Very smart guy.

Actually know how to use falling supplies to set traps.

Because Xue an also had this silk thread, which fell down when he killed other soldiers.

This discovery instantly reminded Xue an.

The original drop of those strange little things can also be used like this!

At this point, even Xue an had to admire the guy hiding in the dark.

Apart from other things, this ingenuity alone is not comparable to that of ordinary people.

Xue an did not follow the silk thread to find his hiding place.

Because Xue an knew very well that since this man could set up this ingenious trap, he must have thought of it for a long time.

Maybe even this discovery is a trap to lure yourself to show up.

Xue an has a lot of patience, so he can wait quietly.

As for the search for supplies.

Xue an knows very well that if he can't win the shadow Sniper War, he can't defend even if he finds supplies.

Time goes by.

Soon, a bright moon rose in the sky.

The moon is actually much bigger than the moon. When it is suspended in the middle of the sky, it looks like a huge eye overlooking the world.

The cool glow made the forest more gloomy.

In the distance, the purple fog on the mountain became more and more thick, and spread to the dense forest.

Xue an's heart is more and more quiet.

Even he could hear the sound of the giant trees growing slowly under the moonlight.


Not far from the huge tree at the foot of Xue an, the shadow shook slightly.

At the moment when the shadow was shaking, Xue an, who had been standing at the top of the tree with his eyes closed, raised his eyes. His eyes were as bright as the moon, and then disappeared in the same place. When he appeared again, he had come to the shadow.

It's almost to the top!

Not only that, in the moment when Xue an appeared in front of the shadow, his eyebrows were all raised, his hands suddenly burst open a sword light, straight ahead.

The bright sword light dispels the darkness and illuminates the shadow's face,

This is a man wearing a ferocious mask. It seems that he is still young.

In his eyes, Xue an read a trace of helplessness.


The light of the sword was like water. The mask on the boy's face was immediately shocked by the powerful sword, revealing a clean and delicate cheek below.

The tip of the sword reaches directly to the young man's eyebrow, and only the intention of the sword has cut off the hair.

But in addition, Xue an's hand was as steady as Mount Tai, and he didn't stab forward.

The boy who thought he would die was stunned, and then he looked up at Xue an.

"Why don't you kill me?" The young man's voice is a little tender, but he can't hear the slightest panic.

Xue an looked at him quietly, and then said, "Song family?"

"Yes! Song Yuze, the successor of the Song family, are you the new commander of the Yue family? " Song Yuze asked.

Xue an smile, but did not respond to his words, just light way: "this trap is you do?"

"That's right!" Song Yuze's face showed a touch of pride, but it was soon darkened.

"It's a pity that time is too short, otherwise I won't be noticed by you!"

Speaking of this, he sighed, "let's do it. It's impossible for my song family man to surrender and admit defeat!"

"Who said I was going to kill you?"

"Well?" Song Yuze raises his head and looks at Xue an in disbelief.

"You are a talented person, and what the strategists lack most now is talented people, so it's a pity that you died like this!"

With that, the sword in Xue an's hand dissipated, and then he turned and walked away, leaving song Yuze standing there alone.

It was not until Xue an saw that he was about to disappear that he suddenly woke up and cried out.

"Thank you very much."

Xue an smiles, but he doesn't even look back, and then disappears into the vast forest.

The moon is brighter, and the fighting in the dense forest has reached a climax.Nine soldiers were fighting in this dense forest.

At this time, people have torn off all the usual camouflage, just want to kill each other with red eyes.

Gu forgetting Ya is no exception.

Her armor was covered with blood, and Yingwu's cheek was a rare sign of fatigue.

This cruel fight is a severe challenge for the soldiers who have not been on the battlefield for a long time.

This is even more true for the family.

After all, all the soldiers in charge of the family are women.

This makes them inherently vulnerable.

But fortunately, they have been trying their best to avoid confrontation. Instead, they are wandering on the edge of the battlefield and trying their best to preserve their strength. Only in this way can they not lose too much.

Nevertheless, Gu forgets ya to also feel deeply tired at this time, and the soldiers under his command have already reached the limit.

"Three minutes for the whole army!"


All the soldiers who took care of their families collapsed to the ground and gasped for breath to recover their strength.

Gu forgets ya but doesn't even have this time to rest, because she wants to take advantage of this precious time to detect the surrounding environment as soon as possible, so as to prepare for the next battle.

Soon, she came to the dense forest not far away.

Everything here is calm, without any abnormality.

Gu forgets you to turn a towering tree, strides forward.

But she just stepped over the canopy of the big tree, and suddenly a strange sound came from her feet.

This sound is very slight, but in Gu forgetting Ya's ears, it is no different from thunder.

Because at this moment, she heard the sound of the start of the Falun.

What's going on?

What the hell is this?

When her scalp was numb, the rune pattern on the giant tree behind her was looming, and then it directly condensed into a sword, stabbing at Gu forgetting Ya silently.

Gu forgets ya to know nothing about this, until the sword is about to reach the body, she just sensed the intention of killing, under the heart shock, she bent down with an almost impossible angle.

The sword passed her back.


A crisp sound, sharp sword like hot knife cut butter general, directly cut her upper body armor in two.

Not only that, the sharp sword also shattered all the clothes under her, revealing a perfect back.

Gu forgets ya to startle to cry, Gu can't be shy then abruptly wring a body, want to see who is this sword that sends out in the end.

After all, just at that moment, she felt a chill and piercing sword.

But just then, I heard a sigh.

"Forget it, let you go!"

After that, the killing will disappear like a tide.

Gu forgetting Ya is staring at the white figure disappearing under the moon, and his face is at a loss.

This guy... Isn't he the new commander in law?

Why did he let me go?

Suddenly, she shuddered and found that she was naked. With a scream, she quickly hid in the shadow behind the tree. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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