In fact, from the beginning, Xue an has found that his legs have been powerless to hang down, obviously has lost the ability to walk.

When he really pushed the wheelchair, Xue an found that Yue Shifang was so light and terrible that he seemed to have nothing.

Xue an slightly raised his eyebrows. He couldn't imagine how thin a body would be under the broad robe.

After leaving the flower hall, Xue an pushed him to walk slowly among the flowers.

The flower hall was not big. No matter how slow Xue an walked, he could only walk through a cup of tea.

But Yue Shifang was very interested, as if this short walk was a rare relaxation.

"How much do you know about that year?" Yue Shifang asked suddenly.

"All I know is that the Chinese people have been robbed in vain. The gods and the invisible black hands are in trouble at the same time. As a result, the lives of the Chinese people are ruined and there is no Chinese people in the world!"

Listening to Xue an's low voice, Yue Shifang could not help sighing: "yes, it was a terrible battle!"

"Then I began to investigate, and finally all the people who had ever attacked the Chinese people, whether they were gods or demons, were caught in one net! But at this time, I found that the man behind the scenes was pointing at tianwai. "

"Then evil things invade the heavens, right?"

Xue an is silent.

Yue Shifang laughed and said, "do you know why I left that Arsenal among the heavens?"

"I don't know!"

"You must have seen all the Jingguan in the Arsenal!"


"Those are all Chinese warriors who died in the war!"

Xue an's steps trembled slightly, and then whispered, "I know!"

It seems that he recalled something. Yue Shifang's eyes were filled with admiration. "Bones of the Chinese people How hard it is

"In the face of a boundless enemy with crushing strength, he would rather die in battle until the last one has no one to surrender! That kind of courage, even the gods and Demons must be moved! "

"Such a man, even if he is a mortal, is a respectable warrior. That's why I sent someone to put him in the armory at that time, so as not to dissipate the spirit!"

While Yue Shifang was talking, Xue an's hand was gradually clenched, and his eyes were red. But after Yue Shifang finished, he was still silent for a moment, and then said calmly.

"Thank you very much."

Thank you very much from the bottom of my heart.

"Oh, you're welcome. It's just what I should do."

"Now I have one more question."

"Say it

"You said that the existence behind the scenes is not what I can touch now. Then I want to know where all the Chinese gods went at the time of the great disaster?"

Yue Shifang was slightly stunned, "for example?"

"For example, Gonggong, zhurong and other ancient existence and Later gods Xue an asked in a deep voice.

Yue Shifang suddenly thought of something, and then chuckled, "no wonder you ask this question. It turns out that you have obtained zhurong's kindling inheritance. So you see buzhoushan?"


"How do you feel?"

"Cold all over, numb scalp!" Xue an told the truth.

Yue Shifang burst out laughing, "yes, these two words can't be more appropriate. They are really wonderful!"

Xue an didn't speak, just waited quietly, because he knew Yue Shifang would explain.

Sure enough.

After laughing for a long time, Yue Shifang finally calmed down, and then asked with a smile, "do you want to ask, why does the existence of Chinese mythology and legend belong to the earth appear in the sky?"

Xue an nodded, "yes!"

"Ha ha." Yue Shifang shook his head and chuckled, "it seems that you haven't understood the essence of things yet!"

With that, Yue Shifang reached out and gently stroked a small flower beside the wheelchair. "Do you know a hundred ancient families?"

"Of course!"

"Do you have any doubts?"


"Tell me!"

Xue an did not explain, just slowly said four words, "a hundred schools of thought!"

"That's right!" Yue Shifang caressed his hand and sighed, "it's a hundred schools of thought!"

Xue an's eyes were bright and his face was more puzzled.

But then Yue Shifang suddenly sighed, "what do you think history is?"

"What is history?"

"Yes! What do you think it is? "

Although Xue Shiyue said slowly, "why did he not understand the track of history after a moment?"

But Yue Shifang shook his head, "wrong! History is an illusion. "

This sentence is like a shock.

Xue an blurted out, "false appearance?""To be exact, history should be a hymn written by the victors!" Yue Shifang said faintly.

Xue an's mind suddenly flashed a light, and then the whole person was hit by a thunderbolt, frozen in place.

Buzhoushan, Gonggong zhurong, strategist, Yinyang, Legalist, spring and Autumn period and Warring States period.

Countless images are overlapped, and there is a line running through the beginning and end.

"What do you think of?" Yue Shifang looks at Xue an expectantly.

Xue an face dignified shook his head, "just have a vague impression, but not sure!"

"Ha ha! It's great to see a clue from the nothingness of history. Next, you can understand it slowly, but remember what I said. If you know something too early, it will hurt you! "

"Thank you

This is the second time Xue an said thank you, and more and more sincere.

Yue Shifang accepted it calmly, and then looked at Xue an with great interest.

"Next I'll tell you the answer you first asked me!"

"Those Chinese gods have indeed disappeared, but the only thing I can reveal to you is that the original Chinese catastrophe was far from a small wave in the corner where you were, but a big storm that affected the whole heaven and even the super existence!"

"It's hard to avoid all the gods, including the gods of your Chinese people!"

Xue an was shocked by this remark, because this was the first time he had seen the scene behind the dark curtain. Although it was only a faint light, the fact revealed was enough to make people shudder.

"It's a big storm that affects everyone, even super existence..." Xue an whispered to himself, and his expression was also changeable.


He looked up at Yue Shifang and said in a dumb voice, "where are they now?"

Yue Shifang shook his head. "I don't know!"

"In fact, no one in Tianwaitian should know where they have gone, because so many years have passed, countless people have tried to find them, but they have not found any clue!"

"It's like It's the same as evaporation in the world! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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