The man said to Xue an with a smile, "young Chinese, it's fate that you can come here. Now I'll give you a great chance. Are you willing?"

"What chance?" Xue an said coldly.

"Very simple, I will give you this wisp of flame, as long as you swallow it, your red lotus fire will be promoted again, reaching an unprecedented height! At that time, you are not only invincible at the same level, but also easy to kill the strong one who is higher than you

"Is it really that powerful?"

"Of course!"

The man swore that he was about to raise his hand to pat his chest as a guarantee, but he suddenly remembered something. He quickly put his hand down again and looked at Xue an with some guilty heart, as if he was afraid that he would see something.

But Xue an didn't seem to be aware of all this. Instead, she showed a surprise smile.

"If that's true, it would be great. Now give me the flame! I'm in a hurry to use it! "

With that, Xue an reached for the flame in the man's hand.

"Oh, don't worry!" The man was pleased in his heart, but he pretended to be calm and light. He stepped back with a smile and dodged Xue an's hand.

"What's the matter? Didn't you just say you wanted to give me a chance? Want to go back? " Xue an doesn't understand a way.

"Of course not. I'm a god of fire. How can I go back on my words! I just want to tell you that this flame is a strange fire first bred by the chaotic Qi at the beginning of the universe. It is extremely powerful. I will give it to you directly. You will not only swallow it but also be hurt! "

"What about that?" Xue an asked anxiously.

"Ha ha, if you want to get this chance, there is only one way, that is, I temporarily occupy your body, and refine the flame for you through my unique Vulcan constitution in the world. Young man, what do you think?"

Xue an hesitated.

The man quickly added: "don't worry, I'm the ancient god of fire. I don't mean anything else. I just think you're a Chinese descendant, so I want to help you!"

Xue an hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded, "OK! In order to get this chance, do as you say! "

The man was overjoyed, but on the surface he did his best not to show it, just said faintly: "good! In that case, you can relax now and open the sea of knowledge! "

Xue an does as he says. The man laughs and can't wait to fly into Xue an's sea of knowledge.

But at this time, Xue an suddenly opened his eyes, some doubt said: "are you sure you will give me this flame?"

"Of course, what I said can be regretted!"

"No danger?"

"Don't worry, absolutely not!"

Xue an did not say a word, just quietly looking at the man.

The man was anxious to scratch his heart, but he didn't dare to show it. He could only look at Xue an with a dignified face.

"If you don't want to, you can give up now, but it's a pity that you have this chance!"

Then he sighed with pity.

"Well, let's go!" After that, Xue an closed his eyes again, and then opened the sea of knowledge.

The man almost cheered, but when he came to his mouth, he coughed and said, "relax, I'm coming!"

With the voice, but see his body flash, suddenly into a wisp of fire, flying into the sea of knowledge of Xue an.

That kind of urgent mood was like being afraid that Xue an would run away.

But he didn't find it at all. At the moment when he just flew into the sea of knowledge, a smile appeared in the corner of Xue an's mouth. Then the brilliance in his eyes gradually quieted down, and all his thoughts sank into the sea of knowledge.

At the same time, the man opened his eyes confidently and saw a vast wilderness.

He can't help but be quite surprised to say: "really didn't see, this person's knowledge sea unexpectedly so vast, visible its talent is really good!"

Speaking of this, he couldn't help getting more excited.

"Hey, no matter how good it is, it's not my wedding dress?"

Just as he was preparing for the next move, Xue an's voice came from a distance, "Oh? Is that right? "

With that, Xue an's figure emerged and looked at him with a smile.

The man was stunned, even though he coughed awkwardly, "cough, I think you misunderstood, I just mean..."

Before he finished speaking, Xue an waved his hand. "There's no need to explain. In fact, I already know that you are not the real God of fire Zhu Rong. What's more, I know that your so-called giving me the opportunity is just trying to seize the opportunity to take possession of my body!"

With this, the man's eyes were full of brilliance, and then the smile on his face quickly converged, looking coldly at Xue an.

"So you knew it!"

"Of course! In fact, from the moment I stepped into this temple, I knew that you would never be the real God of fire! ""Oh? Why are you so sure? "

"Because if it was the ancient god of fire, do you think he would stay in such a tomb?"

Hearing that Xue an described the temple with a tomb, the man's face changed again.

"You even know that?"

"Ha ha, what's hard to guess? This Buzhou mountain is incomplete, and this fire temple has no aura, and it has no style that ancient immortal sect should have, so it's not an immortal sect cave at all, but a tomb!"

"A tomb holding ancient strange fire! And you... "

Xue an's eyes were shining. "It's a wisp of strange fire that opens wisdom for unknown reasons, right?"

As soon as he said this, the man looked up to the sky and laughed. In the laughter, his image began to change rapidly, from a dignified man to a young man full of aura in the blink of an eye.

"Chinese man, I have to admit that you are really smart enough, but I still have a question!"

"Say it

"Since you know this, why do you let me into your sea of knowledge?"

Xue an laughed. "What do you think?"

The young man's smile grew colder and colder? Want to conquer me? "

"Can't you?"

"Ha ha! What a joke The boy sneered with disdain.

"In fact, you've just said something wrong. Although I'm the essence of different fire, I'm not only a wisp, but a product of thousands of fire gathering and refining. So I can be regarded as the ancestor of thousands of fire. I can command all the fire in the world with every move!"

Speaking of this, the young man glanced at Xue an with complacency.

But Xue an shrugged, "Oh? So that's it. And then what? "

"And then?"

The young man was completely angered by Xue an's understatement. With a roar, countless different colors of fire appeared around his body.

"And then I'm going to make you my incarnation today and get out of this place!"

Words fall, ten thousand fire together, straight to Xue an. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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