Yue Shifang tried to sort out his mind, while his head was running at full speed, trying to find a perfect excuse.

At least we can't let these two girls think that they dare not drink because they are afraid of these two bowls of potions!


It must not be. I just don't want to drink today!

Yue Shifang kept hypnotizing himself, cheering himself up, and then habitually coughed twice.

"Cough, in fact, I have nothing to do. I don't need to drink these at all."

Although he had summoned up his courage, but somehow, under the gaze of the two girls, his voice was still getting smaller and smaller, and in the end, it had become indistinguishable.

The two girls frowned and frowned, "nothing happened?"

"Mm-hmm! It's true that there's nothing wrong. I can even fight ten more dragon masters now! " Yue Shifang explained quickly.

"Ha ha! Do you think I'll believe that? When people are in the flower hall, they confront the sage level dragon family leader with pure divine thoughts. This is the behavior of extremely wasting the spirit. So I think even if you are OK now, is the time for you to release and reincarnate ahead of time? " Two girls cold hum a way.

Although Yue Shifang wanted to say it was not like this, he was silent in the end.

Because what the second girl said is the truth.

At that time, in order to solve the crisis faced by Xue an, but also in order to keep the last bit of dignity of the Yue family, Yue Shifang, regardless of his more and more serious injuries, boldly shot, and finally scared away long Yushu.

These things are easy to say, but in fact they cost him a lot. Although there is no specific estimate, at least the time of his release and reincarnation is ten days ahead of schedule.

He thought that only he knew all this, but he didn't expect that the two girls who were very careful had already guessed it.

Looking at the silent Yue Shifang, the two girls explained in a soft voice.

"this bowl of medicine soup is the prescription that I found from ancient books long ago. It is extracted from the precious material of heaven and earth by various exquisite beyond compare. It is boiled with the water of the spring. It is the best supplement to Yuan Shen. You can live at least one month at this time."

Yue Shifang didn't believe the second girl at all.

does not mean that she did not believe she had found the prescription, but did not believe that she could extract the essence of the medicine exquisite beyond compare.

After all, that's an impossible operation for a heavy handedness and dark food maker.

So after listening to the second girl's words, he could only mutter, "now I suddenly feel that Bingjie's reincarnation is not so terrible..."

"Well? What did you say? "

"Oh, nothing, nothing. I mean, it's really hard for you. It must be very hard to make this bowl of medicinal soup." Yue Shifang said calmly with a smile on his face.

Two girls cheeks slightly red, "not hard, as long as I can work for you, I will never feel hard!"

"It's just that I suddenly feel some discomfort in my stomach today. If I can't digest this precious medicinal soup well, isn't it a waste? So shall I have it tomorrow? " Yue Shifang said carefully.

The second girl shook her head firmly, "no, because the drinking time of this medicine soup is also strictly regulated. You must drink it within three hours after the medicine soup is formed, otherwise the effect will be greatly reduced..."

Speaking of this, the two girls suddenly thought of something and patted her head, "it's broken. I just patronized boiling sugar water and forgot the time. Now it should have been more than two hours. Hurry up! Take this medicine quickly, or it will damage the effect! "

Then the two girls took the medicine bowl on the table and rushed to Yue Shifang.

Although Yue Shifang would like to say something about the girl's self-respect and Dalao, I don't want to drink medicine now, he can't help it now.

At the moment, the second girl is like a tiger going down the mountain, and he is a lamb to be slaughtered, so he can only be slaughtered.

When he was pinched open mouth by two girls, and then poured medicine soup into it, Yue Shifang suddenly had an impulse to cry.

Because It's too damn hard!

This soup seems to bring together the bitterest tastes in the world. First, the tip of the tongue is crushed, and then the whole mouth.

Because of his super strength, Yue Shifang's perception ability is extremely keen.

But at this time, this keen perception has become a greater torture.

Yue Shifang even felt that all his taste cells were tortured to death in this instant.

But it's not over yet. When the medicine soup cuts through the throat and flows into the esophagus, where it passes, the muscles suddenly spasm into a ball, trying to prevent the medicine soup from slipping.

But everything is in vain, this medicine soup like a mighty army, cheering forward.

Finally, the soup fell into the stomach.

Yue Shifang even felt as if he had been bombarded by a bomb in his stomach.

For a moment, stomach pain curled up together.

But fortunately, it's finally over.Yue Shifang thought to himself.

Although he has been bitter tears straight flow, but at least in the past.

But just then, the two girls' voice came from their ears.

"Oh, why are you crying? Is it suffering? Come on, drink this sweet soup

The hair on Yue Shifang's whole body rose in an instant, and an ominous premonition made him want to resist.

"Girl, I can't Woo

But the two girls' hands were so fast that before he struggled, the bowl of sugar water on the table was poured in.

Just the opposite of the bitter to the extreme, this time is sweet!

And it's the ultimate sweetness!

In a flash, the torment that I had just experienced came again.

When the two girls finally let go of their hands, Yue Shifang looked at the ceiling of the flower hall with tears on his face. He had only one idea in his mind.

Who am I?

Where is this?

What just happened?

At this time, the two girls seem to have noticed the difference of Yue Shifang.

"What's the matter? Isn't it good? "

With that, she blushed, put out her hand to wipe the corner of Yue Shifang's mouth, and then licked her fingers.

A second later, a burst of sobbing broke out in the flower hall.

"Sobbing, sobbing, sobbing, it's so bitter and sweet, sobbing, sobbing!"

An hour later, the tormented and feeble Yue Shifang finally recovered.

Then I saw the second girl standing on one side, her head bowed with apology, just like a child who had done something wrong and was waiting for parents' criticism.

"I'm sorry, I'm a fool. I messed up the soup and syrup, and let you drink them all. I'm sorry!" Seeing that Yue Shifang had recovered, the two girls could not help crying.

Looking at the two girls who have always been strong become this appearance, Yue Shifang's heart can't help but soften and say something.

"You don't have to be so sad, actually It's not that bad! "

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