But just in the middle of the fire, it was an invisible force stuck in the air, and then dissipated like fireworks.

The teenager was shocked and roared in disbelief: "how could it be like this!"

Xue an light smile, "why not, I think you should forget, here is whose home!"

With the voice, but see Xue an's eyes shining, incomparably vast and majestic ideas suddenly emerge, the young trapped in the middle.

The youth suddenly turned pale.

Because he never dreamed that a guy who was only a half step immortal would have such a powerful idea.

He could not help crying in his heart.

If you had known that, he would not have dared to enter Xue an's sea of knowledge.

Although the boy entered the Tao with fire, he could control the fire in the world, but he was not born wise after all, so his mind was weak.

Under the change, the youngsters are naturally frightened.

But now it's too late to regret.

Therefore, the youth gritted his teeth, "whose home is the same, today either you die or I live, take life!"

With that, the boy's body suddenly turned into a firelight, and then appeared behind Xue an with a blow.

Xue an didn't even look behind him, but said faintly: "you still don't understand. If I don't allow you to come here, it's a kind of extravagant hope for you to even struggle!"

Words fall, countless vines emerge out of thin air, directly tied up the young bear solid, and put it in the air.

The boy struggled several times without success, and his eyes were shocked.

At the same time, Xue an slowly turned around and looked at him playfully.

"Is there anything else you want to say?"

From this simple sentence, Xue an felt the palpitation of his pupils.

"Boy, don't think you can subdue me by trapping me. I tell you, it's useless. As the body of fire spirit, I'm not what you can touch! No matter how strong your mind is, it's useless! " The young man roared angrily.

But Xue an chuckled, and then said slowly, "touch your fingers? It's not a very good word. It's like I'm a rascal who teases good women! "

This sentence reminds the young man that his eyes blink, and the whole person turns into a charming beauty in a flash.

Then "he" gave Xue an a smile and said in a very beautiful female voice, "my Lord, the little girl is wrong. Can you let me go?"

To tell you the truth, the beauty of the woman was the only thing Xue an had ever seen in her life.

Moreover, unlike Anyan's gentle atmosphere and Yue Qinghuan's beautiful appearance, this woman's appearance is almost unreal, giving people a strong sense of unreal.

But it is this feeling that sets off the extraordinary "he".

At least Xue an's eyes were full of amazement.

Seems to have noticed this scene, the smile on his face becomes more sincere, and he looks forward to Xue an.

Among other things, the gentle eyes alone are not what ordinary people can resist.

But Xue an chuckled at this time, "if I don't know that Huoling has no gender, I might be cheated by you!"

As soon as this remark came out, the "woman" lost her voice in an instant, and then changed back to the image of a young man again.

"How about another way?"

"Oh? In what way? "

"What you want is just chance. I can give you a wisp of flame to help you advance, but only if you let me go first!"

After that, the young man looked up at Xue an coldly, looking forward to an unspeakable pride, as if his proposal was a great gift.

Xue an looked at the boy and suddenly laughed.

"It seems that you haven't set your position right up to now. Since I can catch you, why don't I directly absorb all your flames, but also accept your so-called gift?"

"Because you can't do it!" The boy sneered.

"I just said that you can't swallow my flame without my permission, understand?"

"So sure?" Xue an said with a smile.

"Of course!" The young man's chin is higher.

"Ha ha, look what it is

Say, Xue an lightly claps a palm, a man's figure then appeared behind Xue an, then bow body to salute a way.


When he saw the man, the young man's eyes suddenly widened and cried out two words in disbelief.


Xue an said with a smile: "yes, it's Taotie!"

Speaking of this, Xue an looked at the boy with a playful face, "do you think that with this ancient beast that likes to swallow things most, it is possible to digest your flame?"This fire spirit never dreamed that Xue an had such a fierce beast in ancient times. Taotie usually liked to devour all kinds of treasures.

Unfortunately, he is a treasure in Taotie's eyes.

So, when he saw the greed in Taotie's eyes, he could not help shaking.

"In fact, I didn't want to do anything so absolutely. The problem is that you had impure motives from the beginning. First, you tried to lure me into cheating, and then you took possession of me by means. If I didn't realize it early, you might have fallen into your way and died."

"So it's all your fault to end up in this situation." Xue an sighed.

The words made the boy's face paler and paler, and there was a strong sense of despair in his eyes.

Because it's obviously a harbinger of action.

Sure enough.

The Taotie behind Xue an suddenly opened his mouth, and a ball of light flew into Xue an's body.

It is Taotie's proudest phagocytic ability.

After acquiring this ability, Xue an walked towards the youth.

The young man was terrified and suddenly crossed his heart.

"Since you don't want to let me go, let's kill myself."

Words fall, the youth's eyes shine.

Xue an moved in his heart, and then asked in a cold voice, "have you untied the prohibition of Huoshen palace?"

"That's right!" By this time, the teenager was almost crazy.

"Now, you and your two friends will be exposed, and if I guess correctly, those people outside are your enemies, right? Now, I'll see how you deal with it! "

"Because even if you devour me, there is no chance to get out of this world! Ha ha ha ha ha

The boy laughed.

Xue an's eyes showed a touch of anger. The vines that bound the young man instantly inserted into the young man's body. At the same time, Xue an madly urged the phagocytic ability borrowed from Taotie, and began to devour and absorb the huge flame.

Because Xue an is very clear that this will be the only way to break the game.

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