In the blink of an eye, the light of the fire dispersed. Looking at the empty ground, Zhu Zhesheng burst into tears and fell to his knees.

"Father, uncle, do you see that? The murderer who killed you has been put to death! "

With that, Zhu Zhesheng began to wail.

At this time, Xue an turned his head and looked at Shu ling'er.

But when Xue an's eyes just stayed on her, Shu ling'er suddenly made a decision that everyone had not expected.

But Shu ling'er suddenly stretched out her hand, and several virtual images of witches appeared in front of her.

Then, the virtual images of the witches started to attack the elite of the witchcraft.

That's right!

Shu ling'er actually moved her hand to her own people.

Caught off guard, many people were directly crushed to powder by the sorcerer without humming.

Some quick witted people want to escape or even resist, but how can they be Shu ling'er's opponents.

Therefore, in the blink of an eye, these elites of the witchcraft religion were slaughtered, and only Shu ling'er stood there in the blood.

Such a bloody and horrible scene made Yue Qinghuan raise her eyebrows slightly, and her eyes became cold.

But at this time, Shu ling'er smiles at Xue an, "my Lord, I want to talk to you alone, OK?"

Xue an's eyes flickered slightly.

But Yue Qinghuan felt a little uncomfortable and said in a cold voice, "what are you talking about alone? There's nothing to talk about! Shu ling'er, you are dying. Do you still want to struggle? "

Shu ling'er takes a look at Yue Qinghuan, but her smile doesn't change.

"Yue Qinghuan, my action just now has proved my sincerity. I just want to have a few words with Lord Xue. Is that all right?"

Yue Qinghuan just wanted to say no, but Xue an suddenly nodded, and then waved.

An invisible barrier instantly enveloped them and isolated them from the outside world.

Seeing this, Yue Qinghuan was stunned at first, and then stamped his feet with hatred.

"Men are really a virtue. If they are invited by a beautiful girl, they will forget everything else! Can't you see that the woman Shu ling'er didn't have a good heart at all? "

Yue Qinghuan is gnashing her teeth outside.

But in this divine thought barrier, Xue an light way: "want to say what now say!"

Shu ling'er didn't rush to open her mouth, but first looked at the divine barrier with great interest. When she was sure that everything that happened here could not be perceived by the outside world, she said with a smile.

"Why are you in such a hurry? Can't you just have a little chat?"

Xue an slightly frowned, "is that what you want to say?"

With that, he made an effort to remove this layer of mental barrier.

Shuling'er gnashes her teeth in her heart, but doesn't move her face. "Oh, my Lord, don't worry. I just don't know how to speak for a while."

"Seriously, I didn't expect that you could merge the ancient sky fire before that!"

"In fact, I've been coveting this Vulcan palace for a long time, but I don't know the exact location all the time. It's just that the people of the Zhai family are so obsessed that they invite us to look for Xianzong cave together. That's why I set out to get this chance myself!"

Xue an was not moved and listened quietly.

But Shu ling'er's face was a touch of bitterness at this time.

"Although I am a saint, this sorcery is a very realistic place. The reality is almost cruel. If I can't advance bravely, it may not be long before I will be replaced by others, and my end is only one, that is, I will become the plaything of the elders and die in humiliation!"

"I don't want to be someone else's plaything, so I have to be strong, but I never thought that when I got here, you absorbed Tianhuo and promoted successfully!"

Speaking of this, Shu ling'er suddenly raised her head, her eyes full of deep worship.

"Although you are only promoted to xianzun, the strength you have shown is so powerful that the old man xuantongshu is not your opponent. He was killed by you with one move!"

"How powerful it is!" Shuling'er murmured with intoxicated face.

"You asked me to talk to you alone in order to praise me?" Xue an said suddenly.

"Ha ha, of course not!" Shuling'er chuckles, and then her eyes flow. There are all kinds of customs between her eyes.

"Do you know why I have to attack my own people all of a sudden, even my most trusted witch?"

Xue an didn't say a word, because he knew that Shu ling'er would continue to speak.

Sure enough!

Shu ling'er smiles, her eyes are full of brilliance, "because they are obstacles."


"Yes, the existence that hinders our union!"Shu ling'er spoke lightly, but this sentence was like a stone breaking the sky, which made Xue an feel shocked.

Shu ling'er was so excited that she said, "you are so powerful that you can kill the elder of the quasi Saint level with the strength of the immortal level. At the same time, you have absorbed the sky fire. Your future is limitless!"

"And I am the saint chosen by the witchcraft, and I have no talent among hundreds of millions of people. As long as we combine, we will surely have brilliant future generations!"

"At that time, we will become immortal companions admired by countless people, don't you think?"

Shu ling'er said excitedly, but to her surprise, Xue an didn't have the excitement she imagined. She didn't even have an extra expression on her face. Instead, she looked at herself with a very strange look.

This made shuling'er's heart thump.

In fact, this idea grew up in her heart from the moment she saw Xue an kill Xuantong's book.

Once appeared, this idea will be crazy growth spread, make her think more feel reasonable.

But she did not expect, this in her view is a sure thing, but unexpectedly cold field.


She seemed to think of something, a faint smile, and then reached out to untie the buttons on her clothes.

The robe slowly faded, revealing the extreme figure that one point would be thinner and one point would be fatter.

Shu ling'er said with a proud smile, "my Lord, I know what you are worried about, but you can rest assured that I have been clean since I was a saint, so I am still innocent, so as long as you are willing, I can offer everything to you now!"

The temptation of a gorgeous woman to give her life is not something ordinary people can resist.

It's a pity.

Xue an is an exception.

In fact, from the moment she took off her robe, Xue an turned her head and didn't even look at her from the beginning to the end.

After hearing Shu ling'er's words, he just said, "have you finished? Is that what you want to talk to me about alone? "

Xue an's tone made Shu ling'er feel a little flustered, but she said with a smile: "yes, you..."

But before she finished her words, a bright sword light cut directly blocked all the words behind her. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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