A big elder of Zhai's family said while he couldn't wait to get on the lotus flower nearest to the shore.

But as soon as he stepped on the lotus, he heard a roar, and a flame rose up, directly wrapping him in it.

"Ah, ah The elder uttered a shrill cry, and then struggled.

"Elder!" Zhaidevon could not help but scream and wanted to come forward to save him.

But then he was grabbed by his daughter zhaizhuqing.

"It's no use. You can't save him. He's dead!" Zhai bamboo green trembling voice.

Sure enough.

The elder just struggled a few times, then fell straight back. Before he touched the lake, he was burned to ashes by the fire and disappeared.


The whole audience couldn't help taking a breath.

You know, those who can come here are not easy people. The elder is the second to none in the Zhai family. However, he didn't expect that he would be burned to ashes just by stepping on the lotus.

How terrible is this lotus?

When everyone was shocked, the saint suddenly gave a cold hum.

"How dare you stop me? God of witchcraft


A terrible power emerged from her, and then a virtual image of a blue faced sorcerer appeared in front of the public.

This Sorcerer's face is vague, and it's frightening to sit there.

Then he saw the sorcerer, slowly stretched out his hand and pressed it down.

In the middle of the journey, it turned into a huge palm, just above the great lake, like a bridge connecting the bank and the mountain.


The lake under the palm burst into flames, burning the palm madly.

The power of the green faced sorcerer dissipated rapidly.

"Go! This sorcerer can only last a quarter of an hour Cried the virgin in a deep voice, and then rushed ahead.

People see this scene, immediately followed up.

All the people who can get here are loud and strong, so they quickly cross the lake, come to the foot of the mountain, and climb up the steps.

At the same time, Xue an and his three finally reached the top of the mountain.

You know, with the speed of the three of them, you can cross thousands of miles in an instant.

But just like this, they still used it for a long time before they reached the top, which shows how towering the mountain is.

At this moment, the surrounding environment has become almost pure black, like the vast space in general.

In such an environment, a palace stands alone.

The palace is very desolate and simple, and it is full of traces left by fighting. Even so, it still has a kind of soul catching magic, which makes people dare not look directly at it.

"Vulcan palace..." Zhu Zhesheng read out the plaque hanging above the palace, and then looked at Xue an with an excited face.

"Mr. Xue, this should be the real immortal cave!"

Xue an had no joy, and even his eyes became extremely quiet.

"The secret of Zhu's family, which has been waiting for decades, will finally be revealed in my hands!" Zhu Zhesheng was so excited that he couldn't control himself. He couldn't help walking forward and wanted to enter the palace as soon as possible.

But as soon as he took a step, even his toes just touched the ground, his whole body suddenly disappeared.

That's right.

It's literally gone.

It was as if some magical power had wiped him away. He disappeared in an instant.

Yue Qinghuan exclaimed, "how..."

Before she could say the following, she disappeared.

This sudden change is enough to make anyone confused, but Xue an just slightly raised his eyebrows, and then raised his eyes to look forward.

Because at this moment, the scene in front of him also changed dramatically.

Overhead that empty void disappeared, replaced by countless wisps of flame as a light, just like the sky stars like the high dome.

At the foot of the land has become a brick made of pyrolusite polished.

But all this is not the main thing. The most important thing is that there is a tall shrine in front of us, on which stands a statue.

The statue was dressed in a scarlet robe. Although his face was obscured by the darkness and could not be seen clearly, he could still feel the incomparable majesty of his body.

Standing in front of him, even Xue an, seemed very small at the moment.

Xue an's eyes were like two burning flames, gazing at the statue, and then slowly said: "the God of fire wishes harmony?"

It seemed that he had heard his cry. Suddenly, a sigh came from the statue, and then a dignified voice came."Why don't you kneel when you know it's me?"

The sound rumbled in the huge temple, full of frightening pressure.

But even in this rolling sound, Xue an still stands like a sword.

"Why do I kneel? Because you're a God? "

His voice was as cold as ice, but unexpectedly, instead of being angry, the statue chuckled.

"Sure enough, they are Chinese people. Their bones are hard enough!"

Xue an looked at the statue with bright eyes.


But a man with a crown appeared in front of the statue.

After the man appeared, the whole hall was a little bright.

"I didn't expect that after countless years, there would be Chinese descendants stepping on this land!"

Xue an didn't say a word, just looked at the man thoughtfully.

"Why! Why is it so busy today? There are a group of people outside, including the smell of witchcraft. Young man, is that your companion? "

"Nothing but the two who just came with me!" Xue an said in a deep voice.

"Ha ha, in that case, let them stay outside for a while! As for your two companions, you don't have to worry. I just want them to go to other places to have a rest. After all, only Chinese people are qualified to enter this temple! "

"So, you are really Zhu Rong, the God of fire, and this is really the Buzhou mountain in the legend?" Xue an ignored the man's nagging and asked directly.

"Who else do you think is qualified to be called Vulcan? As for this mountain... "

"Of course, it's not Zhoushan!"

Speaking of this, the man suddenly flashed, and then came to Xue an's body.

"You not only have the smell of Chinese, but also have a very special flame. It seems to be pure white sky fire, but also mixed with other things. Can you let me have a look?"

Although it is to use the tone of discussion, but the next moment, Xue an know the red lotus fire in the sea will involuntarily fly out a wisp, came to the man's front.

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