Yue Guannan laughed, then shook his head, "my heart knot has been untied, why go to see him again?"

"But you're not..."

"After more than a thousand years of persistence, I have been worthy of his protection. As for feelings Let it go with the wind, because he can't like me! "

Speaking of this, Yue Guannan turned his head to look out into the sky and said faintly, "it's just now that you have been appointed by him as the commander in chief. It's time for me to leave here and go out for a walk!"

Xue an wanted to persuade something, but his mouth moved, but in the end he didn't say anything, just a faint sigh.

This may have been the best ending!

Just then, seeing Yue Guannan's bright smile, he said to Xue an, "but I have to tell you something before I leave!"

"What's the matter?"

"Don't you think about the identity of Yue Qinghuan?"

Xue an was stunned.

To tell you the truth, he really thought about it, because according to Yue Shifang, when he was demobilized and reincarnated, he usually devoted himself to the natural resources and local treasures.

So the question is, what's the matter with Yue Qinghuan?

It seems that seeing Xue an's doubts, Yue Guannan laughs and looks cunning.

"Don't you think that her purple eyes and keen awareness of the good and evil of human heart make her a little different The Terrans? "

Xue an was shocked and blurted out, "you mean she's not a human?"

"It can't be said that when Yue Shifang was reborn, he used a huge stone from an unknown place."

"This huge stone is crystal clear, and exudes extremely powerful aura. At that time, people thought it was a natural stone, which was just suitable for the reincarnation of Yue Shifang's soldiers. But I never thought that after the successful reincarnation of Yue Shifang's soldiers, there was not only him, but also a baby girl as pink as jade!"

"It's not clear whether the baby girl was born naturally in the spirit stone or for any other reason, but the baby girl is really a fake human race, except That pair of purple eyes and the horror of human insight outside

Xue an was lost in thought.

Spirit stone from the unknown place far away There are more baby girls.

How do these things reveal this strangeness?

When Xue an couldn't understand it, Yue Guannan said with a smile, "I don't mean anything else when I say this to you. It's just to solve your doubts. After all, Qinghuan is a good girl. Don't let her down!"

After that, without waiting for Xue an to explain, Yue Guannan turned around and stepped down.


At the foot of the mountain was born stepped out of a huge crack, and Yue Guannan took advantage of this force to soar into the sky, into a golden light, disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Xue an looked at her back and gave a wry smile. Then she turned away with the pure gold mask.

Just then, in the training ground outside the forbidden area, Yue Qinghuan was waiting anxiously.

Because Xue an had not heard from her for more than a day, how could she not be very anxious.

Although Yue Guannan should not be so cruel, he had a bad hand on Xue an.

But Yue Qinghuan's heart still mentioned his throat, and his eyes were about to see through.

Compared with her restlessness, these elite soldiers of the Yue family are much more indifferent.

At the moment, all the elite teams gathered here, and then looked at the forbidden area and whispered.

"Ha ha, it's true that a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers. He dares to go to the LORD God of war just because he's a little bit of immortal cultivation, and he wants to subdue him. It's really a big glitch in the world!" The speaker was also a small team leader.

In fact, there are dozens of elite troops in the whole Yue family, and Xue an only met one of them at the beginning.

"If you want me to say that this boy is probably finished, Lord Guannan is not so good tempered. If you annoy him, he doesn't care who you are!" Another team leader said.

People think so.

At the same time, someone sneered: "I really don't understand. You are the elite of Guannan. How could you be beaten in the face by a fairy?"

The team leader who met at the beginning blushed and lowered his head. He didn't know what to say.

"Come on, he's got the seal of a soldier in his hand. If we really want to fight, none of us can resist it!" He was rescued.

"I've been in for more than a day. It's estimated that people are all cold. We Koi don't need to waste time here any more! Let's go separately! I have something else to do when I go back. " Someone suggested.

Everyone nodded and was about to disperse.

But at this time, the whole training ground and even the whole planet began to shake up.

"What's the matter?"

The crowd turned pale.

At this time, however, in the depth of the forbidden area, there was a golden light rising from the sky, directly through the sky and disappeared."The smell It's Lord Guannan Someone broke out and exclaimed.

"What's the matter? Why did Lord Guannan leave suddenly? "

"Yes! What's going on? "

When the whole audience was in an uproar, a sharp eyed man suddenly raised his hand to the depth of the forbidden area and said in a trembling voice, "look, he's out!"

They all looked up.

Sure enough.

But Xue an came from the depths of the forbidden area like a leisurely walk.

Everyone's face changed.

Yue Qinghuan was very happy, and immediately welcomed him.

"I knew you were going to be OK, well This is... "

When he came near, Yue Qinghuan saw the pure gold mask in Xue an's hand, and was stunned.

Xue an light smile, "fortunately not disgrace life!"

With that, Xue an came to the group of stupefied soldiers, threw his mask into the dust and said, "you "The recognizable thing?"


Who can show up here doesn't recognize this mask!

But the key is how can it appear in Xue an's hands?

Could it be that Did he really surrender Guannan?

This thought made all the elite soldiers pale.

And Xue an's eyes swept from each of their faces, and finally stayed on the team leader at the beginning, not laughing.

"I have done what you asked me to do. Yue Guannan has given up and left, so I am your master from now on

The words were so shocking that the sweat and hair of these elite soldiers stood up.

"No! It's impossible! How can Lord Guannan lose to you! "

"Yes, it's impossible!"

The crowd roared.

But before his voice fell, Xue an hummed coldly, "what? Do you want to default? "

With this remark, the whole audience was covered with fury, and everyone was kneeling on the ground.

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