At the same time, in the dragon's home thousands of miles away, it was a mess.

"Who on earth made my son look like this?" A woman screamed hysterically.

People are so quiet that they dare not lift their heads.

Because it's longzhan's mother, Ji Qie, wife Lihua, who is in the 13th room of the long family.

This woman relies on the favor of long Yushu, the leader of the long family. She is arrogant and domineering, especially if she doesn't take people for granted. If she is careless, she will be executed.

Therefore, this pear flower lady is also called the living king of hell in private.

Now her only son has been beaten all over the face, and the family doctor is rescuing him. No one knows the specific situation.

It is conceivable how furious this arrogant and habitual pear flower lady should be.

Therefore, people are as far away from her as possible, for fear of becoming an outlet again.

Lady Lihua was pacing back and forth like a furious lioness, and her face became more and more gloomy.

Now long Yushu, the head of the long family, and many senior elders are not here. She can be said to cover up the sky in the family.

Today, she was enjoying some plundered treasures, but she didn't expect that this happened.

Now her heart is full of violence.


The door was pushed open, and the royal doctor of the dragon family came out sweating.

Pear flower madam comes forward immediately, "Zhan son how?"

The doctor shook his head.

Pear flower madam immediately Leng was in place.

"Madam, please forgive us for trying our best, but now long Shao is still in a coma."

Mrs. pear flower trembled all over and was about to run away.

The doctor said quickly, "don't worry, madam. There is still good news."

Pear flower madam in front of a bright, "say!"

"Because long Shao is not contaminated with much fire poison, so his life is at least carefree, just..."

"Just what?"

"It's just that we can't get rid of the fire poison completely by all means, and the fire poison is so overbearing that it not only erodes long Shao's face, but also hurts his spirit, so..." Lingyi said rather embarrassed.

"So zhan'er may never be able to recover his former appearance, will he?" The pear lady suddenly calmed down.

The doctor nodded, "yes!"

"Well, I see. You go down first." Pear flower madam cold voice way.

The spirit doctor breathed a sigh of relief, hastened to give a deep gift, and then ran away.

Because no one knows what Mrs. Lihua, who has always been known for her cruelty and coolness, will do.

Especially when her only son was seriously injured.

After the doctor left, Mrs. Lihua rushed into the room.

The room was filled with a faint fragrance of panacea. Long Zhan was lying on the bed quietly, his face covered with thick ointment, and he was still in a coma.

Mrs. pear flower stood in front of the bed and watched quietly.

The black elixir was obviously made of the rare water elixir. After it was applied to long Zhan's face, he kept breathing cold.

But even so, you can still see a lot of red dots flickering below.

That's the residual fire poison.

Relying on the elixir's suppression, the fire poison did not continue to go deeper, reaching a delicate balance.

But from now on, zhan'er has to rely on this elixir mask to live on?

Also, what kind of spirit fire is so domineering?

These questions hovered in Mrs. Lihua's mind, made her take a deep breath, and then slowly said: "zhan'er, you can rest assured that no matter who has poisoned you, I will avenge you!"

After that, she turned to walk out of the room and directly found Liang Dikang and others.

At this time, where does Liang Dikang and others have the prestige before half a point?

After losing an arm, their strength dropped sharply, and because of the damage of their spirits, they would never want to improve again in their life.

Such a cruel reality makes them dejected and dispirited.

It was not until Mrs. Lihua found them that they calmed down a little and bowed themselves.


Mrs. Lihua didn't look at the injuries of Liang Dikang and others at all. She just gritted her teeth and said, "what's the matter, tell me from the beginning!"


Liang Dikang and others did not dare to hide, so they told longzhan how to find them to vent his anger and how he was defeated by Xue an.

After hearing this, the eyebrows of Mrs. Lihua stood up, and then said in a tone of infinite resentment.

"Yue Qinghuan! It's you, a little whore. Today I have to ask you, your whole wife's family, to give me an explanation! "Then she turned and left.

Liang Dikang and others looked at each other and saw the light on each other's faces.

This pear flower lady is famous for protecting the calf.

This time long Zhan was seriously injured, she would not give up.

It would be great if I could find my wife's family and ask for an explanation.

Maybe I can even get my revenge!

At this point, Liang Dikang and others immediately followed.

That is to say, when Mrs. Lihua is about to rush to her husband's house.

Long chaoming, who was blown out by the second girl in his wife's house, just arrived.

"What are you doing, madam thirteen?" Long chaoming asked strangely.

"It's chaoming. You've come just in time. Now come with me to my wife's house!"

"What do you want to do with my wife's house?"

Long chaoming's face is inexplicable. Didn't he just come out of the Yue family? How did you go back?

"Revenge Pear flower madam gnash teeth of say.

Long chaoming didn't know what was going on until Liang Dikang explained it. Then he was overjoyed.

This lady Li Hua is very popular with you. Although she is not strong enough, she has a magic weapon given by long Yushu himself. It can be said that it is extremely difficult to deal with.

And this time, the dragon family is in charge. If we have to come to the door, we may get some unexpected results!

With this idea in mind, long chaoming immediately said, "the Yue family is really deceiving people. They dare to hurt my son of the long family, madam thirteen. Let's go and ask for a statement now!"


This group of people fiercely then went to the Yue family branch pulse to kill to come over.

At the same time, in the flower Hall of his wife's family, Xue an finally woke up from the shock, and then dropped his eyes.

"Well, I see!"

Yue Shifang said with a smile, "in fact, you don't have to put so much pressure on yourself. This matter is complicated and can't be solved overnight!"

"In fact, I have one more thing to ask you!"

"But it doesn't hurt to talk about it!"

"Did you really live for ten thousand years?"

Obviously, Yue Shifang didn't expect Xue an to ask this question. He was stunned and said with a smile, "what do you think?"

Xue an shook his head. "I don't think so! Because how old is your sister Yue Qinghuan? If you are an old monster who has lived for thousands of years, how can she be so old? Unless it's not my sister! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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