Take a look at the commander. If you don't say anything else, the amount of wine is one of the best.

As the night went on, many of the people who wanted to share wine with Xue an got drunk and wandered away.

The party gradually came to an end.

Although alcohol was allowed at the banquet, the soldiers were still very restrained. They only had a few drinks, then they took the initiative to leave and went back to the training ground of their wife's family.

Xue an sat on the main seat and drank slowly.

Up to now, he has drunk countless wine, but the more so, the clearer his eyes are.

Up to now, it is more like two bright moons, which is breathtaking.

Some of the young girls of the Yue family did not leave, but hid in the distance to point at Xue an, and from time to time they would come with adoring eyes.

After all, Xue an's talent and appearance are all first-class.

Young Mu AI, young girl Huaichun.

How can these girls in law avoid vulgarity.

But at this time, a beautiful shadow sat beside Xue an.

As soon as I saw her, the girls in law in the distance looked gloomy, and then they dispersed.

There is no other reason. The gap is too big to compete with others!

Xue an didn't even look back because he knew who was coming just by the sound of his feet.

"Still up?"

"Aren't you the same?"

"Ha ha, I'm suddenly aroused to drink today, so I'll have a good time!" Xue an said with a smile.

Yue Qinghuan face is gentle smile, light purple eyes in the light, "then I accompany you to drink?"

"You?" Xue an takes a look at Yue Qinghuan and discovers that she has changed into a brand new dress.

The light green gauze skirt like soft smoke and green pineapple pours down, but suddenly converges to a soul stirring curve at the waist.

And the long legs that are looming below make people feel hot and dry.

The barefoot under the gauze skirt is as spotless as ever, crystal clear and white as jade.

It has to be admitted that Yue Qinghuan, who has been carefully dressed, is no less beautiful than an Yan. He is worthy of being recognized as a goddess by the younger generation of military strategists.

Even Xue an's eyes flashed a touch of surprise.

But after perceiving Xue an's eyes, Yue Qinghuan's face turned slightly red, turned his head, and said, "what are you looking at? Haven't you seen it? "

Xue an smile, even if the convergence of eyes, no longer look back.

For some reason, Yue Qing's heart was hollow and he regretted that his words were too heavy.

So she stretched out her hand and took up the wine pot on the table to fill Xue an and herself with wine.

"Here, I'll have a drink with you!"

Xue an smiles, takes the cup in hand, and then drinks it all.

"Hey, do you drink so fast all the time?"

"What else?"

"Shouldn't you drink slowly to taste it?"

"It's someone else. I've always been a dry drinker myself!"

Yue Qinghuan: "it's..."

Xue an looked at her with a smile, "if you think you can't drink one mouthful, you can drink it slowly!"

"Who says I can't drink?"

Yue Qinghuan clenched his teeth and then drank the wine in his glass.

Mellow wine down the throat flow into the stomach, and then a flame in her face Teng however up, with a pair of lavender eyes are with a third drunk.

Xue an was a little surprised.

It's just one glass. Is that all?

But Yue Qinghuan didn't know about it, and after drinking it all, she seemed to open Ren Du's two veins, and the whole person suddenly became bold and unconstrained.

"It's good to drink like this. Come on, go on!"

Then, without waiting for Xue an to stop her, she filled her glass again.

Wait for this cup of wine, the drunkenness in her eyes is more and more heavy, but still want to pour again.

Xue an took the glass directly, "well, you drink too fast!"

"Hee hee, didn't you teach me that?" Yue Qing laughs.

At this time, other people have been very witty to leave, even want to secretly watch the bustle of Yue Junze are forced by his father to drag away.

Xue an and Yue Qinghuan were left in the huge banquet hall.

Xue an light way: "I am I, you are you, I so drink not drunk, you are not the same!"

"Isn't it good to be drunk? Drunk There would be no pain! " Yue Qinghuan whispered.

Xue an looked up at her, but Yue Qinghuan's look was very calm.

"In fact, I knew from the beginning that you would never accept me, would you?"

Xue an nodded.

Yue Qing laughed with tears in his eyes."You are a good man, really, the only pity is that we met too late!"

Xue an was silent.

"I think you should know where I came from!" Yue Qinghuan said softly.

"I've heard a little of it!"

"Ha ha, aren't you surprised? Surprised I'm not a Terran? "


"There's no need to explain. In fact, I know all this very well. Even my appearance is like a mistake! My brother's solution is around the corner, but I can't shoulder the burden of the Yue family. If it wasn't for you, the Yue family would fall into complete decline after this martial arts performance! "

"You said Am I incompetent? "

Xue an still shook his head, "no!"

"Don't comfort me. I know everything, but I don't want to say it!"

Yue Qinghuan leaned back on his chair. "It's the first time in his life that he's attracted to people, but he ended up with nothing. It's really a joke!"

As she said it, she laughed, but tears came down from her eyes.

"You're drunk, let's go!" Xue an got up to go.

"I'm not drunk. Will you stay with me for a while?" Yue Qinghuan said suddenly.

Xue an was stunned, then sat down again.

"Where are you going after martial arts?" Yue Qinghuan suddenly asked.

"First find a way to deal with your brother's injuries, and then go to find my enemy."

Mention this, Yue Qinghuan eyes slightly bright.

"What if you can't find it?"

"It's impossible to find those who can't be found. Even if the whole sky is exhausted, I will find out those people!" When he said this, Xue an's face was full of determination.

Yue Qinghuan looked at it, and then filled it with wine, "then I wish you an early realization of your wish!"

"You too!"

In the dead of night, the glass is empty.

Xue an looked at Yue Qinghuan, who was lying on the table motionless, and suddenly sighed.

"Yan'er, you'd better come!"

Soon, there was a burst of laughter in the air, and then an Yan, who had not been seen for a long time, appeared.

When she saw the drunk and unconscious Yue Qinghuan, she could not help sighing.

"This girl, I really trust you!"


It's a great temptation for every man that such a beautiful girl is drunk in a deserted banquet hall.

Xue an didn't look at it more, but said faintly: "well, help her out quickly, otherwise the delay will damage her reputation after a long time!"

After that, Xue an turned around and left first.

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