Just at this time, the two girls stormed in. When they saw Yue Shifang, they immediately covered their faces with a sentence.

"Yue Guannan has gone, do you know?"

Yue Shifang nodded, "I know!"

"Sure enough!" Two girls steady steady steady mind, and then sat opposite Yue Shifang, some doubt said: "how can he go?"

Yue Shifang said with a smile, "maybe he was agitated by that little guy!"

"You say Xue an? How can he move Yue Guannan with his accomplishments and realm? There must be something else in it Two girls still can't believe it.

"Whatever the reason, he's gone now." Yue Shifang said faintly.

"Yes, for whatever reason, he has indeed gone." Two girls some absentminded of say.

Originally, she always regarded Yue Guannan as a great enemy, because his disrespect to Yue Shifang in the past showed his ambition.

But he didn't expect that Yue Guannan took the initiative to leave before the second girl was ready.

This naturally made her a little shocked.

"What are the soldiers doing now?" Yue Shifang did not persuade him, but asked casually.

Speaking of this, the second girl has a ghost like expression on her face.

"Just received the news, those soldiers are now running under the supervision of Xue an!"

"Running?" Yue Shifang was also stunned.

"That's right, it's running, and it's a pure physical running without using any magic cultivation!"

Speaking of this, the two girls could not believe it, but she could not help believing the fact.

Yue Shifang was a little surprised at first, but soon he chuckled and leaned back in his chair.

"This Xue an What a surprise to me

At the same time, the news quickly spread throughout the family.

Yue Junze's father Yue Hechang is frowning slightly at the moment, thinking about it.

But Yue Junze walked around the room with an excited face, muttering in his mouth.

"It's very powerful. As soon as I was appointed, I subdued those soldiers with eyes higher than the top. They are really the men my third sister likes."

Suddenly, he stopped and looked at Yue Hechang.

"Father, it's OK for me to stay at home anyway, or let me go to the training ground too!"

"Well?" Yue Hechang woke up from his meditation, "are you going to the training ground?"

"Yes! It's boring to stay at home. I can learn something from my third sister and brother-in-law! " Yue Junze said excitedly.

Yue Hechang pondered a little, and finally nodded, "well, since you are willing to go, you can go!"

"Thank you, father!"

After getting permission, Yue Junze was overjoyed and rushed out immediately.

Looking at his son's happy back, Yue Hechang couldn't help laughing, "this child..."

Then he seemed to think of something and frowned again.

"How could Yue Guannan leave suddenly? It's certainly not as simple as it seems! "

Not only he was puzzled, but the whole family was puzzled.

As an immortal god of war, Yue Guannan has been guarding the training ground for hundreds of years.

People are even used to his existence.

As a result, Xue an left as soon as he became the commander in chief.

The implication is really intriguing.

And even when the Yue family was in doubt about it, the news spread in the whole army at a terrifying speed.

In the family of Sima, one of the twelve Branches of the army.

Sima Tiancheng, who escaped quietly from the welcome dinner, told the whole story.

Finally, he summoned up the courage to look at his father, who could not see his face clearly on the distant platform, that is, Sima Chongchao, the head of the Sima family.

"Father, I doubt that this man is anything but an ordinary man. Otherwise, how can he take over the post of commander in chief and make the war god of the Yue family leave?"

"Oh? And who do you think he is? " Sima Chongchao said lightly.

"I suspect that this person should be a descendant of the top 100 families in ancient times. It is very likely that Yue Qinghuan invited him to prepare for her brother's military solution in advance!" Sima Tiancheng analyzed.

It is not a secret among the strategists that Yue Shifang's soldiers were released.

This time, Yue Shifang suddenly disappeared in front of the public for half a year. It is likely that his injury has deteriorated again.

So Sima Tiancheng's conjecture is reasonable.

Sima Chongchao heard the words, but he snorted coldly, "if the Yue family really dares to borrow the power of other families, it can be regarded as taking the world's great injustice."

"Who knows! After all, Yue Shifang is about to be released. As a female, it's very difficult for Yue Qinghuan to shoulder the responsibility of the whole family. For the sake of the survival of the Yue family, they are likely to do so! ""If that's the case, then when it's time to practice martial arts, there's no need to show any respect to the Yue family!"

Speaking of this, Sima Chongchao's tone was cold and murderous.

"Survival of the fittest, if the Yue family really can not support it, then the strategists will only have 11 points of pulse from now on!"

"Yes Sima Tiancheng bowed down.

When Sima Chongchao was left in the room, he was silent for a moment, then Jie sneered.

"Yue Shifang, you've been a cruel man for decades. But I don't believe you can be so lucky every time. Now my magic skill is about to be accomplished. When you lose your Yue family in martial arts, it's time for you to die!"

The dragon family.

There was another smashing sound in the room, with a hysterical roar.

It's like a wounded beast. It's chilling.

The guards in front of the door and the ladies passing by were all silent, for fear that they would disturb the people inside again.

After a long time, long Zhan slowly opened the door and came out.

His handsome face, now full of holes, is too rotten to see.

Not only that, now his face and body are covered with thick plasma, more let him like a devil from hell, ferocious and terrible.

"Get rid of the contents!" Long Zhan said in a hoarse voice.

"Yes The guard and the maid quickly bowed their heads and then walked into the room.

Although they had been psychologically prepared, the miserable situation in the room was beyond their imagination. Looking at the pieces of meat that could not be called corpses, a maid bent down, covered her mouth and forced herself to control, for fear that she would spit them out again.

Because she was surprised to find that there were teeth marks all over the corpse, as if a wild animal had bitten it.

Then, with the appearance of long Zhan just now, a terrible fact came to mind and made these people's stomachs run sour.

But for these, long Zhan has been used to.

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