The flower hall in the backyard.

Listening to the slight footsteps coming from behind, Yue Shifang didn't look back, but sighed, "as expected, I can't hide you!"

The footsteps stopped behind Yue Shifang, and then the two girls reached out and gently put their hands on the armrest of the wheelchair, turned and walked to the pavilion.


The two girls were still silent.

"I didn't mean to keep it from you, just..."

Yue Shifang suddenly stopped, because he noticed the coolness on his shoulder, which made him sigh again.

After pushing into the pavilion, the two girls squatted down slowly, then put their heads on Yue Shifang's knees and began to cry silently.

Big diamond like tears came out of the corner of her eyes and fell on Yue Shifang's legs. In the blink of an eye, they got wet.

Yue Shifang trembled slightly. Then he reached out and stroked the two girls' hair gently.

"I'm fine, really, I'm used to it in fact..."

But the more he said that, the more shaking the two girls' shoulders were.

So soon Yue Shiyi closed his mouth and stroked the two girls' hair.

After a long time, the two girls raised their heads and gently took off the face towel, revealing a flawless face.

But at this time, this amazing face has been covered with tears.

"How long is it?"

Yue Shifang was silent for a moment and said slowly, "three years!"

"So fast?"

"Well! This time the injury broke out more quickly than the previous times

The two girls' eyes were full of sadness.

Somehow, this kind of tender look put more pressure on Yue Shifang than the most powerful enemy he had ever met in the war.

Yue Shifang quickly changed the topic, "are you ready for the dinner?"


Speaking of this, the two girls can't help but wonder: "are you sure that boy can cope with the situation tonight?"

Yue Shifang said with a smile, "I'm not sure if I can tell the truth before I see him today, but after seeing him once, I suddenly feel that this should not be a problem for him!"

"So confident?"

"Of course!" Yue Shifang couldn't help but think of the picture that Xue an said to himself seriously that he would be given three years to treat his injury. The smile on the corner of his mouth was even stronger.

"It's hard for me to understand why you want to keep those clowns and let them make waves in the middle of the family. In fact, as long as you speak, I can kill them immediately!" Two girls some don't understand of say.

Yue Shifang said with a smile, "I know it's easy for you to deal with them, but I have to give huan'er and this young man a chance."

"Opportunity? What a chance

"A chance for Liwei!" Yue Shifang said faintly.

Smart as the second girl, she immediately understood what she meant, and then looked at Yue Shifang with strange eyes.

"Do you want to marry huan'er to this young man?"

Yue Shifang chuckled and shook his head. "I really thought about it before, but now I have given up the idea!"

"Why? I think huan'er is very interesting to this young man! "

"That's no good, because the first time I saw this guy, I saw that there was a Fu Bao hidden in his sea of knowledge. Although there were many seals on the Fu Bao, I could still see a breath!"

"What's the smell?"

"The smell of his blood! And it's two. "

The second girl stopped talking.

If there is the smell of blood from the boy, it means that he has blood descendants.

In this way, it's really a bit tricky!

Yue Shifang then said, "although it's impossible to betroth huan'er to him, this teenager is really interesting and capable, so..."

"So you want him to help huan'er, especially during the time when you are released and reincarnated, right?"


The second girl's face showed an incredible color, "but is it really possible? At best, he is just a master of xianzun level! How to guard the family of the grand family? "

"There are some things you have to try. For example, the dinner tonight is a test for him. If it can be solved, it means that he really has the ability!"

"As long as he has this ability, then I can use these three years to build him into a weapon of the Yue family, so as to help huan'er to gain a firm foothold in the twelve Branches of the military family!"

When he said this, Yue Shifang's eyes were filled with cold and sharp evil spirit.

The second girl looked at the scene intoxicated, but soon she moved her eyes away and said in a soft voice, "I understand. As long as he has the ability, I will help him at that time."

Yue Shifang looked at her gently, and suddenly reached out and pinched the second girl's cheek, "thank you!"Two girls face Teng once red, hang down the head, tall eyelashes slightly tremble, light voice way: "don't thank!"

"No, thank you so much. You don't have to be so tired. It's all because of me."

The second girl raised her head abruptly, "needless to say, I'm willing to do everything. As long as you're here, I'll always guard you!"

Yue Shifang was stunned. Looking at the determined girl, he was suddenly speechless.

At the same time, there is a warm wind outside the curtain, shaking the red light under the eaves, bringing bursts of fragrance of flowers and plants.

The two girls' eyes seemed to be filled with bright stars and looked straight at Yue Shifang.

The air began to be filled with a smell called love.

But at this time, a fat figure suddenly fell from the air.

"Ouch, I've been killed!"

It's the civet cat.

Its sudden appearance immediately swept away the romantic atmosphere in the flower hall.

The two girls glared at him angrily, scared the cat back and forth, and said with a smile: "you You go on. I just happened to pass by here. I didn't see anything! "

Then he turned and wanted to run away.

But it was too late. Yue Shifang chuckled and stretched out his hand. His fingers went straight through the void and came to his back. Then he grabbed the hair on his back neck and grabbed it back.

"What are you doing running so fast? Hiding in the void and eavesdropping for so long, do you want to run? "

The killing intention in the eyes of the two girls couldn't help being more powerful.

The civet cat was so scared that her hair stood up all over her body, and she cried bitterly in her heart.

After that, if you mess with this aunt, you can have your own good fruit to eat.

At the same time, Xue an and Yue Qinghuan finally came to the banquet hall.

Seeing the arrival of Yue Qinghuan and Xue an, the people at the door quickly dodged a road.

"I've seen Miss three!"

"I've seen Miss three!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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