Yue Hongyuan didn't object to it directly, but the reasons he gave were well founded, and people could not help nodding.

"Do you think so, or do you think so?" Yue Shifang said faintly.

Everyone looked at each other.

Soon, under the hint of Yue Hongyuan's eyes, Yue Qinghua and some friends with Yue Hongyuan came forward one after another.

"Master, we think the master Yue is right!"

"Yes, we need to think twice about it!"

Although Yue Qinghua didn't speak, she stood behind her father with a proud face and thought that she was waving the flag for her father.

But she didn't notice that when she walked out of the crowd, Sima Tiancheng looked at her as if he was looking at a dead man.

Sima Tiancheng can't even understand what Yue Hongyuan is doing now.

Is this an open confrontation with the owner of the family based on one's own power?

But didn't he know that no matter which aristocratic family he was in, the authority of the head of the family could not be challenged?

Sure enough.

When all these people expressed their opposition, Yue Shifang said calmly, "OK, I see! So you don't agree with me? "

These people, including Yue Hongyuan, all turned pale.

Only Yue Qinghua said with a smile: "master, your words are not right. I think..."

The whole body of Yue Qing's painting becomes nothingness at the speed visible to the naked eye.

And in the whole process, Yue Qing's painting didn't feel anything. She opened her mouth with a smile and said something.

But no one could hear her voice.

Because in the next second, she turned into nothingness and disappeared.

The whole process is not prosperous, as if this Yue Qing painting does not exist at all.

And it is such an understatement, but immediately shocked all the people present.

Especially Yue Hongyuan, his face became very pale in a moment, and there was a big cold sweat on his forehead.

The past flashed through his mind one by one, and he suddenly understood it.

It turns out that from the beginning, the owner didn't pay attention to himself!

It's funny that I think I'm planning well, but it's just a joke in other people's eyes!

In a flash, Yue Hongyuan felt a complete despair.

Not only he, but also the people who just came forward to support him, now they are all in mourning, and some even tremble because of excessive fear.

As for the others, they were all silent.

No one here is a fool.

Thinking that the dinner was specially held for Yue Qinghuan and Xue an, people instantly understood what it meant.

This is to make Yue Qinghuan and the young man in white a prestige!

If it wasn't for the sudden appearance of the people of the long family, especially long Yushu's Secret attack, maybe the master of the family would not have started. Instead, he would regard Yue Hongyuan and others as the grindstones of Yue Qinghuan and the young man!

And so painstakingly, you can imagine the importance of this young man in the eyes of the home owner.

Many people in charge of the collateral branches have quietly looked at each other at the moment, and then they understand their next position.

It is obvious that the master of the family will be released and reincarnated again. During this period, the power will be in the hands of the second girl, the third girl and In the hands of a mysterious teenager who doesn't know the origin.

The only thing these people can do is to cooperate!

Of course, not everyone is so resourceful, such as Yue Junze.

At the moment, he is full of the idea that the master of the crouching troughs is really handsome, and this guy must be the third brother-in-law Shi Chui.

Just as his heart was shaking, Yue Shifang asked again.

"Yes or no?"

Xue an was silent for a moment, and then said slowly: "conditions, and benefits!"

As soon as this speech came out, Yue Qinghuan, who was still a little excited, covered his eyes.

This guy Don't you forget to bargain even at this time?

Many people almost vomited blood on the spot.

To know how many people covet this position, now the owner personally invited, this young man even want to bargain?

What's going on in his head?

But the more so, Sima Tian, who has been hiding behind the crowd, is more frightened.

It is obvious that this young man was born of a very high background, otherwise he would not be so popular with the Yue family. However, judging from his present attitude, he seems not to care much about the commander of the Yue family.

What's his origin?

Who are the people of the top 100 families in ancient times?

Sima Tiancheng was full of confusion and no longer had the slightest idea of being jealous.

Now he just wants to get away from here as soon as possible, and then bring the news back to Sima's home.At the same time, Yue Shifang seemed to have expected that Xue an would ask such a question, and said with a smile: "the condition is very simple, that is to lead the Yue family to get a good place in the upcoming martial arts performance, at least to keep the current ranking!"

"And the good thing is I'll help you make it

Simple five words, but enough to make countless people jealous eyes red.

God knows how many people are stuck in the realm of saints.

If Yue Shifang is really willing to help, it will be a step up to the sky.

Because who doesn't know that Yue Shifang is the undisputed number one of the strategists in terms of the high realm.

If it wasn't for the serious loss of his strength caused by dozens of demobilization and reincarnation, it would be more than making the long family and others clamor here.

Can be such a favorable condition, Xue an is still not in a hurry to agree, but light way: "promotion or not I don't care, after all, on my own will not necessarily slow, I only have one requirement!"

"Well, I promise you!" Yue Shifang didn't even hesitate, so he responded directly.

"Well? Don't you ask me what I'm asking for? "

"Ha ha, besides wanting to know what happened in those years, would you ask for anything else?" Yue Shifang said with a smile.

Xue an also laughed, then nodded, "OK!"

A good word appeared in front of him.

Then, in the golden light, a seal gradually emerged.

The seal is powerful, embroidered with various mysterious patterns, among which is a simple and desolate Yue character.

"Take this seal, and you will be the commander of the Yue family! Do you know what to do first? " Yue Shifang said with a smile.

"Of course!"

"Well, let's go!"

Then the momentum that had enveloped the banquet hall disappeared.

When Xue an reached for the seal, he felt that there was a supreme power in his body.

When he raised his eyes again, the huge pressure made all the people on the scene just want to kneel down.

This is the power of commanding soldiers!

At the same time, Xue an looks at the tottering Yue Hongyuan and others and speaks slowly in a cold voice.

"You wait Do you know the crime? "

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