The whole mountain forest immediately quieted down, only the slight sound of the wind blowing through the treetops.

The huge mountain peak has been enveloped by the purple mist that did not know when, and the whole battlefield has been enveloped by a powerful force.

At the same time, there was a huge noise in the martial arts hall.

"What's the matter with this progress bar? Why did it become this color? " Someone exclaimed.

But the nine progress bars on the light curtain have turned into dazzling blood red.

People all face the color of panic, do not know what happened in the end.

And the old man who recognized the middle-level martial arts had been shaking all over at the moment, and his lips were shaking wildly.

"High Advanced martial arts! Oh, my God, it's an advanced martial arts performance that hasn't appeared once in ten thousand years

The whole audience was silent.

Advanced martial arts!

This term only exists at the head of a family. I've seen it in some ancient books. As for other young people, it's unheard of!

But the more so, the more mysterious the term is.

Someone asked in a low voice, "what is advanced martial arts?"

The old man took a deep breath and said slowly, "this martial arts arena was built by a great military strategist in ancient times. The martial arts level is controlled by the spirit of the rules, and outsiders can't interfere."

"Thousands of years ago, in the heyday of military strategists, almost every martial arts performance was at a medium level, but for various reasons, elementary martial arts became normal."

"But I had the honor to hear my master introduce me. Just ten thousand years ago, when the martial arts arena was just built, the martial arts was at a high level at that time!"

"What's the difference between the high and the medium?" Long Yushu, who has not spoken since entering the arena, suddenly asks.

The old man said with a bitter smile: "of course, there are differences, and there are still big differences!"

"The elementary is nothing more than testing the basic abilities of soldiers, while the middle is involved in battlefield skills and has been eliminated, while the higher is..."

The old man swallowed a mouthful of saliva, "what is involved is the highest level of military secrets, and at the same time, it is allowed to die in battle!"

"What? "Killed in battle?"

"That's right!" The old man nodded, "that is to say, in the martial arts arena at this moment, if this person dies in battle, then this person will be absorbed by the spirit of the rules inside, and his soul will be completely annihilated!"

All of them turned pale with this remark.

Yue Qinghuan's face turned pale quickly.

Because she did not expect things to suddenly become like this!

If something happens to Xue an and the soldiers of the Yue family.

The consequence is simply unimaginable!

"What shall we do! My son is still in it! "

"Yes, my blood lineage is also in it. It's my carefully cultivated successor. If I die, I'll be in great trouble!"

"Is there any way to stop the present practice of martial arts?" Sima Tiancheng asked suddenly.

The old man shook his head. "It's impossible. If the primary martial arts can be forced to stop, but once it's in a higher state, no external force can intervene. Only when the martial arts is over can everything stop!"

All of them were silent, and then they all looked at the dazzling red progress bar on the light curtain.

Who could have thought that a seemingly ordinary martial arts performance would turn into what it is now!

Yue Qinghuan secretly clenched his fist, his palm full of sweat.

Xue an Come on!

The breeze gently stirred the treetops, and the sun like star in the sky was gradually converging.

Under the cover of the tall trees, the dark is faster in the dense forest!

Some of the shrubs that can give off a glimmer of light add a bit of gloom to the darkness.

And in the shadow that can be seen everywhere, a few monsters are sneaking.

At first glance, these monsters look like Terrans, but they have no facial features. At the same time, their whole bodies are covered with light green branches, as if they were wearing a layer of invisible armor. They are marching rapidly in this complex forest.

Soon, they appeared behind several soldiers of the dragon family. Then they came up quietly. They didn't even bring up a little wind during the action. It was like a ghost.

Poop, poop!

These soldiers didn't even have time to hum. They were pierced by the arms of these monsters.

Blood mixed with brain, just gushed out, it penetrated into the skin of these monsters.

In the blink of an eye, these soldiers were extracted alive and turned into ashes when they fell to the ground.

And after all this, the bodies of these monsters shook a little, and then the face without facial features earned out nose and ears, and quickly evolved into eyes and mouth.In the blink of an eye, they turned into the soldiers who had just died. Then they moved forward quickly, and soon they joined the army of the dragon family.

At the moment, long Zhan is on the verge of rage.

Because he really didn't understand why he wanted to kill Xue an, but he was frustrated again and again.

Now, I want to sneak in the hell forest.

It filled his heart with anger.

The commander of the dragon family naturally saw his dissatisfaction. He sneered a few times in his heart, but ignored him.

After all, he is the most favorite son of the owner. He can't offend him.

Now the most important thing is to find supplies in the dense forest and kill all the soldiers of other families that can be seen.

But after marching for such a long time, let alone supply, I didn't even see a personal shadow.

Even so, the commander did not dare to take it lightly.

Just then, the soldiers disguised by the monster came back.

As soon as he saw them, the commander immediately asked, "how about it? Can you detect the traces of people walking around? "

The soldiers shook their heads, but without speaking, they stepped forward.

This palm soldier makes one Leng, in the heart suddenly some doubts.

What's going on?

How strange are these soldiers?

Although he was puzzled in his heart, the commander didn't doubt that he was there. He just said in a deep voice, "why don't you speak? Are you dumb? "

The voice just dropped, but the soldier who walked in the front suddenly threw forward, his arm turned into a green vine, and went straight into the commander.

The commander never dreamed that his men would attack him.

Caught off guard, he only had time to dodge a little, but he was still thrust into his shoulder by the vine.


After a dull sound.

The commander made a low roar, because it was too painful.

It's not because the arm was injured, but because the vine turned into flying silk immediately after it entered the body and drilled up along the blood vessels and meridians.

But it's not the same person to be the commander of the dragon family. He didn't even hesitate. With a wave of his other hand, he cut off the arm inserted by the vine along the root. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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