At the same time, there is a person in the family with a happy face to say similar words.

"Good job, Junze!"

The speaker is Yue Hechang, Yue Junze's father.

He walked up and down the room excitedly, stopped suddenly and asked softly, "do you know the news from the owner?"

"I should know!" The next person returns a way.

"No, I'm going to see the head of my family in person. The soldiers will be back soon. We should have something to say!"

After that, Yue and Chang left happily.

When they came to the flower hall in the backyard, the two girls just left.

Yue Hechang bowed himself and said, "master!"

Yue Shifang was not surprised at the arrival of Yue Hechang. He said with a smile, "I guess you will come. This time they are doing really well. You can hold a ceremony to welcome them back in triumph instead of me, so as to boost people's morale."

Yue Hechang was overjoyed, "yes!"

Soon, the proposal spread throughout the family.

There was no objection, and people immediately took action and began to prepare for the welcome ceremony.

In a word, the Yue family has not been so busy for a long time. Therefore, people are so excited that they want the whole Yue family headquarters to be decorated.

When the Yue people were busy preparing for the welcome ceremony, Xue an led the soldiers and the Jingjia caravan to return home.

All the places I have passed, whether it is the business travelers passing by or the soldiers stationed locally, have shown enough respect for him.

There was no other reason. In a short period of one month, Xue an led his family to clean up all the pirates on the commercial road.

So far, there are no pirates in the void of the Yue family.

But there were no casualties among the soldiers of the Yue family.

It's a terrifying feat.

Seeing this scene, the people of the Jingjia caravan are proud and proud, and feel proud.

Even Yue Qinghuan and Yue Junze were elated.

Only Xue an can't say no to this.

Because he knew it was just the beginning.

The real test is in the martial arts conference.

However, looking at the elite soldier behind him who had been tempered by blood and fire, his evil spirit was like substance, and his valiant potential was obvious, Xue an was confident that he would tear up any enemy who dared to stand in front of him.

In this eye-catching situation, Xue an and others finally returned to the headquarters of the Yue family.

When they stepped down from the giant ship of the caravan, countless fireworks burst into the sky, and the bright fireworks lit up the sky.

And the whole people of the headquarters of the Yue family came out and welcomed the soldiers of the Yue family to the highest standard.

All the soldiers, including Yue Junze, were shocked by the welcome ceremony.

Even Yue Qinghuan looked at the flying colored balls in the sky.

Then Yue and Chang came forward with a smile on his face.

"Commander in chief, you've killed all the pirates who are in business. It's a big boost to my wife's family. We've held a grand ceremony here for you! Please

For a moment, all eyes are focused on Xue an who is in the front of the team.

Different from last time, no one has any objection to Xue an's appointment this time, and his eyes are full of respect.

Xue stood still quietly, looking at the colorful headquarters of his wife's family, and did not speak.

The field gradually quieted down, and the soldiers of the family in law did not even blink.

The atmosphere became dignified.

Many people's faces changed slightly. They didn't know why the commander who had won the victory didn't say a word.

Did he have any dissatisfaction with the welcome ceremony?

At this time, but see Xue an's mouth gradually raised, showing a faint smile.

"You have a heart!"

With that, he stepped forward.

Seeing this scene, the atmosphere in the field was eased down. A big stone in many people's heart fell to the ground, and their faces began to smile again.

After the crowd, Yue Junze could not help sighing.

"The third brother-in-law is really powerful. People don't dare to say anything if he doesn't laugh. When can I get to this point?"

Of course, he spoke in a very low voice and did not attract the attention of others.

Only after him, jingcaihe glanced slightly, and then he looked at Xue an in the distance.

The boy in white It's really powerful!

For more than a month, she has also been running around with the army. Xue an's calm and sagacity, as well as her subtle control of the battlefield situation, have all amazed jingcaihe.

So she was not at all surprised that her wife's family was in such a big position.

After all, the long fallen family needs a victory.Soon, a group of people came to the venue.

But then there was an episode.

The person in charge of the banquet of the Yue family invited all the soldiers to sit down, but no one would answer. Instead, he stood still and looked at Xue an.

Yue Hechang was even more shocked.

Once upon a time, these elite soldiers were all arrogant and domineering soldiers. They didn't pay attention to anyone except Yue Guannan, the God of soldiers, and the head of his family.

But I didn't expect that after Xue an took office, only a few days later, the situation changed dramatically.

Just look at the performance of these soldiers, it can be called a ban.

Therefore, he couldn't help but put his tone on a bit of deference again. "Commander in chief, you soldiers must have worked very hard on the expedition. Do you want to let them sit down?"

Xue an turned to look at these soldiers and said with a smile, "all sit down. You've really worked hard all the way. You don't have to be restrained for this meal!"

It was not until Xue an gave the order that the soldiers relaxed. Qi and Qi saluted Xue an and then took their seats.

Even so, they are still in order, giving people a kind of pressure.

Yue Hechang and his family members were overjoyed at the sight.

As long as we can maintain such performance, we can not only keep our current position in the martial arts arena, but may even go further!

As a result, the next victory reception was very enjoyable.

Many people lined up to offer a toast to Xue an, especially the younger generation of the Yue family. Seeing that Yue Junze had just gone out with him, great changes had taken place since he came back, and even won the praise of his parents. They could not help but be eager to give it a try. Taking the opportunity of toasting, they expressed their idea of training with the army.

Although Xue an said that it was impossible for these young people to perform martial arts with him, it was also good for them to exercise with him.

This can be regarded as an increase in knowledge and strength for the younger generation of the Yue family.

For this, the elders in law knew it very well, so they were more grateful to Xue an.

They all came forward to propose a toast. Xue an came to drink and never refused.

This has won him a number of fans! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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