After that, Yue Qinghuan left the banquet hall as if he had run away.

Looking at her back in a panic, Xue an gave a faint smile, and then turned away.

The dinner was over, but it was just the beginning.

What happened at the dinner party spread like a hurricane, shaking the whole family.

Yue Hongyuan, who was once invincible and even coveted the position of the head of the family, was uprooted and became the yellow flower of yesterday.

Even his accomplices quickly disintegrated under the thunder of the punishment hall, and no longer regained the power of that year.

This incident is enough to shock people, but now the most talked about in the family is not this, but Xue an.

Because no one knows why this young man, who only had immortal cultivation, was so favored by the master of the family, and even gave him the position of commander in chief.

But at the same time, many people secretly thought that this guy would soon be broken.

Because even the people of the Yue family can't hold this elite soldier, let alone an outsider.

In fact, this elite soldier can be called lawless. Except Yue Shifang, who can frighten them, no one dares to provoke him.

So this commander has always been a hot potato.

You can't bear to lose it, but you can only keep it.

It's just when people are watching the next development with a sense of humor.

In the arena, which is no more than half a day away from the home planet, an uproar is brewing.

"Chief soldier, I heard that the master of our family has appointed a commander in chief recently. He said that he should be fully responsible for our every move, and let us get a good place in the coming Martial Arts Conference!"

"Yes, I've heard about it, too. It seems that this guy has a little history, so he is very popular with the owner."

"Ha ha, no matter how powerful it is, what can it be? Don't you still listen to us when you get here! "

What they talked about were all the elite soldiers in the arena, and the head of the group they talked about was the leader of the elite team.

At this moment, after hearing the clamor of his subordinates, the young soldier commander, who looked only in his twenties, sneered.

"How can you win the favor of the owner? If he's a loser, we'll fight him as he is! "

When this remark came out, people responded with a bang.

"The chief soldier is right. If this guy knows his face, he can do it. If he doesn't know his face Hum

Hum, although they didn't know what they really thought.

"If you want me to say that, we'll be ready to give this boy a bad impression and let him know that we are not vegetarians!" Another suggested.


"Yes, that's it!"

As Yue Qinghuan said before, those who can appear in this training ground are all the best.

When they discussed the countermeasures, they immediately took action and were ready to give Xue an a bad impression.

In this case, the next day finally arrived.

Although it's half a day's journey from the headquarters, Xue an and Yue Qinghuan arrived at the training ground before noon.

This training ground was specially built by the Yue family for training elite soldiers.

The area is so large that it can cover the whole planet.

When Xue an and Yue Qinghuan fell to the ground, some soldiers in charge of reception came forward.

"Miss three, please follow me!"

Then the soldier led Xue an and his party into the real training ground.

But when they really stepped into the training ground, they found that it was empty and there was no one.

"What's the matter?" Yue Qinghuan frowned slightly.

In the past, she had been to the training ground. Every time she came here, it was a busy scene.

Today, however, it is not normal, let alone training, and even no personal shadow.

Xue an seemed to have expected this for a long time and gave a faint smile.

"I guess you want to give me a bad impression!"

As soon as the voice fell, I heard a sound of footwork in the distance, and then I saw a large group of people emerging from the void.

It was the leader who was honored as the commander of the army.

"I've seen Miss three!"

These people bowed to Yue Qinghuan respectfully to express their inner respect.

But no matter who it was, he never looked at Xue an from the beginning to the end, as if he was an air.

Yue Qinghuan naturally saw this, but she had no choice but to nod her head slightly to show her respect.

At this time, Xue an suddenly sneered.

"What? This is to give me a bad impression? "This is very straightforward and there is nothing to hide.

After hearing his words, the soldier commander and many elite soldiers all glanced at him.

Although they didn't speak, we can know their hostility to Xue an from their attitudes.

The soldier commander gave a sneer after gazing at Xue an deeply.

"What can you do if I give you a challenge?"

The words were so arrogant that the guards who followed the soldier general were all inspired. Then they looked at Xue an with a smile, trying to see how he broke the situation.

At this moment, he saw Xue an smile, "what a big tone!"

With a sneer, the chief soldier simply held his shoulder and looked at Xue an, trying to see what the young man, who was not only immortal but also worse than himself, was going to do.

Just then, he saw Xue an waving to him.

"Come here, I have a few words to say to you!"

The soldier was stunned, but there was no doubt about him. He walked forward to see what the young man in white wanted to say to himself.

But as soon as his front foot came near Xue an, a loud slap came the next second.


The whole audience was shocked.

Many people can't believe what's in front of them.

Because just now, Xue an raised his hand and slapped the commander in the face.

The slap was so heavy that the soldier was stunned.

It wasn't until a moment later that he woke up from the shock and then roared hysterically.

"How dare you hit me?"

As soon as the voice fell, it was another loud slap in the face.

This time, the corner of the soldier's mouth was fanned out with blood, and his cheek swelled at the speed visible to the naked eye.

And Xue an is just light way: "hit you again how?"

The soldier was so angry that he was shaking all over, but he didn't know what to say for a moment.

But Xue an sneered at this time.

"What? Are you very unconvinced? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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