"Of course, my sister is a fake one. As for what you said..."

Yue Shifang looked up at the flowers and plants in the distance and said faintly, "do you know the reincarnation of Bing Xie?"

Xue an suddenly understood, and then looked at Yue Shifang in disbelief, "you..."

Yue Shifang nodded and laughed miserably. "I didn't expect that after dozens of times of reincarnation, I still couldn't escape the following of this serious injury. From this, you can also know how powerful the man who dealt with me was!"

Speaking of this, Yue Shifang suddenly felt that he was talking too much, so he turned to look at the flowers and plants beside the wheelchair.

Nevertheless, keen as Xue an, he found the clue for the first time.

Dozens of demobilized soldiers.

Taking Yue Shifang's current strength as an example, although he was seriously injured, he could live for at least a hundred years.

In this way, the time when he was injured is very clear.

It should have been ten thousand years ago!

If so, then the identity of the person who hurt him at the beginning is worth considering.

But at least one thing is for sure, that is, this man must be related to the robbery of the Chinese people, and he is so powerful that he is terrible.

Otherwise, it would not force Yue Shifang's soldiers to be reborn dozens of times, but they still could not get rid of the injury like the maggot of tarsal bone.

These thoughts flashed through Xue an's mind one by one, and finally he took a deep breath slowly.

"Then how long is it before your next incarnation?"

"Three years! In three years at the most, I will rejoin the PLA and be reborn again! " Speaking of this, Yue Shifang's eyes were full of exhaustion.

In other words, after dozens of demolitions, no one will be loveless.

Because this reincarnation is not as simple as dispersing cultivation and changing one's body.

Since there is the word reincarnation, it means that you have to go through a complete reproductive process.

Of course, such as Yue Shifang, he doesn't really need to put himself into the mother's womb. He usually uses pure gold and jade or natural materials and local treasures instead.

But no matter what, the pain in the process of pregnancy can not be avoided.

This is the second, the key is that every time you experience a military solution, you will suffer a mystery of separation of Yin.

The mystery of the separation of Yin is not a great wisdom, but also a severe test.

At the same time, every military solution will cause irreversible damage to human spirits.

Ordinary friars can't even break through the solution once.

But Yue Shifang has solved it dozens of times!

This not only proves that his spirit is extremely powerful, but also his strength has reached an incredible level.

Most of all, the courage is amazing.

Xue an looked at Yue Shifang with his head down and his back thin. Suddenly he said, "if you believe me, I can try to help you!"

"Help me? How can I help you? "

"Within three years, I will certainly find a way to cure your injuries, so that you will not suffer from the pain of being demobilized, or even Stand up again Xue an said very seriously.

To be honest, Yue Shifang wanted to laugh when he just heard what Xue an said.

Because now Xue an is not even a half step saint, but he says he wants to heal his wounds.

It sounds like a joke.

But when he saw Xue an's serious look, he couldn't laugh.

Not only could he not laugh, but after a moment of silence, he said very seriously, "thank you."

"You're welcome. I'm also repaying you for your kindness of restraining the corpses of Chinese soldiers! You know, I'm a Chinese. Chinese people always have to pay for their enmity and kindness! "

Yue Shifang laughed, "you are really a very interesting person!"

"You too!"

They both laughed at the same time.

Laughter, the sky gradually dim, stars began to emerge.

The main star of Yue's family is located in the middle of the whole meridians, so you can see countless bright stars.

In the sky, the huge star column that runs through the north and South lights up half of the sky.

At the same time, countless red lights were floating over the Yuejia house, which made the whole Yuejia house glitter.

The sound of a servant came from the gate of the flower hall.

"Master, dinner is ready!"

"I see!"

The servant stepped down, and then Yue Shi said to Xue an, "go, this is a welcome dinner specially prepared for you and huan'er!"

Xue an didn't ask Yue Shifang if he would go, because it was obvious that he couldn't leave the flower hall at all.

He just nodded, "OK!"

Then turn around and leave.

"Wait a minute!"

Xue an stopped and asked, "what's the matter?"

Yue Shifang seemed to think of something, sitting in the flowers with a bright smile, "nothing, I wish you a happy dinner!"Somehow, Xue an always felt that Yue Shifang's smile contained a deep sense of promotion.

This feeling lingered in his mind until he left the flower hall.

Just as he was thinking about it and turning into a corridor, a figure suddenly appeared in the shadow of the corner.


Xue an stopped and looked at the man helplessly.

"Hey, did you get a fright?" Yue Qing asked with a smile.

Xue an was not happy. "What do you think?"

Yue Qinghuan said with a disappointed face: "can't you just pretend to be me?"

Xue an was a little surprised by Yue Qinghuan's words, but he soon covered the expression and shrugged, "I'm sorry, I don't have that habit!"

"Well, if it were your wife, you wouldn't say that!"

As soon as the words came out, Yue Qinghuan was also shocked and speechless. She turned around and walked out quickly. As she walked, she murmured: "hurry up, the banquet is almost ready, just waiting for the two of us!"

Xue an looks at Yue Qinghuan's back with some meaning, and then follows him.

"Don't you wonder what I talked to your brother about?" Xue an asked with a smile.

This sentence finally liberates Yue Qinghuan from the embarrassment she just had. She smiles and says, "what can I be curious about? It's just those things back then! Oh, yes What's my brother like now? "

Shea an glanced at her. "You know that?"

"Nonsense, I'm his own sister. How can I not know about this? What's more, the second sister has told me all the information after she came back!" Yue Qinghuan said to himself.

"Then you don't feel it?"

"What do you want? Sad or sad? " Yue Qinghuan laughed at himself. "I used to do that, but later I realized that no matter how sad I was, I couldn't change the reality. So why torture myself?"

"What's more, my brother is just a soldier, and he doesn't really want to leave me. I've been psychologically prepared for this for a long time!"

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