Yue Guannan gave Xue an a deep look. "You already know that!"

"It's not very early, but I've guessed it vaguely since you said the first sentence!"

Yue Guannan turned to look at the scenery outside the mountain and said faintly, "are you not afraid that I will kill you when you say these things?"

Xue an laughed, but did not speak.

"Don't think I'm bluffing you. It's well known that I'm the God of war of the Yue family, but no one has ever known my true identity. Now that I'm seen through by you, aren't you afraid at all?" Yue Guannan asked.

Xue an shook his head. "If I'm afraid, I won't step into this forbidden area!"

Then Xue an looked at Yue Guannan and said, "and I really want to know what makes you so sad that you even imprison yourself."

"Do you really want to know?"


Yue Guannan was silent for a long time before he breathed out, "actually I'm Yue Shifang's sister

As soon as he said this, Xue an's heart thumped and his face was stunned.

"Are you surprised that it's impossible? After all, who in the world doesn't know that Yue Shifang's sister is Yue Qinghuan! "

When he said this, Yue Guannan's eyes showed a smile of self mockery.

But Xue an felt a deep sadness.

"It's not surprising, but if you want to say it, I'd like to know what's going on!"

Yue Guannan looks up. The mask made of pure gold is shining with cold luster. Her eyes are as calm as a pool of stagnant water.

"Two thousand years ago, he made a mistake when he was demobilized and reincarnated, which led to the destruction of the natural materials and local treasures used in reincarnation. It was too late to search for them temporarily, so he had to borrow my mother's belly to reincarnate."

"It happened that my mother was pregnant, that is me! So we stayed in one stomach for a few months. "

"After birth, because of personal limitations, he can only experience a long growth again, and I will become his rightful sister!"

"What a happy time it was..." Yue Guannan whispered softly, and his eyes also showed a soft luster.

Xue an listened quietly.

"I have been attached to him since I was a child. Although he has experienced thousands of years, he can still play with me and take care of me! If we go on like this, we will become the brother and sister that everyone envies! But I can't... "

Yue Guannan lowered his head, "I really can't do it! Do you understand? "

Xue an sighed, "can't we just be brothers and sisters?"

As soon as he said this, Yue Guannan was shocked. He suddenly turned his head and looked at Xue an with a chill in his eyes.

"Don't look at me that way, because it's easy to guess!"

Yue Guannan's eyes were gradually filled with tears. Then he lowered his head again and said in a trembling voice, "yes, I really can't, because I like a person I absolutely shouldn't like!"

At the same time, in the flower Hall of the headquarters of the Yue family, the two girls had left, leaving Yue Shifang alone.

Maybe the words of the second girl just touched him. After a long silence, Yue Shifang in the wheelchair took out a small jade pendant from his arms.

The jade pendant is mottled and rough, so it's not a good work.

But Yue Shifang still cherished rubbing the jade pendant, and there was a look of sadness and exclamation in his eyes.

"Guannan, after so many years, can't you put it down? I hope this young man can take you out of your heart

Along with the voice, a warm wind came and stirred Yue Shifang's hair in front of him. In a trance, Yue Shifang seemed to see the girl who was wearing a long white dress and was always following him.

On the training ground, after all this, Yue Guannan looked up at Xue an, his eyes full of sadness.

"Am I a cheap woman? Because I fell in love with my brother

Xue an was silent for a moment, then shook his head solemnly.

"No! On the contrary, you didn't do anything wrong! "

Obviously, Xue an's answer was far beyond Yue Guannan's expectation. She looked at Xue an in astonishment.

Xue an then said: "as a guy who has experienced thousands of years, his charm is irresistible to ordinary people. What's more, at that time, you were not deeply involved in the world, so it's normal for you to like him."

"Secondly, although you and he are compatriots, but he is behind the soldiers, and has no blood relationship with you. In this way, this kind of feeling is not taboo, so why are you guilty?"

When Xue an finished, Yue Guannan's eyes were already crazy.

Because over the years, no one has ever said that to her.

In fact, even those who knew her true identity had all died. She could only stand here alone, overlooking the mountains, day after day.Until Xue an's words, it was like opening a door to her, which made her completely imprisoned heart feel an unprecedented coolness.

"Yes Although we are a mother compatriots, but there is no blood relationship, I really silly Why didn't you think of that before? "

Yue Guannan murmured like crying and laughing. Then he raised his head and said to Xue an seriously, "thank you!"

"You're welcome. In fact, you were just trapped in the game before, so you didn't see it!" Xue an light way.

In fact, for this lonely girl, Xue an is also very sympathetic.

Over the years, these secrets have been piling up in her heart, but no one can tell them. As a result, she became more and more irritable and didn't know how to express them.

Even if someone wants to get close to her, she will be killed on the spot by her serious lack of security.

It's a miracle that we can persist in this loneliness for more than a thousand years without going crazy.

Therefore, Xue an only sympathized with the girl and did not even regard her as the God of war.

Yue Guannan's eyes gradually become smart, and then the whole mountain begins to become lively.

First of all, there are countless brilliant flowers in the mountains, and then insects, ants and butterflies emerge one after another, making it full of vitality.

"You should come here to subdue the elite soldiers outside." Yue Guannan asked suddenly.

Xue an nodded, "Well!"

"Well, if you take this mask out, these elite soldiers will be obedient to you, and dare not make any mistakes again!"

With that, Yue Guannan took off the pure gold mask on his face, revealing a beautiful and refined face.

But because of the long absence of sunshine, the face looked very pale.

Xue an was stunned and immediately asked, "you Are you not going to see him? "

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