forehead. He leaned to Xue an's side quietly.

"Mr. Xue, do you find anything different?"

Xue an shook his head. "Not for the time being."

Yue Qinghuan said in a deep voice: "in this case, we'd better hurry, otherwise the more delay here, the more dangerous it will be!"

Now, that's all.

Xue an nodded, and the three continued to move forward.

But this time the three just left without a cup of tea, they heard a strange sound again.

And this time the three heard it together.

Now Yue Qinghuan's face changed, "what's the matter?"

Zhu Zhesheng's voice even trembled. "How can this voice be so creepy?"

Just listen to the sound of the gear turning from the surrounding stars.

The voice is very monotonous, but step by step close to Xue an people.


Xue an's eyes were full of brilliance. He raised his hand to shine on Yue Qinghuan.

Yue Qinghuan was surprised, but she didn't dodge, because she knew that Xue an would never attack her.

Sure enough.

I saw this palm from Yue Qinghuan's ear, directly to the back.


After a dull sound, Yue Qinghuan and Zhu Zhesheng look around.

See Xue an a hand dead to resist a machine tentacle that extends from the star gravel.

The whole body of the tentacle exudes a cold metallic luster, and there are several sharp claws on the top.

Seeing this, Yue Qinghuan broke out in a cold sweat.

Because just now she didn't even notice that she was approached by such a killer tentacle.

If Xue an hadn't found out in time, the consequences would have been unimaginable.

Zhu Zhesheng even changed his voice. "What is this?"

Xue an's eyes were bright and cold. "I have known for a long time that the place that can be called Xianzong cave has no guards."

"Guard?" Zhu Zhesheng exclaimed.

As soon as the voice fell, the mechanical tentacle twisted like a living creature, and the force was so great that Xue an's body began to vibrate.Xue an sneered, "want to escape? It's not that easy! "

Say, see Xue an's palm abruptly close, and force to turn toward the opposite direction.

Click, click!

Accompanied by a sound of metal distortion, the tentacle was twisted into a twist by Xue an, and then broke from the middle.

Sparks splashed, gears mixed with unknown oil scattered down.

Then the tentacle with only half of it was quickly retracted into the darkness.

Xue an threw away the other half of his hand, stepped out, and wanted to pursue.

At this time, I heard a loud bang.

Not far away from the three, several huge stars began to deform rapidly and turned into tall mechanical monsters in the blink of an eye.

These monsters all waved their long tentacles and attacked Xue an.

From the powerful power, we can see that these mechanical monsters at least have the strength of immortal.

As soon as Yue Qinghuan's eyes changed, he came to Xue an.

"What are you doing here?" Xue an Mu does not squint, light way.

"I'll fight with you, of course! After all, this is at least xianzun level mechanical creature Yue Qinghuan said.

"Ha ha!" Xue an chuckled, "it's not necessary for you to deal with these big men who have no brains but gears!"

Said, but see Xue an a dodge away from a tentacle attack, at the same time the tip of the foot a little tentacle of the front, forcefully stepped on the foot.

Then xue'an rushed up the mechanical tentacle like a cable.

In a flash, all the mechanical monsters aimed at Xue an, and countless tentacles waved in the air, and they came to Xue an.

But no matter how intensive the attack was, it didn't touch Xue an.

I saw him dodge left and right when he was moving rapidly. He dodged all the attacks to the top.

In a moment, Xue an rushed to the mechanical monster and kicked it out.


With a dull loud noise, the mechanical monster was kicked out by Xue an, and then exploded in the air. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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