For some reason, Sima Chongchao felt that the cheering was so harsh that it made his temples jump.

"Well! It's just the beginning. It's still early to finish the martial arts test. Be careful, cheers will turn into screams after a while Sima Chong said to the sky.

However, Yue Qinghuan and others simply ignored Sima Chongchao, and all their attention was attracted by the progress bar on the light screen.

Because at this time, the bottom three progress bars suddenly changed from orange to gray, and then a cold and dignified voice sounded.

"Mei family, Cao family, Lu family, out!"

With the voice, but see the hall outside the arena a flash of brilliance, and then the Mei family, Cao family, Lu family of these three people all appeared in the field.

One by one, they were in a mess. The leader's commander was even more pale and embarrassed. Obviously, he did not expect that he would be eliminated.

There was also a commotion in the hall.

Because in the past, there has never been such a situation in the practice of martial arts, even if the ranking progress is no matter how backward, we can finally complete the practice of martial arts.

How can you be eliminated in the middle like this!

Some people can't help sighing: "this is the difference between the medium level martial arts and the elementary level martial arts!"

"All participants must fight bravely. If they are slack, they will be eliminated mercilessly! It's different from the previous one. Now it's the real martial arts show

All the people were silent.

Including the three owners who were eliminated, they all bowed their heads and looked embarrassed.

Chengping for a long time, they have lost the enterprising spirit, lying in the glory left by their ancestors, unable to extricate themselves.

This is also the reason why strategists are declining.

Until today, this martial arts performance conference has just given many people a loud slap in the face and sobered them up.

Just when the people in the hall were deep in thought, Xue an in the martial arts arena led the soldiers of the Yue family to break through the cableway and successfully came to the third level of the test.

What appears in front of us is a boundless wilderness and dense forest.

But see the scattered peaks, gurgling water, the scenery is very pleasant, there is no previous customs atmosphere.

But Xue an didn't feel relaxed at all, because at the moment when he stepped into the third trial, there was a warning sound in his heart.

"To the third day of the official request for supplies scattered in the mountains!"

The tips are very simple, but the information inside is very rich.

Because this tip seems very simple at first glance, just want you to look for scattered supplies.

But Xue an smelled something different.

Why look for supplies? What to do after finding supplies?

Will there be subsequent battles?

If this is the case, finding supplies as soon as possible will have a great advantage in the next battle.

These thoughts flashed through Xue an's mind, which made him quickly make the next plan.

"The soldiers should be divided into three teams and spread out in a fan-shaped shape to look for anything suspicious. After finding it, they should wait in place and guard it closely. No mistake is allowed!"


The soldiers answered the promise, and then quickly divided into three teams, each of the most capable team leader in charge, began to go deep into the forest.

It was not long after Xue an and others had just entered the dense forest that another team arrived.

The leader is a tall and valiant woman, it is Gu forget ya.

As a natural person, she has a strong sense of direction, and can even vaguely perceive the existence of other people's position. The second step is not too simple for her.

But even so, she still lost to her in laws.

This also made her heart full of surprise and disobedience.

I've tried my best to get on the road, but why did I still lose?

However, when he arrived at the third level, Gu forgot that he would soon forget these thoughts.

because she heard as like as two peas.

As intelligent as she was, she immediately figured out the key, so she immediately ordered the way.

"Spread out quickly and look for supplies in the dense forest!"


The women's army responded and then went deep into the forest.

Next, the long family and the Sima family arrived at the same time. They looked at each other, and then entered the dense forest.

Now is the time to seize every minute, no one is in the mood to take care of each other.

Soon, the remaining nine soldiers almost all arrived, only the Zhong family led by Zhong Li Wuhu arrived at last.

After all, along the way, with the guidance of the stick, Zhong left home, but he didn't take the wrong road.

And when you see this long mountain, Zhong Li is full of helpless groan."Oh, my God, why are you on your way again? I hate going on the road

Nevertheless, he knew the importance of the trial, so he immediately ordered his men to separate and move forward in the dense forest.

For a moment, there were nine soldiers hiding in the huge mountains and forests.

But at this time, the vegetation all over the mountain suddenly began to grow crazily.

The already tall trees were quickly pulled up and rushed into the sky in the blink of an eye. At the same time, the surface of the trunk was shining with iron.

Great changes have taken place in the mountains and rivers, with shrubs growing and grass leaves becoming extremely sharp, giving off a terrible threat.

These changes were naturally perceived by the nine soldiers who walked through them for the first time.

But before they were puzzled, the cold voice suddenly rang out in everyone's heart.

"Trial upgrade. From now on, the forest will be in hostile mode and allowed to attack each other. The dead and eliminated will drop supplies randomly!"

This voice shocked all the nine generals, and immediately showed a very dignified color on their faces.

Because this simple sentence, but it means hundreds of times more difficult.

Especially when attacking each other, they can immediately drop supplies, which makes all commanders feel cool in the back.

"Enter the enemy defense mode immediately, and detect all the surrounding environment at the same time, so as to prevent the grass from frightening the snake!" The commander of the dragon family immediately ordered.

The rest of the generals scattered everywhere were no exception.

Xue an, who was in the deepest part of the forest, was stunned after hearing the hint, even though he showed a slight smile.

"It's interesting. How does it feel like this trial is more and more like a game?"

With that, he didn't turn his head back. He directly ordered the way with his mind.

"Attention, everyone. Next, go into free operation mode, remember the guerrilla tactics I taught you, and Start hunting

When it comes to the word "hunting", Xue an's eyes flashed a sharp sense of killing.

The soldiers of the Yue family, who were already lurking in the dense forest, nodded together, then quietly lurked into the darkness and disappeared. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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