If he turns and leaves now to deal with those people outside, he will be trapped by the fire spirit.

Because if he didn't suppress it himself, he would run away immediately.

So for today's plan, we have to swallow the fire essence thoroughly as soon as possible, and take the flame for our own use.


When the mighty flame force rushed into Xue an's spirit, Xue an was shocked by the powerful impact.

He knew that he was going to be in a state of seclusion, otherwise he would not be able to absorb all this.

So he yelled at the end, "Taotie, now you go out of the sea and protect the Dharma for me!"

Looking at Xue an, whose spirit was unstable due to the influx of flames, Taotie was silent for a moment, then bowed his head deeply.


After that, he flashed out of the sea of knowledge.

As soon as he left, Xue an's sea of knowledge was completely closed and he began to deal with the fire spirit with all his strength.

At the same time, outside the fire temple, the sorcerer religion and the Zhai family, who were under close blockade, all noticed the difference at the first time when the prohibition disappeared.

"The prohibition has disappeared. Those people should still be in it. Rush in immediately!" The Sorcerer's Saint cried decisively.

Hearing the news, they rushed to the fire palace.

Because Xianzong cave is right in front of us. If we can get in first, we may get some benefits.

With this idea, people rushed into the fire palace in a swarm.

Especially Zhai family, Zhai Devon, who has paid a heavy price for coming here, is even a little crazy at the moment.

But when the crowd rushed in, they found that none of the imaginary secret scripts of Tiancai and Dibao had appeared.

On the contrary, there is only an empty hall.

And the moment they rushed into the hall.

Yue Qinghuan and Zhu Zhesheng, who had been fascinated by the fire spirit before, just woke up.

Both sides just hit each other, can't help looking at each other, all Leng in situ.

Zhu Zhesheng was the first to break this strange silence, and he shivered and pointed to zhaizhuqing.

"Bitch, you betrayed me!"

Zhai bamboo green face color is pale, some guilty of pushed back.

On this side, the saint of the sorceress sneered, "I didn't expect that the people of the military also joined in?"

Yue Qinghuan, who had just woken up in the dreamland, glanced at his hair and said with a sneer, "Shu ling'er, don't you stay in the Shamanism, but come here?"

That's right!

Yue Qinghuan knew the saint of the sorceress.

Both of them are the best of Tianwaitian's younger generation. They have met more than once, but are they related.

That's a matter of opinion.

At least as a descendant of one of the hundred schools of Military Science in ancient times, Yue Qinghuan did not look up to the saint of witchcraft in any way.

And Shu ling'er also thinks that Yue Qinghuan only relies on family power to show off her power. Moreover, the situation of the Yue family is getting worse now, so she also disdains Yue Qinghuan.

And after they met in this place, they were even more at daggers drawn.

However, at this time, it shows the great disparity of strength between the two sides.

Shu ling'er's leaders are all the elites of the sorcerer religion. Although the Zhai family suffered heavy casualties, they are all the powerful people who can survive in the end.

Yue Qinghuan and Zhu Zhesheng are the only two people here, and Zhu Zhesheng's strength is not worth mentioning.

So even though Yue Qinghuan kept on, he was still forced to retreat.

Seeing this, Shu ling'er could not help but sneer, "Yue Qinghuan, I didn't expect you to have today! Yes? The usual arrogance and arrogance? Where is it all? "

Shu ling'er thought that Yue Qinghuan didn't dare to say anything at this time, but she didn't expect that Yue Qinghuan would not hesitate to reply after hearing this sentence: "I've always been arrogant. I'm not convinced. Now come and beat me!"

Shu ling'er's eyes became gloomy gradually.

To be honest, she really doesn't want to have a confrontation with Yue Qinghuan.

After all, no matter how weak the Yue family is now, it's also a branch of all the ancient families, not to mention Yue Qinghuan's legendary brother.

So she hesitated.

At this time, in front of the shrine in the main hall, a burst of fire suddenly appeared, and then Xue an's figure appeared.

He sat with his back to the crowd, and his momentum was even more turbulent.

Everyone was stunned.

Shu ling'er was the first to respond, "quick, catch him!"

With an order, everyone, including Zhai's family, rushed forward to deal with Xue an.Yue Qinghuan then reacted, and a flash appeared behind Xue an, trying to block these people.

But with her own strength, how can she be the opponent of so many people.

At this time, with a roar, Taotie appeared in the field, and then clapped.

The elite of the voodoo sect who rushed to the front were shattered without a hum.

Then Taotie fell on the ground and said in a deep voice: "Taotie is here. I see who dares to hurt my Lord!"


In an instant, the pupils of all the people present were all constricted.

Shu ling'er looked at Taotie in disbelief and murmured, "how can this happen? How can Taotie recognize the human race as the main one?"

But the fact was in front of her, and she couldn't help believing it.

Now, she's a bit of a rat.

Because what she is good at is to summon the God of witchcraft to come, but the talent of Taotie just restrains her.

Therefore, she could only look at xue'an sitting in the distance with an iron face, and her eyes were full of reluctance.

But it's impossible for her to just give up.

After all, she has used a lot of religious resources for this event. If she fails, even if she is a saint, she will seriously shake her position.

So she did not move a look to the left and right to make a look, the people around will lead God, immediately left and right scattered, Yue Qinghuan and Taotie and others are surrounded.

Not only that, Shu ling'er quietly pinched the seal and sent a message to ask for help.

What she thought was very simple. Don't you want to protect this person?

Well, let's spend it together. Let's see if the person you protect wakes up first or my reinforcements arrive first.

The situation then entered a state of confrontation.

Taotie didn't say a word and stood by Xue an's side to be ready.

Zhu Zhesheng then approached Yue Qinghuan and said in a low voice, "Miss Yue, these people obviously want to strangle us. What should we do now?"

Yue Qinghuan's face was as cold as ice, "don't worry, and look at it first!"

Zhu Zhesheng nodded, and then looked at zhaizhuqing hiding in the crowd.

His hatred for Zhai family is deep into the bone marrow. If it wasn't for his poor strength, he would like to rush up and bite this bitch to death now.

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