Xue an didn't talk nonsense, he continued to move forward.

Similar to the beginning, every step of the next will have a flame, but under the suppression of Xue Anmei's red lotus fire, all of them will be gathered as lotus flowers for the three to walk.

Soon, the three had gone deep into the lake.

At this time, the color of the lotus is close to the cyan that just burned the spirit stone into nothingness. However, when you step on it, you still can't feel any heat.

But no one doubts the horror of the fire.

Yue Qinghuan couldn't help but said, "before we got to the center of the lake, the flame was so terrible. What color should the flame be?"

"Black, I guess! After all, the color of the flame is gradually deepening along the way

"I don't think it's white when it's dark. It should be white!"

They began to discuss the color of the flame, but Xue an kept silent and strode forward.

As expected, the color of the flame began to deepen gradually, from cyan to dark blue, and finally became a color similar to dark green.

When they arrived here, Yue Qinghuan and Zhu Zhesheng stopped talking.

Because the flame here is almost black. When it condenses into a lotus, it still exudes terrible power. You can imagine how high its temperature should be.

When the color of the lotus is completely black, the journey is finally over.

At this time, Xue an suddenly stopped.

"What's the matter?" Yue Qinghuan asked immediately.

Xue an took a deep breath, feeling the joy and expectation of the red lotus fire between his eyebrows, and then said in a deep voice: "nothing, just a little shocked!"

Yue Qinghuan was a little surprised.

It was the first time that Yue Qinghuan heard Xue an say "shocked" from the first time he saw Xue an to the present day.

She even thought that Xue an would never be shocked because of the fact that Mount Tai was falling in front of her.

But now I don't seem to see anything?

So what was he shocked by?

Yue Qinghuan was a little confused.

Meanwhile, Xue an continued to move forward.

This time, when the flame condenses into a lotus, the color seems to be a little lighter, but the power is stronger.

Soon, after dozens of steps, the color of the flame has become almost pure white.

But Xue an's eyebrows are full of excitement. If it wasn't for Xue an's pressure, I would like to fly into the lake now.

Yue Qinghuan and Zhu Zhesheng didn't know, because they didn't know that the red lotus fire Xue an used today was actually made of two kinds of flames.

And one of the flames is the almost pure white flame at the foot.

At that time, this kind of white flame, known as divine flame, was obtained by Xue an in an extremely accidental situation.

Although it is only a tiny candle, it still has incomparable power.

Relying on it, Xue an was able to attain the position of immortal in his first life.

At that time, Xue an thought that this kind of flame must be a very rare abnormal fire.

But unexpectedly, after waiting for this fire monastery, I looked at the boundless "water surface" in front of me and the lotus under my feet, which was condensed by pure white flame.

Even Xue an couldn't help being aphasic.

It's like an old farmer who has never seen the world went to the palace with his most proud treasure, only to find that even the floor tiles here are worth more than his treasure. It's full of frustration and powerlessness.

However, Xue an didn't stay in this feeling for long. He took a deep breath, calmed the restless Honglian yehuo, and continued to march forward.

By this time, the mountain was far away.

And the closer you get, the more you can feel the vastness of the mountain.

It's like a giant who stands up to heaven and earth, full of oppression.

As we get closer, we can see some buildings standing at the foot of the mountain.

This made all three of them cheer up, and then speed up to go forward.

In the blink of an eye, the three had already crossed a large area of water. When the color of the flame lotus had become almost transparent, they finally saw the buildings on the opposite bank.

Xue an said in a deep voice, "get ready and fly over!"


After stepping on the lotus flower again, the three men lifted their bodies, flew over this section of water in a flash, and then landed on the land.

The moment they landed, they were all ready to resist the enemy.

But unexpectedly, the surrounding area is very quiet, and there is no mechanism trap or guard as expected.

Yue Qinghuan was relieved. When Zhu Zhesheng looked back, he found that the lotus was still there. He couldn't help hesitating.

"Mr. Xue, are these lotus flowers in this way?"

"What? Is there a problem? "

"Well Of course, there is no problem, but if the Zhai family comes"Don't worry, if they don't go, these lotus flowers are OK. If they really want to go, they will be a big surprise!"

As he spoke, Xue an looked up at the buildings in front of him.

It can be seen that these buildings should have been used for ordinary people to live in. There are all kinds of pubs and teahouses, just like a small town.

But at the moment, the town is empty, even without a trace of wind, just like a dead area.

As they passed through the streets of the town, Yue Qinghuan frowned.

"It's strange that if this immortal cave is abandoned by people, why is everything in this small town in good order, without any trace of fighting?"

"Yes! I just saw that the door of a tavern was still open and there were wine bowls on the table, but I didn't even see a corpse! It's as if the people in this small town suddenly evaporated together. "

Speaking of this, Zhu Zhesheng can't help imagining the terrible scene, and then he excites Lingling to shiver.

But Xue an didn't say a word, but sped up his pace.

This small town is not big. It soon passes by and comes to the foot of the mountain.

As soon as we got closer, we found that the mountain was red as if it had been roasted by fire, and there was a stone path winding up.

But Xue an's attention was not on these. He looked down at the mountain base connecting with the ground, showing a thoughtful look.

"What's the matter?" Yue Qinghuan also looked down for a long time, but did not find anything strange, can not help but ask.

"Do you think this mountain is incomplete, like There's only half left, and it's like being put here! " Xue an said in a deep voice.

Yue Qinghuan and his wife were startled. They immediately looked and found that the place where the mountain meets the ground is strange.

It's so good. It's like being put here.

Zhu Zhesheng said in a trembling voice: "if only half of it is so high, how high should the mountain be before? Who has the ability to break it and put it here? "

Xue an didn't say a word, but climbed the steps and strode up.

The two followed.

At their speed, but in the blink of an eye, they came to the hillside, and then a platform appeared in front of them.

On the platform, there is a Mountain Gate archway made of flawless jade.

Although the archway has been damaged, the plaque is still there.

There are three big characters written in extremely ancient seal style.

Not Zhoushan!

At the sight of these three words, Xue Anru was struck by lightning and froze in the same place at that time.

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