The whole process seems complicated, but in fact, it took less than a flick of effort, and a mechanical monster was eliminated by Xue an.

Seeing this, Yue Qinghuan couldn't help shrinking his pupils and whispered: "this guy It seems to be getting stronger again! At this rate, even if there is no so-called chance, you will be promoted to xianzun in three years at most

While she was talking, the other mechanical monsters were also solved by Xue an.

It didn't even take a minute.

Then Xue an reappeared in front of them and said in a quiet voice: "now, hurry up!"

With the voice, the surrounding stars and gravel began to make a rumbling sound, which was obviously about to deform.

Zhu Zhesheng, who had been stunned by the sight, woke up immediately and looked down at the standard tattoo on his arm.

"Come on, this way!"

The three men immediately speeded up and ran in the direction indicated by the tattoo.

As soon as they left, all the stars around them turned into mechanical guards.

But by this time, Xue an and his three had left the area and went deeper.

Without finding the intruder, the mechanical guards let out a strange roar, then waved their tentacles wildly, pushing all the floating boulders nearby.

In an instant, the whole interior of the sea of stars and gravel was stirred.

The stones, which had been quiet for countless years, began to strike madly, making the whole core area a mess.

The Zhai family, who just came to the core area, and the voodoo sect are suffering.

"What's going on? Why has the sea of stars and gravel been so calm all of a sudden Zhai Dewen asked in surprise, and at the same time, he dodged a big stone that came straight at him.

But although he dodged, the parents who were standing behind him were not so lucky.

Only a scream was heard, and then the elders were crushed into meat cakes by the violent star gravel.

Not only that, but also the elite of the Zhai family who rushed to the front suffered heavy losses.

Because the speed of these pebbles is so fast, and there is no rules at all.

In the case of insufficient strength, all attacks are like tickling to these big stones.

So in the blink of an eye, the Zhai family lost at least 30% of its staff.

It's all the elite that the Zhai family has painstakingly cultivated.

Zhaidevon felt that his heart was dripping blood, and he could not help shouting: "holy lady, please help, otherwise the longer the delay, the more difficult it will be for us to break through here!"

Heard him say so, has been in the side of the virgin just slowly shot.

Her strength can be said to be the highest in the whole court, plus the blessing of the God of witchcraft, so she soon controlled the restless situation around her.

But she is not anxious, and because of this delay, Zhai home and several experts died.

Seeing this, Zhai Dewen knew that the Shamanism was intentional in order to weaken his own strength.

But now the situation is stronger than others, so he can only be angry.

At this time, the saint said with a light smile: "sorry, master of the Zhai. I just had a sudden accident. I don't know how to deal with these rampant stars and gravel, so I'm sorry for the delay."

Zhai de Wen said with a strong smile: "no harm!"

"Well, then, I'd like to ask the master of Zhai to continue to lead the way."

Zhai Devon didn't dare to say anything, so he had to continue to lead the Zhai family.

But this time, all the people who were greedy and thought Xianzong cave was just something in their own pocket were sober.

I started to flinch when I was on the road.

Even so, they finally met the mechanical monster when they moved forward a little bit.

Caught off guard, the Zhai family lost at least half of their staff at that time.

When he finally got rid of these mechanical monsters, zhaidevon looked back and found that there were only a dozen people with injuries left.

On the contrary, the loss of the sorcerer side is very small.

It was like a ladle of cold water, which made Zhai Devon shiver, and at the same time, there was a trace of regret in his heart.

If I had known this, I would never have cooperated with this sorcerer.

At this time, Zhai Zhuqing, who didn't know how to survive and didn't even get hurt, said in an almost pleading tone.

"Father, I don't know how far away it is from the Xianzong cave. We've lost all our lives. So we'd better leave now, or we'll have to explain it here!"

Zhaidevon's face was livid, and then he said with a bitter smile, "I don't know that? But do you think that up to now, the wizard will let us go? "

"For today's sake, we have to find the way to Xianzong cave as soon as possible!"

At this time, the old woman of the Shamanism came over and said with a fake smile: "master of the Zhai family, the saint asked me to ask you, why don't you stop and go?"Zhai Devon quickly changed into a smiling face, "just a little rest, we'll go now!"

"That's good. The saint also said that it's not far from the immortal cave when we get here. The master of Zhai family should not retreat at this time, otherwise all previous achievements will be wasted."

"Yes, yes! Please don't worry, your holiness. These zhaimou understand! "

With that, Zhai Devon said to the injured and disabled Generals: "let's go, let's go!"

As he drove forward, the smile on the old woman's face gradually became cold and turned into a cold killing opportunity.

"Even your life doesn't belong to you. Do you want to save your strength? What a daydream

Just as the Zhai family and the wushenjiao group were marching towards the immortal cave, each with his own ghost.

Xue an and his three finally followed the path to a very mysterious place.

Looking at the light curtain in front of him emitting a light orange light, I wish Zhesheng's face was gradually excited.

"At last, it's as bright as fire This is the edge of Xianzong cave. As long as you go through this barrier again, you will find the real immortal cave. "

Yue Qinghuan walks to the front of the light curtain. He just wants to touch it and is stopped by Xue an.

"Don't move!"

Yue Qinghuan stopped and looked at Xue an, "what's the matter?"

Xue an was deeply staring at the light curtain, and his eyes were full of mixed luster of joy and shock. Then he said slowly.

"This light curtain seems to be thin, but in fact it has a very strong power. Once it is touched, it will lead to sky fire. With your current strength, even if you don't die, you will be seriously injured!"

Yue Qinghuan's face was shocked, "is the sky burning?"

Xue an nodded and breathed out slowly, "I think I know what this immortal cave is for cultivation!"

"It's obviously a fire monastery to be bounded by heavenly fire!"

With that, Xue an stretched out his hand, and a bright red flame appeared in the palm of his hand. It was the divine flame he had.

At the moment, the flame was beating in Xue an's hands, just like people cheering, it was very excited. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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