The soldier's eyes suddenly turned red, and he just wanted to attack, but at this time, Xue an suddenly showed a dignified power.


The soldier commander and the so-called elite soldiers behind him were knelt down and could not even lift their heads.

This is the power of commanding soldiers!

At the moment, Xue an looked at the elite soldiers of the Yue family who had knelt down all over the ground and said calmly, "now? Do you agree? "

The soldier's heart roared wildly, and he wanted to stand up, but he couldn't.

In fact, after mastering the seal of the commander's envoy, Xue an had the right to kill these elite soldiers.

If he wants to, these people will be killed by the supreme soldier.

But even so, the commander and even the elite soldiers behind him still didn't have the slightest intention to be soft.

The commander lowered his head and said in a voice like the roar of a wild animal, "you have the ability to kill me, or I won't obey you!"

Xue an slightly raised her eyebrows and said coldly: "do you really think I dare not kill you?"

"Ha ha, how can you kill me? Don't you really think that killing me will defeat these elite soldiers? I tell you, it's impossible, we have only one master in our heart, that is the master! When the master is away, there is only one person who can direct us! "

"Oh? Who is that man? "

At this time, Yue Qinghuan suddenly sighed, "he is talking about Yue Guannan, commander of the PLA General!"


"Yes! Yue Guannan, who has been in charge of the elite army of the Yue family for hundreds of years, is called the God of the army Yue Qinghuan said in a deep voice, with a mixed look of awe and fear on his face.

Xue an nodded meaningfully, then looked at the soldier commander kneeling on the ground and waved his hand.

The power that suppressed him to look up disappeared in an instant. He immediately looked up at Xue an with provocative and disdainful eyes.

Xue an didn't think so. He just said with a smile, "as long as I surrender your chief commander, you will be obedient?"

This small team leader slightly a Leng, immediately seem to hear what big joke, a burst of presumptuous sneer.

"That's right. If you can subdue our chief commander, we will certainly be obedient. We will not only be obedient, but we will even follow you after that. What do you think?"

When it comes to the last four words, the irony and ridicule in the captain's eyes are almost overflowing.

Anyone can tell that his remark is ironic.

But Xue an nodded very seriously, "well, in that case, you wait for me to be your master!"

After that, Xue an walked to the depth of the training ground.

No one thought that Xue an would really take it seriously.

Even Yue Qinghuan's face was muddled. She didn't wake up until Xue an had gone far away. Then she rushed over and said in a low voice, "Xue an, are you crazy? Do you know the strength of Yue Guannan? "

"I don't know!"

"He has been in charge of the elite soldiers of the Yue family for hundreds of years, and he is known as the immortal soldier God. His actual strength is no less than that of my brother. Do you think it is possible to subdue him?"

Xue an stops and turns to look at Yue Qinghuan.

Yue Qinghuan was relieved. "It's not so easy for these elite soldiers to return to their homeland, let alone worry. We'd better take a long-term view..."

Before the voice fell, Xue an laughed, "is it possible that you have to try to know! And do you think we still have time to think about it in the long run? "

After that, Xue an turned and strode to the distance.

At this time, all the pressure on these elite soldiers disappeared. They stood up with the same face and looked at Xue an's back.

Even the most rebellious captain has to admit that Xue an's courage is really big enough.

In any case, it's brave enough to face the commander in chief.

What these soldiers admire most is the brave and knowledgeable people.

It made their faces a little more relaxed, but that's all.

It is absolutely impossible to move them just by this one thing.

As for Xue Angang's proposal to surrender the commander in chief.

Let's think about something else!

After all, even Yue Qinghuan, who has always had the most confidence in Xue an, does not have the slightest hope for Xue an's trip at the moment.

If the chief commander could be easily subdued by Xue an, he would not be regarded as the immortal soldier God.

When Xue an strode to the depth of the training ground, he was in the backyard flower Hall of the headquarters of the Yue family.

Everything remains the same.

Is still full of flowers, is still intoxicating warm sun.

What's different is that the chessboard that has been placed in front of Yue Shifang has disappeared. Instead, it is a bowl of black medicinal soup with strong medicinal flavor.It's called herbal soup. In fact, it's thick and creamy.

And the smell of medicine is more difficult to say, although separated by a distance, and held his breath, but the smell still came, and through the skin to drill.

This reminds Yue Shifang of a lot of unpleasant memories. His throat is full of bitterness. It seems that he will spit it out at any time.

Yue Shifang looked left and right, and then reached out to pour out the bowl of medicine soup.

But at this time, two girls with a small bowl into the flower hall.

As soon as he heard the footsteps, Yue Shifang's hand quickly drew back as if it had been burned. Then he pretended to be indifferent and gave the second girl a smile.

"What did you do? What took so long? "

"I boiled a bowl of sugar water for you. I'll use it when I drink medicine later!"

Said, two girls will also put the small bowl on the table, lift the lid, inside is a kind of indescribable color of liquid.

If you want to be specific It's like smashing a rainbow, stirring it up, adding too much turquoise, and eventually all kinds of colors go their own way and don't mix with each other.

Even if it's just a glance, Yue Shi feels cool on his head.

He twisted his body on the chair very unnaturally, coughed and asked carefully.

"Cough! This Is this what you call sugar water? "

"Well!" Two girls at the moment also rare some embarrassed, low voice explanation way.

"I found many kinds of precious medicinal materials, and then boiled them with top-grade crystal sugar. I had been watching the whole process, but I didn't know what was going on, so I became like this! But don't worry. I tasted it before I came here. It's delicious! "

Nevertheless, looking at the glass of sugar water with blue smoke, Yue Shifang was still very suspicious of the two girls' words.

But he did not dare to show the slightest difference, because at the moment the two girls are looking at themselves with bright eyes, full of expectations in their eyes. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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