"What's the matter? What's wrong? " Yue Qinghuan, aware of Xue an's abnormality, immediately asks.

She had never seen a look of such shock in Xue an's face, as if something had happened that he could not understand.

Xue an smell speech finally gradually recover, then slowly spit out breath, shook his head, "nothing!"

Even so, his voice still trembled slightly.

Seeing this, Yue Qinghuan wisely shut his mouth and stopped asking.

Because she is very clear, it must be something that she can't understand, otherwise Xue an would not be so impolite.

But the question is what happened?

Mingming was fine just now?

Is this archway different?

Yue Qing couldn't help looking around to see what could shock Xue an.

But she never dreamed that Xue an's gaffe only came from the three words on the memorial archway.

Not Zhoushan!

In ancient Chinese myths and legends, this mountain is the pillar of heaven, and it is also the only way to connect the human world and the heaven world except for the East China Sea Fusang wood.

Later, because of the incompatibility between the ancient water god Gonggong and the fire god zhurong, it led to a big war. In this war, Gonggong ran into buzhoushan in anger, which eventually led to the collapse of the Tianzhu and the severance of Diwei.

There is such a record in Huainanzi astronomical training.

The pillars of heaven are broken, the earth is vast, the sky is tilted to the northwest, so the sun, the moon and the stars are moving, and the earth is dissatisfied with the southeast, so the water and dust are returning.

That is to say, because of the rupture of Buzhou mountain, the sky without support tilted to the northwest, and the sun, moon and stars moved with it, while the southeast land collapsed, causing floods all over the sky.

So later, the legend of Nuwa mending the sky and so on came out.

This story is familiar to almost every Chinese from childhood, and Xue an is no exception.

But no matter who it is, they just regard it as a myth.

Unexpectedly, today in the sky, he saw the real Buzhou mountain.

Although only half of it, it still made Xue an feel terrible.

Because this at least shows one point, that is, the ancient Chinese myths and legends are not illusory, at least this is not the real existence of Zhoushan.

If Zhoushan does not exist, Gonggong, zhurong and even Nuwa will be real.

In this way, the whole thing becomes more and more complicated.

Why did the ancient Chinese legend of Mount Buzhou appear here?

Where's the rest?

Who put it here?

Since these ancient gods are real, where are they now?

Why didn't they show up in that Chinese catastrophe?

This innumerable questions surged into Xue an's mind, which made him become a little confused.

But soon he put down all the doubts in his heart and said in a deep voice, "let's go! The immortal cave should be on the top of the mountain. "

After that, Xue an strode to the top of the mountain.

Yue Qinghuan and Zhu Zhesheng look at each other. They all don't understand what happened to Xue an.

However, the two soon put their doubts behind them and followed closely.

Just as Xue an and his party strode to the top of the mountain, Zhai family and Shamanism finally came out of the light curtain.

When he saw the orange light curtain, zhaidevon immediately became excited and yelled, "holy lady, here we are. This should be where the immortal cave is!"

When he said this, zhaidevon's nose was sour and he almost burst into tears.

Because after this journey, he had few people left, and only a few elders and his daughter were left behind.

Without exception, the elite families who set out died on the road for various reasons.

All this made zhaidevon feel great pressure, so when he finally saw Xianzong cave, he was almost in tears with joy.


I've finally come out!

At the same time, the saint of the sorceress led her men to step forward. After looking at the light curtain in front of her, she turned back and looked at the old woman.

The old woman nodded to her imperceptibly.

The saint said with a smile, "it's really Xianzong cave. It's really hard for you to be the master of the house!"

Zhai Devon shook his head. "The saint is too polite. It's just Zhai's duty! The key now is that this layer of light curtain is obviously not an easy place. How can we go through the past? "

"Ha ha!" The saint chuckled, "it's no trouble for the master of Laozhai. I've been prepared for that!"

After that, the saint waved to the people behind her.

These sorcerers immediately came forward and arranged the formation with their law enforcement weapons.Zhaidevon blinked. He didn't understand what witchcraft was about.

Do you want to dance before the light curtain?

But the next second, his eyes will instantly open.

Because at this moment, all of a sudden, the voodoo people drank together, and then began to recite some very strange Scripture.

Along with chanting, they also waved the magic weapon in their hands.

In the blink of an eye, there was a strong wind in the void, and a stream of black air rushed to the light curtain.

These black gases seem to have some very strong corrosivity. Once they are stained on the light curtain, they will corrode immediately.

But in a moment, the light curtain dimmed at the speed visible to the naked eye, and then with a click, it broke into a big hole.

"Master Zhai, please The saint said faintly, then stepped into it.

Zhaidevon made the spirit shiver, because for the first time he learned the strangeness and horror of this sorcery.

However, seeing that Xianzong cave was close at hand, zhaidevon finally gritted his teeth under the influence of greed.


The group quickly passed through the light curtain, but when they saw the lotus flowers on the lake, the saint couldn't help turning pale.

"No! Someone got there first! "

When this was said, there was a commotion among the people.

It's hopeless.

After a lot of hard work, I finally came to Xianzong cave, but I didn't expect that someone had got there first.

The saint's face was livid, and zhaidevon was sweating.

"How could this happen? Who would be the first to get there?"

One side of zhaizhuqing suddenly pale said: "is Zhu Zhesheng."

"How can it be that he is not locked up in zuisheng building in Linglong city?" Zhaidevon can't believe it.

Zhai Zhuqing said in a trembling voice, "but only he knows this immortal cave except us!"

"Don't worry about so much. Now it's the most important thing to enter that mountain first. Look at this, I wish Zhesheng didn't come too long. We still have a chance!"

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