Xue an, who holds the seal of a complete version of Zhang Bing, speaks with great dignity.

With an order, the momentum of Yueyang Ping and the team leader beside him quickly completed the transformation.

Yueyangping's armor became more and more distinct, while the former team leader's momentum became dispirited, and his armor became more and more gloomy.

This scene is reflected in everyone's eyes, which makes the eyelids of the team leaders who are trying to make Xue an bow their heads with a little "99" in their hearts jump up madly.

After all, they didn't expect that Xue an would make such a decisive decision. In a few words, they deprived a team leader of all his authority and gave it to others.

This can be said to hit the soft spot of these people.

After all, what they rely on is nothing more than this little power in their hands. Now Xue an tells them with iron facts.

Who gave them their rights!

This, these originally also want to get some good team leaders all regret.

But it's just the beginning.

But seeing Xue an looking at these elite soldiers, he said indifferently, "do you know? Although you are regarded as elite by the family in law, in my eyes, you are rubbish in rubbish

These words are so impolite that the faces of these elite soldiers who always have eyes above the top all show anger.

Because what they are most proud of is their elite label.

Now it was torn down by Xue an mercilessly.

How can this not make them furious.

"Do you feel very angry and think I'm crazy?" Xue an sneered and went on.

"Yes, each of you is not weak, and you have practiced the techniques of ambush and so on in this training ground for many years, but is that useful? That's just to make you become more powerful rubbish from rubbish in rubbish! "

For a moment, Yue Qinghuan was amused by Xue an's metaphor.

But immediately she felt that it was wrong. She quickly restrained her smile and listened with a serious face.

"I know you are all unconvinced and don't think you are so bad! But do you know what the real elite looks like in my eyes? "

Xue settled down, looked around the room and saw that all the people were listening. Then he said slowly: "the real elite, the king of the army, must be able to be as fast as the wind, as slow as the forest, as hot as fire, as immobile as a mountain!"

"Which of you has done it?"

There was a dead silence, only Xue an's voice echoed over the open training ground.

Yue Qinghuan looks at Xue an, who is dressed in white and stands in front of the crowd. His lavender eyes gradually become bright.

"Its disease is like wind, its speed is like forest, its invasion is like fire, its immobility is like mountain."

She murmured these words in a soft voice, but unconsciously she was a little crazy.

The elite soldiers on the scene were more thoughtful, and then lowered their heads in shame.

That's right!

Their strength is really good, but they can't do any of the things Xue an said.

Xue an sneered, "is there nothing to say?"

There was no word.

"In fact, I know what you think. You think your strength is strong enough. As long as you practice the fighting skills well, it's enough! Those disciplines and obedience are left to ordinary soldiers, but what I want to say is that soldiers are soldiers. Since they are soldiers, they must obey orders unconditionally! "

"So from now on, the positions of your team leaders will not be fixed. Everyone can replace you as long as he is capable and willing. Do you understand?"

These elite soldiers looked at each other, and finally called out: "understand!"

"I can't hear you!"

Xue an roared so loud that the soldiers' eardrums were buzzing.

Then they finally understood and yelled in unison, "yes!"

"Well, since you understand, from now on, each of you will run around the whole training ground for ten times!"

This training ground occupies half a planet. If you run ten circles around this training ground, even these powerful soldiers will take at least one day!

The key is that this method has no effect at all in the eyes of many soldiers, so they all stand in the same place with some hesitation.

Xue an didn't urge, but sneered and stretched out a finger, "now it's twenty circles!"

People: "I'm not sure."

"Thirty laps!"

I don't know who was the first to yell, and then the first to rush out.

The rest of the soldiers shivered, because they had no doubt that if they dared to stand still there, the boy in white would continue to add.

Think about it. What would it be like to have you run a hundred laps around a planet?That's going to kill people!

In this fear, the soldiers rushed out in a swarm and began to run around the training ground.

Yue Qinghuan came forward with a look of worship, "Xue an, you are really powerful! You know, these soldiers have not been so obedient for a long time! "

Xue an smiles, "soldier? In my hands, even the ancestors of soldiers have to be obedient to me! "

Yue Qinghuan turned his head to look at Xue an's smile.

Because she found that Xue an's self-confidence is so handsome!

"Cough, I..."

She was just about to find something to talk about when Xue an suddenly roared.

"The soldier in the seventh row, if you dare to help you run with magic weapon again, I will let you run to this time next year. Do you believe it?"

The roar spread all over the training ground. The soldier trembled all over. A piece of jade on his waist was broken immediately.

Then Xue an said coldly, "remember, no one is allowed to use magic cultivation and any external force. You can only use your stupid body to run these roads. I will watch the whole process all the time. If there is a violator..."

After the words did not finish, but that cold threat has made everyone sweat.

All of a sudden, some people who had been playing small abacus immediately dispelled the idea of being lazy.

This guy is staring at himself all the time. If he catches him, it's over!

Therefore, these people can only obediently use their legs to measure the land.

So in this huge training ground, there was a spectacle. These soldiers, who used to get together in twos and threes, chatting and joking, were all running obediently on the ground.

And Xue an was standing in the air, looking down on the scene.

It was a wonderful scene. It was like herding sheep.

At the same time, in the flower Hall of Yue's headquarters, Yue Shifang sighed infinitely.

"It's hard for you to leave for so many years."

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