
"Of course it's true. Can I lie to you?" Yue Shifang said seriously.

The two girls quietly looked at Yue Shifang and found that he really had a sincere face, which gradually revealed a smile.

"I'm not so stupid. I've even decided to give up just now, but since you say so, I'll try again!"

The expression on Yue Shifang's face became like this.

But the more the second girl said, the more excited she was. "Don't worry, with this experience, I will do better and better in the future. The more you drink, the more you want to drink. From then on, you can't do without it. How about that? Are you happy? "

"Ah, er Well, very happy! " Yue Shifang replied feebly, but he just wanted to slap himself in the face.

Make your mouth cheap! Make your mouth cheap!

Originally, it was just a simple consolation. As a result, you entered the play like this. Now, you've got yourself involved. What do you do in the future?

When he thought that he would spend the whole day with the bitter medicine soup and sweet sugar water, Yue Shifang felt that there was no love in his life. He wanted to be reborn now.

Of course, these are his inner thoughts, but on the surface, he didn't dare to show them at all.

After all Although the two girls had some hand injuries when making soup with the spoon, it was not ambiguous that they really wanted to start.

A moment later.

Two girls stood behind Yue Shifang, gently kneading his temple, and suddenly said.

"In fact, I still can't understand why you want that boy to be a commander!" Yue Shifang closed his eyes and chuckled, "what? Isn't that a good decision? "

"It's not bad, but it's incomprehensible, because with his strength, even if he holds the seal of commanding soldiers, he can't be Yue Guannan's opponent. If he can't subdue the soldier God of Yue family, the so-called commanding military power is doomed to be an empty talk!"

When it comes to the four words "soldier God of the Yue family", the two girls specially accentuated their tone, with a faint sense of dissatisfaction.

Yue Shifang opened his eyes, turned to look at her, and then said with a smile, "what? Or can't you put down your opinions on him? "

Two girls lips slightly pursed, did not say a word.

Yue Shifang sighed, "I know what you said, but do you really think this young man can't subdue Yue Guannan?"

The second girl asked me if you were teasing me. She couldn't help saying, "that's the same as you. No matter how talented the boy is, he's just an immortal. How can he subdue Yue Guannan?"

Yue Shifang said with a smile, "it seems that you still don't know this guy very well. In fact, he is far more powerful than you think!"

Two girls still can't believe it.

No matter how powerful it is, what can it be?

Can he overcome Yue Guannan at least one big realm of cultivation?

"In fact, I still can't understand that Yue Guannan has been guarding the training ground. He's just like the second master of the Yue family. Why do you tolerate him until now?" Two girls sink a way.

That's what she's been worried about.

After all, Yue Guannan was in charge of almost all the elite soldiers of the Yue family. As long as he had a little different intention, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Looking at all kinds of performances over the years, Yue Guannan's heterodoxy has become clear.

For example, if he is willing to listen to some orders of the owner, he will execute them. If he is not willing, he will not hear them.

In recent years, it's even more exaggerated that I haven't come to Yue's headquarters to meet Yue Shifang for a long time.

It is said that even the elite soldiers in the training ground seldom see Yue Guannan.

He seemed to be hiding and living in seclusion.

This also led to the Yue family elite has been in a state of no management, so the state will continue to decline.

And eventually led to the scene that Xue an was on the verge of martial arts, but was in danger.

After all, in the present state of the elite soldiers of the Yue family, they are bound to lose in the martial arts arena.

All these make the two girls worried, but Yue Shifang has been in a state of laissez faire, and has never had any punishment.

Therefore, the heart of the Yue family is floating, and even Yue Hongyuan dares to covet the position of the head of the family.

Today, the two girls finally couldn't help it, and then they asked their doubts.

Yue Shifang said with a smile, "you don't understand. If anyone in the world won't betray me, it must be him!"

This sentence made the two girls swallow the following words directly.

Because the trust in Yueshi dialect is so strong that it makes her feel uncomfortable.

"In fact, you and I should all thank him, because he is the God of the sea of the Yue family. It is because of his existence that I have never had any trouble with the Yue family in the past few times

"As for whether he listens to the tune or not..."

Yue Shifang's eyes were full of sadness. "There's a reason for that!"Two girls want to talk and stop, and finally shut up.

But a doubt suddenly rose in her heart.

What kind of person is Yue Guannan?

Why do you trust him so much?

In fact, it's not only the second girl who doubts about this, but also other people.

Because in the Yue family, Yue Guannan is an extremely unique and mysterious existence.

Independent of the training ground, he took charge of the elite soldiers of the Yue family, won numerous battles, and finally won the title of the God of war of the Yue family.

But in this infinite glory, people don't even know whether he is a man or a woman.

Because as long as he appears, he will wear a mask made of pure gold.

This mask is like a ghost, extremely ferocious, adding countless prestige.

But many people are curious, what kind of face is hidden under this mask?

But in recent years, except for the most important things, Yue Guannan will never show up.

In the eyes of the public, he became more mysterious.

As for these elite soldiers, they are regarded as gods.

Even in the depth of the training ground, around the apartment where he lived, was designated as an absolute forbidden area.

Although there is no obvious boundary, but countless people still respect here and far away!

But at the moment, a figure appeared outside the forbidden area.

Xue an looked up at the empty mountain.

How to describe it!

This mountain has everything and everything, but it seems very lonely.

Because it has no flowers, birds, fish and insects, there is no sign of life.

There is just empty green stretching thousands of miles at the foot.

You can even hear the sound of blood flowing through the blood vessels in the body.

Xue an breathed out a long breath, "the people who can live here must be very lonely!"

With that, Xue an stepped forward.

But he just took a step, the surrounding scenery suddenly changed, from the desolate mountain to the boundless desert.

A scorching sun was blazing in the sky, and the hot gravel was under his feet, while Xue an Mai's feet had not even fallen.

But for this sudden change, Xue an seemed to have expected it, even did not lift his eyelids, but fell on his own feet.

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