Blood gushed out, but at least it cut off the attack of these vines.

"What the hell is this?" The commander of the dragon family covered the wound and roared.

At the same time, these monsters see a hit, immediately turned the target to the other soldiers beside the commander.

In an instant, countless vines were flying in the sky. They screamed and screamed everywhere they passed. In an instant, dozens of soldiers were sucked to death.

Seeing this scene, the commander of the dragon family's army was just about to crack his eyes. He raised his only left hand and launched a counterattack against these monsters.

But because of the lack of an arm, his strength is greatly reduced, and these monsters are extremely fast, so they can't help them at all.

Just at this time, I saw a powerful blow, which directly opened a big hole in the dense vines that had covered the sky.

"Hiss!" The monsters howled in pain.

And the long Zhan slowly takes back fist, cold hum a, "originally also not exceed Er ER!"

Then he flew up and chased these monsters as if they had been destroyed.

Under the bombardment of his fist, these monsters were quickly destroyed and turned into ashes.

After finishing all this, long Zhan fell to the ground contentedly.

The frightened soldiers of the dragon family all looked at him with awe, which made him more and more proud, and then looked at the palm soldier envoy whose face was pale because of excessive blood loss.

"You are too careless to let these monsters get close to you. Now you are seriously injured. You must be unable to command this soldier. Let me do it!"

Hearing these words, the palm soldier pursed his lips. He wanted to say something, but he finally lowered his head helplessly.


Long Zhan was full of spirit and pointed to the front, "listen to my command, you don't have to cover your body, full speed forward!"

military orders are like a mountain.

For a moment, these soldiers of the dragon family gave up their previous stealth posture and strode forward to the deep forest.

At the same time, the rest of the soldiers were also attacked by these monsters, and almost all of them suffered heavy losses.

Except for my wife's family.

Of course, this is not to say that the Yue family did not encounter a monster.

On the contrary, because they are at the top, they encounter more monsters than the other eight.

But these monsters can't destroy by killing individual soldiers and then camouflage to mix with them, just as they did against the dragon family.

Because Xue an had considered this possibility as early as when he was training, he creatively transformed the function of the seal of the commander into a dialogue channel.

In the course of spreading out and advancing or carrying out guerrilla tactics, every soldier should say an irregular secret language in the dialogue channel within a specified time.

In this way, the possibility of others impersonating is completely eliminated. After all, you can impersonate your appearance but not even your secret words.

Sure enough.

When this encounter with this monster, this method played a great role.

These monsters only killed three soldiers of the family in law who were acting alone, and then they were quickly noticed by Xue an. Then he came close to them and killed them directly.

Therefore, the Yue family should be regarded as the least loss in this wave of attacks.

Even so, Xue an is still vigilant.

Because he vaguely felt that these monsters who can impersonate human appearance, how can they have a trace of evil things.

Is the builder of this arena also related to evil things?

These questions were boiling in Xue an's heart, but they didn't prevent him from wandering in the dense forest like a ghost, and killing every soldier he saw.

In fact, for Xue an, who is good at guerrilla tactics, this dense forest is a perfect hunting ground.

No one can fight against Xue an in this environment.

So just a moment later, there were dozens of monsters and soldiers who died under Xue an's hands.

And the supply that falls down, let Xue an a little dismay.

Half pure gold armor, a black gold dagger, and a healing pill.

This is the best harvest. The others are some old and strange things.

However, in this process, Xue an found that the quality of supplies dropped was closely related to the strength of these soldiers.The stronger the strength is, the higher the quality of the dropped supplies will be.

There was a faint smile on Xue an's lips.

"It's interesting. It seems that the builder of the martial arts arena did the test completely according to the idea of the game!"

Just at this time, his ear suddenly heard a very subtle light sound.

The sound made Xue an stand on the top of the tree immediately shrink and hide his whole body in the dense foliage.

The surrounding environment is quiet again.

Still can only hear the wind blowing through the top of the tree, as if just that light sound is just an illusion.

But Xue an didn't take it lightly.

Because he was very clear that the sound just now was not an illusion, but a real occurrence.

He can even construct the sound scene in his mind.

A lurking Hunter accidentally crushed a dry branch.

So he can conclude that in the shadow of the surrounding forest, there must be a hunter like him.

Xue an's silent smile.

This game is more and more interesting!

As time goes by, screams and shouts come from the dense forest in the distance. It should be that the soldiers of the two families met and exchanged fire in the dense forest.

Xue an is not in a hurry.

In fact, his endurance allows him to stand on the top of the tree for a day without moving.


There was an abnormal movement of grass leaves in a bush.

The shaking is so slight that it is negligible for the whole dense forest in motion.

But it was this little shake that made Xue an feel it in an instant.

Because he has incorporated every plant and tree within a radius of 50 meters into his perception.

The swing of the wind on the treetops, the slow growth of the vegetation under the feet.

Everything is under his control.

So when he felt the shaking, there was a cold light in his eyes.

Can't help it at last?

But just as he slowly turned the Qi and blood in his body and was ready to launch an attack, a tiny invisible reflection made him calm down instantly.


There's something wrong with it.

Xue an's whole body once again integrated into the surrounding environment, carefully observed.

Sure enough.

When the tiny invisible reflection reappeared, he finally saw it.

It was a thin silk thread.

One end was connected to the grass leaves of the Bush, while the other end extended into the darkness in the distance.

Xue an was slightly stunned and immediately showed a smile. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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