
Accompanied by a sharp sound that the skin was cut open by the sword, blood splashed from shuling'er's throat.

She looked at Xue an stupidly, as if she could not believe that Xue an would really kill herself.

But with the passage of blood, her beautiful eyes also became dim, and then slowly extinguished, so the spirit all fell.

After her body falls, Xue an removes the mental barrier, and it is Yue Qinghuan's sulky face that comes into view first, and her mouth is still mumbling.

"I've been in it for such a long time, but I still can't come out. Men really don't have a good thing..."

Just then, the mind barrier disappeared.

When he saw the dead body of Shu ling'er who had fallen to the ground, Yue Qinghuan's face became stiff and immediately gave Xue an a rather unnatural smile.

"Cough, you killed her?"

"What? Can't you kill it? Or do you think this woman shouldn't be killed? " Xue an light way.

"That's not true. This woman deserves to die. I just didn't expect you to do it so resolutely!" Yue Qinghuan said with a smile.

Xue an takes a deep look at Yue Qinghuan. Instead of paying attention to her perfunctory words, she turns her head and says to Zhu Zhesheng.

"Now that everything I promised you has been done, what else can I say?"

Zhu Zhesheng fell to his knees and kowtowed to Xue an. The blood on his forehead dyed the floor of the hall red.

"Zhu Zhesheng, a disciple of the Zhu family, must remember the great kindness of Mr. Zhu. I have nothing to say now. I only hope that Mr. Zhu can take back the ownership of this vein for me!"

Xue Anyi raised her eyebrow, "do you need me to do this for you?"

Zhu Zhesheng looked up and said sincerely: "I have made a decision. After my husband takes back the ore vein for me, the ownership of the ore vein will belong to him, and I am only in charge of it for you. In the future, as long as you need it, everything here will be transferred with you!"

If someone else is present, he will take a breath after hearing this.

Because it's a huge Lingshi vein!

This is a huge amount of wealth, enough to make anyone crazy.

But now Zhu Zhesheng gave it to Xue an.

This kind of large-scale writing, not to mention the ancient and modern, is also extremely rare.

After hearing Zhu Zhesheng's words, Xue an said with a smile, "I appreciate your kindness, but this Lingshi vein is the ancestral property of your Zhu family. I won't take it!"

Zhu Zhesheng was very anxious when he heard that he was just about to speak. Xue an waved his hand to show him to be calm, and then said in a deep voice.

"If you want to repay me, you should find a way to close this immortal cave. No one is allowed to get close to it, because this mountain means a lot to me!" Xue an's eyes were shining.

Zhu Zhesheng was shocked and immediately nodded: "yes! I will definitely turn this area into an inaccessible forbidden area, but... "

Zhu Zhesheng's face was puzzled. "The people of the sorcerer religion obviously already know this place. If they come to look for it later..."

Xue an waved his hand, "don't worry, they won't come, because the chance here has disappeared, leaving only a lonely mountain peak. What are they doing here?"

Zhu Zhesheng was a little relieved.

Xue an finally looked at the hall, especially at the empty shrine. Then he said faintly, "let's go!"

After that, Xue an LED Yue Qinghuan, Zhu Zhesheng and Taotie back along the original road.

When passing the wanhuo lake again, the once insurmountable natural moat has become a plain pool because of the disappearance of the natural fire.

They passed smoothly, then spent another day crossing the sea of stars and gravel, and finally came to the vein wharf.

At the moment, the atmosphere of this wharf, which has gathered the efforts of Zhu family for generations, is also somewhat different.

A dock foreman said strangely: "strange, the mining area has been blocked for three days. Why hasn't the Zhai family come back?"

Another foreman said, "yes! Now people in the whole mining area are in a panic. The miners are all rumored that there are monsters hidden in the sea of stars and gravel. The Zhai people who go deep into it have suffered a lot and will never come back! "

"That's great. I've long seen this Zhai family go against my eyes. I'm not mean and mean, and I don't regard us as human beings at all. Compared with my old boss, he's kind-hearted." A foreman sighed.

And these words also made the several foremen present all silent.

All these people, without exception, became foremen in charge of a miner's team at the time of Zhu Jiazhi.

Don't underestimate the foreman. If you want to have this identity, at least you need to know the situation in the mining area like the palm of your hand, and have enough prestige to make these recalcitrant miners obey, otherwise you will not be competent at all.Because of this irreplaceability, even after Zhai family took charge of this vein, they could not shake the position of foremen.

These foremen have also heard a little about the disputes between their old and new owners, but they can't intervene in them.

At most, it's just like today, sighing a few words behind my back.

However, there are some subtle changes in the current situation.

Because Zhai's family's gone forever, leading to the floating of people in the whole dock, these foremen naturally see it in their eyes.

If it goes on like this, then these miners will certainly have a big trouble.

But there was nothing they could do about it. They had to do their best.

As for those Zhai people who stayed on the wharf, they turned a blind eye to these situations.

In the words of the drunken Zhai elder, it's just a group of smelly miners. How can we get out of the sky?

If it's a big deal, we'll catch a few examples and make an example.

To this kind of attitude, these foremen also dare to be angry.

Just as the chaos on the wharf was growing, Xue an and his party finally arrived.

At the beginning, these foremen thought it was the Zhai family. But when Xue an and others showed their bodies, they were all stunned.

Xue an and Yue Qinghuan naturally did not know each other, but they were too familiar with Zhu Zhesheng.

You know, he is the only descendant of the Zhu family. Some older foremen watched him grow up.

Therefore, for Zhu Zhesheng's situation behind, these foremen are also quite sad.

But later I heard that he was trapped in Linglong City, and it seemed that he had already suffered an accident.

This made many foremen shed tears secretly.

But I didn't expect to meet you here today.

"Little Young master? Is that you? " One foreman was shocked.

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