Many people were surprised to see her.

"Isn't that lady of the pear dragon family?" Someone whispered.

"Yes, how did she get here today?" Some people are confused.

"And I came with Yue Hongyuan. There must be something strange in it!" Some people swear.

"Shh, keep it down and see what's going on!"

For a time, people whispered and talked.

Mrs. Lihua snorted coldly. Her eyes swept over the faces of all the people present, and finally stayed on Yue Qinghuan.

"Miss Yue, you are so busy today. Are you going to get married?"

This is malicious to an unmarried girl.

Yue Qinghuan's face suddenly cooled down, "what do you mean by that?"

"What do you mean? Ha ha...! " Mrs. pear flower sneered.

At the same time, Liang Dikang and Zu Deming also walked into the banquet hall and pointed to Xue an.

"Madam, it's this guy who hurt long Shao!"

All of a sudden, everyone's eyes are focused on Xue an.

Who doesn't know that Mrs. Lihua has always been a short guard. Now her only son was hurt by Xue an. It's hard to be good today.

Sure enough.

The killing intention in Lady Lihua's eyes was as strong as substance, and then she stared at Xue an.

"Boy, did you beat my son seriously?"

To everyone's surprise, Xue an even had a slight expression on his face, but nodded faintly, "that's right!"


This sentence is like a blockbuster, instantly detonated the anger in Mrs. Lihua's heart.

"Good! Good! Since you dare to admit it, I'll give you a good time! "

With that, she was ready to step forward.

But at this time, Yue Qinghuan stood up in silence and put Xue an behind him.

"Wait a minute!"

Mrs. pear flower stopped and said, "how? Does Miss Yue still want to protect this man? "

"Of course! Because he is the friend I brought back, and this is the family of Yue, not the family of long. You can't be presumptuous! " Yue Qinghuan said impolitely.

This is also a common idea among many people present.

Because Mrs. Lihua's current behavior is equivalent to calling on her husband to ask for a crime. She is one of the twelve Branches of a military strategist. However, for any reason, this is a serious provocation.

But people found that the two girls had been sitting at the table silent, so they did not attack.

Now listen to Yue Qinghuan so happy to say, many people are naturally dark cool heart.

Yue Junze was even more excited and whispered: "the third sister is so domineering, so we have to be like this, otherwise we really don't have anyone in the Yue family?"

Mrs. Lihua never thought that Yue Qinghuan dared to stop herself in public, and her anger could not help but be more intense.

"Yue Qinghuan, you betrayed my son. You were with a wild man who didn't know where. You hurt my son badly. Do you still want to protect him now?" This pear flower madam almost hysterical roar way.

As soon as he said this, there was a violent commotion, and Yue Qinghuan was furious.

"Madam Lihua, I respect that you are my elder, so I've kept some face for you all the time. But if you dare to speak up again, don't blame me for being rude to you!"

"You're welcome? Ha ha ha, I'll see how you treat me impolitely. I don't believe your wife's family can fall out with my dragon family for an outsider! " Pear flower madam face ferocious say.

The situation fell into a confrontation.

Strangely, from the beginning to the end, the two girls didn't say a word, just sat and watched quietly.

As for Xue an.

As if he didn't hear this, he lowered his head and fiddled with his fingers with great interest.

See this scene, standing in the crowd of Sima Tiancheng mouth can not help but emerge with a cold smile.

Come on!

The bigger the noise, the better!

It's better to kill this boy, so that you can take advantage of it.

Just as he was secretly calculating, he heard a hearty laugh.

"Oh, they are all military experts. Why are they so tense?"

They looked up and saw that the speaker was Yue Hongyuan.

He stepped forward with a smile on his face. "Qinghuan, this matter is actually very easy to solve. As long as you hand over this man, there will be nothing left."

Yue Qinghuan laughed angrily, "hand it in? He is the friend I brought back. Why should I give him up? "

"It's your friend, but he has caused a terrible disaster. Not only did he catch up with Liang Dikang and others, but also he disfigured long Zhan, the eldest and youngest of the long family. I'm afraid it's not a good thing to pass without an explanation to others." Yue Hongyuan said with a smile.It's just that his smile is awkward.

But Yue Qinghuan didn't like him at all. He said coldly, "first of all, he is my friend. I will never give him to anyone. Secondly, it's all because of long Zhan's recklessness. Now he is disfigured, and that's his own fault."

This words a, this pear flower madam is more furious, "Yue Qing Huan, you have the ability to say again?"

"Again, what? Your son has been pestering me all the time, and I have never made excuses for him. Then he started on my friends. As a result, he was badly injured because he was inferior to others. What's the blame? "

Lady Lihua's eyes are red. I really want to rush forward now and pat Yue Qinghuan to death.

Because she has been used to arrogance, she has never been so "humiliated".

Yue Hongyuan is also slightly pale, "Qinghuan, no matter what you say is right or wrong, I hope you'd better focus on the overall situation!"

"The overall situation first? Ha ha, it's a joke, Yue Hongyuan. Don't think I don't know what's in your mind! Colluding with outsiders to deal with people in your own family, you really put the overall situation first

When it comes to the last four words, Yue Qinghuan deliberately accentuated the tone, full of irony.

Yue Hongyuan's face sank. "Yue Qinghuan, I'm your elder at least. Do you call him by his name like this?"

Yue Qinghuan gave a sneer, and simply stood in the same place with his arms in his arms, with the expression that you can come casually and see if you are finished.

Seeing this scene, there was a silent noise.

Many people secretly admire Yue Qinghuan.

After all, what Yue Hongyuan did was a little too much.

No matter what the reason is, it can't be justified that they should unite with other families to disturb the dinner.

Yue Junze's eyes were even more excited, "Shuai, the third sister is just too Shuai! I've seen this Yue Hongyuan for a long time. He's relying on the old to sell the old. What's that? "

Then he came forward without hesitation and stood behind Yue Qinghuan.

However, compared with Yue Qinghuan's arrogance, Xue an is much more low-key.

Even under the clamor of Mrs. Lihua and others, he has been sitting in his seat. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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