With these words, the crowd automatically separated a road, and then saw the two girls wearing veils step into the banquet hall.

Where they have passed, people bow their heads to show respect.

The reason is that the two girls are too powerful.

In fact, since Yue Shifang, the owner of the family, lived in seclusion in the backyard flower hall half a year ago and did not show up again, the two girls were actually making decisions about the size of the family.

This also leads to the fact that in many cases, the words and deeds of these two girls represent Yue Shifang, the leader of the family.

These people naturally have to show respect.

At the same time, many people were shocked, because they did not expect that the second girl would come to the dinner party in person.

Although Yue Qinghuan is Yue Shifang's sister, he has a good relationship with them.

But after all, the dinner was too low in standard, and it was even a simple gathering of the younger generation of the Yue family to a large extent.

That's why you can see that all the young people who come here are from different branches, and none of the older generation is here at all.

But the second girl, as the spokesperson of the owner of the family, was present in person at the moment, which was quite amusing.

In spite of the shock, almost all of them secretly passed the news back at the first time.

After all Even the two girls came in person, and naturally the people from the major branches and collateral departments would also come.

These are hidden in the banquet hall that seems to be calm under the surface of the undercurrent, many people are not aware of this, only Xue an slightly raised eyebrows, and then looked at the two girls with a smile, seems to understand what.

Yue Junze is also secretly observing, but his observation point is different.

Today, the second girl seems to have some red eyes, like Just cried!

Just as everyone was thinking, the two girls went straight to Yue Qinghuan and gave a smile.

"Huan'er, your brother can't be here today, so he specially asked me to come to your reception banquet!"

Yue Qinghuan also had some doubts, but she was so clever that she didn't show any difference at all. She said with a bright smile: "thank you, second sister!"

In the whole family, only she can be called the second sister!

Two girls smile and take Yue Qinghuan's hand, "well, you and I don't have to be polite. Take a seat quickly!"

With that, she took Yue Qinghuan to her seat.

This warm and harmonious scene makes Yue Qing's painting hiding behind the crowd turn her mouth to herself, and then she says in her heart.

What are you pretending to be! He's just a stranger who doesn't know where he comes from. He can only have such a position with the favor of Yue Shifang. But after my father succeeds I see how proud you are!

Of course, she said all these words in her heart, but she didn't dare to show them on the surface.

After all, it's a big sin to call your master's name by his own name, not by his own words or by his heart.

Just then, there was another noise outside the banquet hall, and then the leaders of the major branches came in one by one.

These people are worthy of the big names.

After all, to be able to stand in the Yue's family and put it outside is at least the existence of a separatist side.

But at this moment, these big people are all respectful, careful into the banquet hall.

There is no other reason. Even if they don't like the second girl, they have to show respect to Yue Shifang, who the second girl represents.

The authority of the owner of the family should not be offended, which is an iron law in the major families of Tianwaitian.

This is especially true of the Yue family, which is famous for its strict discipline.

With the arrival of these great figures, the whole banquet hall becomes hotter and noisier in a moment.

But soon someone noticed the difference.

Because almost all the people in charge of the collateral branches have arrived, but Yue Hongyuan has not.

Now, many people's faces have changed.

Who doesn't know that now Yue Hongyuan, relying on his own strength, has begun to covet the position of home owner.

But no one expected that Yue Hongyuan would do so well and directly missed the banquet.

What is this?

Do you openly challenge the authority of the family?

With these suspicions, the banquet hall gradually quiets down, and the atmosphere becomes depressed.

The second girl raised her eyes and glanced, and she began to laugh.

"It seems that someone doesn't want to come today."

Although she didn't call her by her first name, everyone knew who she was talking about.

Yue Qing's painting was also a little nervous at this time, and her heart was in a mess.

What's going on?

Why didn't dad show up?

Is it a showdown today?

No way!

I didn't receive any news in advance!

Just when she was puzzled, the two girls turned their heads and looked at Yue Qinghuan, their eyes full of cold."Huan'er, what do you think?"

Under the gaze of the two girls, Yue Qinghuan instantly understood something. The smile on his face gradually converged, and his power became dignified.

"What's the difference between some people coming or not?"

The two girls laughed, "there's no difference. In that case, we can't wait to have a banquet."


But just as the two girls turned their heads to announce the banquet, a burst of hearty laughter came from outside the banquet hall.

"Blame me, blame me. I wanted to come here as soon as possible, but I was delayed by some things on the way. I hope I can catch up!"

With the voice, but saw a middle-aged man with a delicate moustache came in.

You can clearly feel the shrewdness of the man at the stop.

And in the look between, is with a few Xiaoxiong temperament.

It was Yue Hongyuan, the father of Yue Qing's painting.

His presence caused a stir in the room.

Many people breathed a sigh of relief.


It seems that things are not irreparable.

At this time, Yue Hongyuan stepped forward and said with a smile: "second girl!"

The two girls sitting at the table didn't even move. They didn't even respond. They directly hung Yue Hongyuan there.

The atmosphere in the field suddenly became dignified again.

But the smile on Yue Hongyuan's face did not change at all, and he kept the posture of embracing his fist and bowing his hand.

It was not until a long time later that the two girls looked up at Yue Hongyuan and said, "how can Yue be in charge at this time? What was the delay on the way? "

"It's nothing. I just happened to meet a few friends!"


"Yes, a few friends!" Yue Hongyuan had a brilliant smile.

At this time, Xue an suddenly noticed something and looked out of the banquet hall.

Not only him, but also the two girls sitting at the table raised their eyes.

At the same time, there was a sneer outside the banquet hall.

"Oh, it's really lively!"

Then he saw a group of people walking in, led by a graceful woman with an angry face.

It's the pear flower lady of the dragon family!

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