Zhong Liwu is almost bored now.

You know, the most annoying thing in his life is to find a way. As a result, he has to identify the location and find a way in two trials in succession, which makes him extremely upset.

"Damn, can't you just send the so-called supplies to the front and drive them? I have to look for them in the vast mountains and forests, and make many strange and strange monsters. I'm so tired of them

Zhong Li walked forward without swearing, and the soldiers did not dare to speak, so they obediently followed.

But at this time, Zhong Li Wuwang suddenly felt a slight trip at his feet, and then he saw a thin silk thread break.

No! There's a trap!

Zhong Li had this idea in his mind. At the same time, he wanted to escape from here.

But it was too late. At the moment when the silk thread was broken, several extremely complex seal characters suddenly appeared on the trunks of several trees around, and they turned wildly.

In a flash, an invisible force suddenly fell on Zhong Li's shoulders, which made him want to escape.

At the same time, a sword light like Tianhe pour down suddenly fell, straight to Zhong Li's head.

Zhong Li felt that his face and eyebrow were hurt by the sharp sword, but he didn't feel the slightest panic, but drank cold.

"Li Daitao is stiff!"


The sword light cuts down, but no head flies up, even the blood has not splashed a cent.

The reason is that Zhong Li Wuwang, who stays in the distance, is just a puppet shadow, while the real Zhong Li Wuwang has already gone elsewhere when he called out the four words of Li Dai Tao Jiang.

But at the moment when his figure just appeared in the air, the light of the sword turned around and chopped at Zhongli again.

"Lying trough, does this sword light still have a lock?" Zhongli was at last unable to make complaints about it, and then evade it for a long time, and finally peep at a time, and shoot it with a palm, breaking the sword light.

Then Zhong Li took a breath.

"Damn, what a sword! If I hadn't dodged quickly, I would have been on the way. "

Just as Zhong Li was secretly congratulating himself, a voice with a few smiles suddenly sounded in his ear.

"Good strength!"

"Who?" Zhong Li was startled and looked up.

But seeing a big tree not far away, Xue an stood calmly, and the moonlight came down from behind him, which made him look like a relegated immortal in white. It was hard to look directly at him.

Zhong Li's pupil contracted to the size of the tip of the needle, and said in a deep voice: "the commander of the Yue family?"

Although not masked, Zhong Li is familiar with Xue an's breath.

Xue an light way: "yes, that's me!"

Zhong Li slowly breathed out a breath, "did you just set that trap?"

Xue an ha ha smile, "originally wanted to kill you, but you are also a talent, so I suddenly changed my mind!"

After that, Xue an turned to leave.

Zhong Li is quite displeased with Xue an's words.

What do you mean you wanted to kill me and suddenly changed your mind?

It's like you can kill me!

In terms of strength, you are a lower level than me!

Thinking of this, he couldn't help shouting: "Hello, you..."

Can not wait for his words behind the export, Xue an Huo Ran turned around, lift eyes to see to clock leave without arrogance.

In a flash, Zhong Liwu felt as if he had fallen into a cold bottomless abyss, and his whole body was enveloped by the extremely cold atmosphere.

But next second, Xue an then astringent vision, light way: "feed what?"

Zhong Li fell out of the terrible feeling, and felt his muscles trembling slightly, and his heart was shocked.

Does this young man really have only immortal cultivation?

But what's the supreme power of the words?

He had no time to respond to Xue an's words.

Xue an gave him a cold glance, then his figure flashed and disappeared.

It was only after he left that Zhong Li completely breathed a long breath, and then he was secretly frightened.

This new commander of the Yue family is obviously extraordinary!After pondering for a moment, he suddenly thought of something, turned his head and looked at the men who stood in awe, "what are you looking at? Follow me

Xue an wandered in the woods and set traps from time to time. He felt that his heart was getting quieter and quieter.

The cultivation in the body is like a wave, and there is a sign of promotion.

If other people know about it, they will doubt life completely.

Because it's only been a long time since Xue an was a Taoist immortal. As a result, his strength has entered the country again.

The speed of this terrible promotion is unprecedented.

This is also the reason why Xue an was able to suppress Zhong Li with a look.

After all, in front of Xue an, who is only a little short of stepping into the saint, no one in the same class will be his opponent unless the real saint takes the hand.

But it was this that made Xue an deeply feel the decline of the strategists.

Zhong Li is also the commander of one of the twelve Branches of the military family. His strength can be regarded as upper class.

The result is only half the strength of sage.

This is not enough for the existence of a hundred schools in ancient times.

Therefore, Xue didn't kill Zhong Li.

Because compared with winning the trial, Xue an paid more attention to how to preserve and restart the glory of the strategists.

After all, Xue an was very clear that what he wanted to deal with was an unpredictable existence of terror. He was really alone and had to have enough power to help.

At the moment, the strategist is just a suitable place to stay.

But this idea, is also Xue an after the strength promotes again sprouts.

Therefore, in the next walk, Xue an no longer hurt others, but shocked the soldiers of the other eight families with subtle traps, so as to protect the soldiers of the Yue family and continue to move deep into the forest.

But he didn't want to kill, but someone took the initiative to hit the muzzle.

The Sima family.

Now Sima Tiancheng is very angry.

I thought it would be an easy trial. I just want to follow my soldiers and enjoy the results, so as to gild them.

If it's possible, it would be even better to lower the prestige of the Yue family.

Although Sima Tiancheng once suspected that Xue an was from some famous families.

But this does not prevent him from killing Xue an in this martial arts arena.

After all, as long as you kill him, you can completely destroy the prestige of the Yue family, and even make that Yue Qinghuan suffer a blow. When the time comes, you can take advantage of it again.

Of course, these are the illusions that only exist in the bottom of Sima Tiancheng's heart.

He has always been a very cautious person, so before that dinner at the house of his wife, he would see the situation and immediately leave.

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