What kind of eyes they are!

It is like a vast and endless sea of stars, which contains innumerable brilliance, but without sadness or joy, and is as calm as water.

But just an understatement of the gaze, it makes the book stand on the spot, unable to move.

The whole scene is as quiet as a virgin, and Shu ling'er is shocked all over. She looks at this scene in disbelief.

At the same time, but see Xue an slowly get up, step by step to Xuantong book near.

Xuantongshu was tall and powerful, but when Xue an came near, he needed to look up to see Xue an's chin.

Because Xue an was stepping on the void and staring down at him.

When he saw Xue an's eyes again, xuantongshu couldn't help trembling. The psychological defense line that he had wanted to resist collapsed in an instant, and his eyes were filled with infinite prayer.

Pray for Xue an to let him go.

In this regard, Xue an raised his mouth slightly, showing a faint smile, and then he reached out and gently rubbed the top of Xuantong's head.

Every time he rubbed it, Xuantong would tremble with it. At the same time, a thick despair appeared on his face.

Looking at Xue an who rubbed the top of Xuantong's book as if he were caressing a dog, everyone was shocked.

Especially the voodoo people.

In their mind, Xuantong book is just like a God that can't be profaned.

But this scene mercilessly shattered all their beliefs.

"Rao Spare my life... " Xuantong's lips trembled, and he finally said the first words since Xue an woke up.

But the next second, a fire rose from Xue an's hand, and then attached to the top of Xuantong's head.

"Ah, ah, ah Xuan Tongshu screamed in pain.

The Dharma protector who stood behind him was not so good, and he wanted to escape.

But the flame was so overbearing that when it was attached to the top of Xuantong's head, the head of the Dharma protector also burst into flames.

Then the man, the God of witchcraft, was watching in horror, burning like two huge candles.

In the blink of an eye, xuantongshu and the Dharma protector were completely burned into nothingness, and then the flame flew back to Xue an's hands and disappeared.

The hall was silent, and everyone's face was as white as snow.

Because it took only one minute for Xue an to wake up. As a result, the elder of the sorcerer cult was killed.

And Xue an's understatement was as simple as breathing.

How can this not shock people.

At the same time, Xue an looks at the injured Yue Qinghuan, Zhu Zhesheng and Taotie, and waves at will.

A ray of their eyebrows from the soft power of a green heart at the same time.

In the blink of an eye, their wounds healed at a terrible speed.

Taotie didn't say a word. After landing, he walked directly behind Xue an. There was no resistance in his eyes, and he was full of heartfelt fear.

Yue Qing smiles and walks to Xue an.

"Congratulations on your sermon

Xue an smile, but did not speak.

At this time, Zhu Zhesheng came over in amazement.

Just now xuantongshu's blow almost killed him. If it wasn't for Xue an's help, he would never wake up.

So when he woke up, he was naturally a little surprised.

Because he suddenly found that his cultivation, which had not been improved for a long time, was ready to move now. It seemed that he would break through at any time.

However, he soon put these things behind him, and then looked at the people of Zhai's house in front of him.

"Mr. Xue, now you've got the chance, so I hope you can help me achieve my previous wish to wipe out all the Zhai family and wish my family revenge!" Zhu Zhesheng said with hatred.

When his words came out, Zhai Devon and Zhai Zhuqing, who had been hiding behind the crowd and did not dare to look up, trembled.

Especially zhaidevon, the forehead suddenly exuded cold sweat.

He is also the head of the family, so he has a good eye.

But he still can't see through Xue an.

Especially Xue An Gang's skill of killing Xuantong's book made him scared to death.

Therefore, after hearing Zhu Zhesheng's words, he was shocked, and then looked at Shu ling'er, the saint of the sorceress religion, with a full face of pleading.

But to his surprise, Shu ling'er stepped back and kept a certain distance from him.

Zhaidevon was stunned, and then infinite anger and sadness sprang up in his heart.

Is this the naked reality?

Just at this time, Xue an nodded slightly, his eyes flashed, and an invisible force pulled Zhai Devon and Zhai Zhuqing out of the crowd, and then knelt them down.Click, click!

The force was so great that it broke both their knees.

Even so, they didn't dare to hum, so they could only look at Zhu Zhesheng with a pleading face.

Because they know that now if they want to live, the only way is to pray for the sage.

Even if there is little hope, we have to try.

So zhaizhuqing looked at Zhu Zhesheng with a pleading face, "Zhesheng, it was all my fault at the beginning. I have nothing to say, but I hope you can leave me a wisp of spirit..."


Before Zhai Zhuqing finished speaking, Zhu Zhesheng interrupted her fiercely, then gasped and stared at her charming face.

Once upon a time, he regarded this face as his love and gave everything to her.

As a result, his family property was plundered, and even his life was almost lost.

When he was imprisoned in the dungeon of zuisheng building, Zhu Zhesheng was desperate and even tried to commit suicide several times, but he was stopped by the guards.

Later, he even felt numb and thought that there was no hope of revenge in his life.

As a result, he met Xue an.

So when he saw the zhaidevon father and daughter kneeling in front of him, Zhu Zhesheng felt that his pores were all opened, and the resentment in his heart was also evacuated.

This feeling made him relaxed and happy.

But when he heard zhaizhuqing's plea for mercy, he was not only happy, but also deeply angry.

Angry at why he was blind, he was fascinated by such a woman.

After being scolded, zhaizhuqing didn't dare to say a word, so he had to stop, but he still looked at Zhu Zhesheng, hoping that he could open up and give himself some life.

But it's just her wishful thinking, but Zhu Zhesheng turns his head to give Xue an a bow.

"Mr. Xue, I have nothing to say to the father and daughter. Please do it!"

Xue an nodded, and then a wisp of flame rose from their feet and covered them in an instant.

The flame was so overbearing that they were burned to ashes without a chance to scream.

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