All of a sudden, the desert illusion was broken, and everything changed back to the scene of the mountain.

But Xue an was no longer at the foot of the mountain, but on the top of it.

The mountain wind whistled by with a chill.

Xue an's eyes narrowed slightly, because there was a man standing in his distance.

The man, with his back to Xue an, seemed to be overlooking the scenery at the foot of the mountain.

The mountain wind blows his clothes and makes him feel as if he is immortal. It seems that he will go back in the wind at any time.

But Xue an noticed the thin body under the wide coat, and It's going to overflow with loneliness.

Xue an didn't say a word. He stepped forward and stood beside the man.

When you look from the side, you can see at first glance that the heavy pure gold mask on this face is Yue Guannan.

But Xue an didn't say anything. He just stood by quietly and watched the scenery at the foot of the mountain with Yue Guannan.

In fact, there is no scenery. Apart from the continuous green, it is the stones carved into various shapes by the strong wind.

When the mountain wind passes through these boulders, it often makes a sharp noise.

This sound is like the eagle in the sky, incomparably monotonous and lonely.

A quarter of an hour, two quarters of an hour.

One hour, two hours.

It was not until a whole day later that Yue Guannan, who stood still as if he were a rock, suddenly trembled. Then he said in a deep voice, "is it beautiful?"

Like Yue Guannan, Xue an, who had no voice or movement all day, shook his head.

"Not pretty!"

"Then why did you stay with me so long?"

With that, Yue Guannan turned his head slowly and looked at Xue an.

On this pure gold mask, half crying and half laughing, which looks like a ghost, are a pair of cold eyes.

This MOU son can't say to have how beautiful, even under the foil of the mask appear some uncanny ferocious.

But when it looks at you, it will make you quiet for a moment.

Because in these eyes, full of infinite loneliness and depression.

It's a kind of loneliness that is so strong that people with a little bad mind will collapse at a glance.

It's like this person has been standing here since the beginning of the world, and has been standing up to now.

The expression on Xue an's face was not instantaneous, and he said in a soft voice, "because I want to experience your feelings!"

"How do I feel? How do you feel? "

"In this day, your heart seems to have never moved, but it seems to have been recalling something. I don't know what you've experienced, but it must be very uncomfortable." Xue an sighed.

His voice is not big, even just a exit will be scattered in the wind.

But it was this simple sentence that shocked Yue Guannan, and there was a sense of confusion and loss in his eyes.

It's like thinking of something.

"Yes, it's hard, just like watching something in your memory happen in your mind, but you can't interrupt it at all!" Yue Guannan murmured softly, his voice was calm, without the slightest tremor.

But it is this kind of extreme calm that gives people a kind of suffocating sadness.

Xue an didn't speak because he knew that the most important thing he needed to do at this time was to listen.

"I hate time. I hate that, because it is the most merciless and cruel thing in the world."

"It pushes us forward, even if you lose something important in the process, you can't make it turn back. You kneel down and pray for it, hoping to return to a certain time, but it will only laugh at your cowardice and helplessness with cold eyes!"

"He's a complete jerk, because what he likes most is to see you roar and scream at what happened in the past, and you can't help it!"

Even when he narrated these large sections of sadness, Yue Guannan's tone was still extremely calm.

In this eloquent tone, he uses beautiful metaphor and rhyme to express his hatred for something that doesn't exist at all.

Xue an still did not speak, not even a trace of sympathy.

"Do you know? I once wanted to forget everything that made me crazy, but I can't do it. Every effort and attempt will only make the wound deeper. I'm like a beast falling into a trap full of thorns and thorns! "

"Any struggle will only bring deeper damage, so I can only lie there quietly and let time run over me mercilessly. It's really terrible, you know?"

After the hysterical speech, Yue Guannan looks at Xue an, his eyes are still cold.

But the roaring mountain wind has gradually stopped, giving people a kind of extremely depressed silence.

Xue an didn't answer Yue Guannan's words directly. He just went forward in silence, and then looked at the distant scenery and said faintly."When I was a child, I thought about one thing more than once!"

"Why am I so lonely? Why do people have beautiful new clothes and like their families, but I have nothing?"

Yue Guannan's eyes became soft gradually.

Xue an continued: "at that time, I was very timid, very timid, and even subconsciously avoided anyone, including some smiling faces that seemed to express kindness to me. I would avoid them!"

"Because I don't think I deserve it! Do you understand that feeling? I don't deserve it

Yue Guannan's eyes lit up and listened quietly.

Different from Yue Guannan's extremely calm tone, Xue an's tone was very indifferent, as if he was describing something unrelated to himself.

"Because from small to large, all the good things I have seen happen to others. I can only hide in the corner, envious, envious and sad!"

Xue an turned his head to look at Xiang Yue Guannan and said with a smile, "is it a humble feeling?"

Yue Guannan nodded.

"But that's exactly what I thought at that time. I would even follow my classmates home foolishly, just to hear their parents call them when they go home, and then answer them silently in my heart!"

"That's the only consolation I can get in the long night!"

"If there is no accident, my life may be shrouded in the shadow of childhood, and then die alone! It wasn't until later that I met someone, something happened, and then I understood! "

"The essence of this world is loneliness. You hate time and the past, but you have to shake hands with it and make peace after all."

"Because if you want to give yourself a way to live, you must forgive yourself. It's like forgiving an ambitious child and letting go of an unspeakable secret."

"The immortal road is long, ordinary people will suffer, but you and I In fact, the same is true! "


Xue an turns his head and stares at Yue Guannan quietly. Then he says something that can shock the whole Yue family.

"Yue Guannan Miss Yue , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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