Even the two girls, who have been sitting on one side, can't help turning a little pale when they see this behind the scenes, and then walk slowly.

"Savior of the fire!"

As soon as the words were heard, the long gun was twisted and smashed rapidly under the blazing fire, and turned into nothingness after a dull bang.

The saint level existence's full strength blow, unexpectedly like this vanished.

The whole scene was horrific.

But it was just the beginning. At the moment when the spear was broken, a light voice came from everyone's ears.

Then you can see that the long gun, which had already disappeared, agglomerated again in an instant. Not only that, but also an endless breath came down and suppressed the burning flame in the air.

Everyone was horrified. Some people's lips trembled and whispered, "it's a saint! Only the realm of saints has such a powerful power! "

The second girl and Yue Qinghuan are just about to say something.

But the gun disappeared in the same place in an instant. When it reappeared, the tip of the gun was no more than a millimetre away from Xue an's eyes, and it went crazy.

The whole process was approaching its peak, and many people didn't even understand what was going on. The long gun had already stabbed Xue an.

And Xue an's reaction is not bad!

In fact, his reaction is not a reaction at all, because if the brain senses the danger and then orders to dodge, it will be too late.

All his evasion comes from the subconscious reaction of his body.

I saw his body back quickly, and the spear followed forward.

The scene was extremely dangerous in a flash.

Many people's hearts rise to their throats in an instant.

Only Sima Tiancheng, Yue Hongyuan and others had a cold smile on their faces.

It's obvious that the owner of the dragon family made a secret move.

Under the authority of the sage, the young man will soon be ground to powder.

But just when these people thought Xue an was dead, a cold hum came out of thin air.

"Long Yushu, do you really think my wife's family is empty?"

With a question, the original fierce long gun attack suddenly disintegrated and completely turned into nothingness.

A dull hum came from the void, and then a voice full of fear and anger rang out.

"Yue Shifang, how can you give me a hand for a little character who doesn't know where he came from? Are you not afraid of causing a dispute between your family and mine? "

"Ha ha, don't you and I always have disputes? On the contrary, it's you. If I allow you to kill people in my territory, it's really conniving you! " Yue Shifang said faintly.

They didn't show up during the whole process, but everyone knew that the situation was extremely dangerous.

Because it is clear that the two sages are fighting in the air. If they are not careful, the whole planet may be buried with them.

But it seems that long Yushu doesn't intend to burn up with Yue Shifang.

"Very good, Yue Shifang. I've written down this account. I'll see you when we're in the army. I'll kill the man who wounded me!"

"Ha ha, I'm happy to accompany you!"


Space suddenly a burst of vibration, and then there is an invisible hand will stay in the air of pear lady caught in, disappeared.

In an instant, the space returned to calm.

But no one dared to speak. All of them held their breath and waited for Yue Shifang's arrival.

In this case, long chaoming, Liang Dikang and others who follow Mrs. Lihua are embarrassed.

They had come with Mrs. Lihua to ask for a crime.

What I didn't expect was that I didn't succeed in asking for the crime, instead, I left these people behind.

Looking at those bad eyes, these people can't help but start to look at Yue Hongyuan.

After all, it was he who brought his own people, otherwise they could not enter the banquet hall so smoothly.

What I didn't expect was that Yue Hongyuan was no longer arrogant. Instead, he bowed his head, looked at his eyes, nose and mouth, and looked respectful.

That's the fuck.

In the hearts of long chaoming and others, it seems that there are countless rough mud horses flying by.

Just then, Yue Shifang's voice came again.

"I'm surprised that you can resist this guy's attack!"

Xue stood quietly in the air, his expression was indifferent, "in fact, even if you just didn't do it, I don't have to lose!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha, what a big tone! That's the existence of sage level!"

"But before he arrived, he wanted to kill me just by his power. It's too simple to think about it!" Xue an said lightly.

Space is silent.

The whole audience fell into silence.

Because no one knows whether what the boy in White said is true or false.It's clear that he's just an immortal? Why do you have such strong self-confidence?

Sima Tiancheng's pupils were constricted, and suddenly he felt as if he had made a big mistake.

That is, I have never really seen the boy in white from the beginning to the end.

Who the hell is he? Where do you come from? What is that wisp of hegemony even blocking the fire of dragon shaking gun?

These questions made Sima Tiancheng, who was just addicted to Yue Qinghuan's beauty, sweat in a cold sweat.

And then Yue Shifang's words made his hair stand on end.

"You are a very interesting person indeed!" Yue Shifang said with a smile.

"You too!" Xue an said not humbly or haughtily.

Yue Shifang laughed, and then suddenly said, "are you interested in being the commander of my Yue family?"

This sentence is very good, like a rock breaking general, so that the whole audience was shocked.

Commander in chief!

That's a big man with a big hand!

No matter which branch of the strategist, it is absolutely decisive.

Because once you hold this position, it means that you have at least one elite soldier in your hand.

Just because this position is so important, we have never heard of an outsider taking on this position.

Yue Hongyuan was shocked.

It is true that he covets the position of the head of his family, but the premise is to wait until Yue Shifang's soldiers are released.

Now, Yue Shifang suddenly lives in the backyard flower hall. If he doesn't go out, he knows that this day should not be long.

That's why he just showed great respect.

After all, to challenge the authority of the home owner now will only make you lose the first chance.

But he never thought that Yue Shifang would suddenly make this decision, which is related to his own interests, so he couldn't bear it any longer and said.

"It's not right, master!"

"Oh? What's wrong? " Yue Shifang's voice was as flat as water, and he couldn't hear his joy and anger.

"I think this commander is the top priority of my wife's family. Now that martial arts is around the corner, it's more about the ranking of my wife's family in the twelve points. How can I leave this responsibility to an outsider? And he's just an outsider at the immortal level? "

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