You know, the most taboo thing on the battlefield is to show your back to the enemy.

It's impossible that the commander of the dragon family didn't know that.

But in the fear of death, he did not care so much.

What face, what taboo, all do not live important.

But he just ran two or three hundred meters, and suddenly a sword point grew in his heart.

Strong vitality makes his heart beat tenaciously even if it is so badly damaged.

But the sharp blade was hidden in his heart, which made his heart beat every time and cut a bigger wound by the blade.

The red blood burst out from the wound, like a fountain, and quickly took away his life.

In this way, the commander of the dragon family also died!

There was a dead silence.

The soldiers, including the long family and the Sima family, could not help but stop their actions and stood in the same place, as if they had given up the fight.


Now even the chief general is dead. How can they fight when they are left alone?

And in this instant, the cold sound sounded again.

"At the end of the free attack, the Yue family successfully held the supply and won the final victory of the martial arts performance!"

There was a commotion, because with this voice, the huge supply box was slowly opening.

But they didn't know that their shock and commotion were not as good as those in the hall outside.

Because at this moment, the progress bar on the light screen disappeared.

you 're right!

Is no sign, suddenly and ran disappeared!

"What's going on?" Some people were shocked.

"I don't know. This kind of thing has never happened in all previous martial arts conferences! Is there something wrong with this arena? "

There was so much talk that the roof of the hall was almost lifted by the huge noise.

The faces of the owners, including those present, were also very ugly.

Sima Chongchao looked at the old man with a long history of Shouyuan, "what's the matter? Why are all the progress bars gone? "

The whole room was quiet, and people all looked at the old man.

The old man shook his head with a bitter smile.

"You don't have to look at me like that, because I don't know what's going on! You should know that the martial arts arena is reserved by ancient powers. The mysterious and abnormal spirit of rules is in charge of everything, and outsiders can't intervene at all. So it's not surprising that this kind of thing happens now. Moreover, I have a hunch that although it's strange, it shouldn't be a bad thing! " The old man speculated.

But Sima Chongchao didn't have the heart to listen to his speculation. He looked at the empty light curtain, his heart was full of anger.

The soldiers who went in were all the elite of Sima family, including his own blood descendants. How could he feel at ease now that he had no news.

Including long Yushu, the owner of the dragon family.

All of a sudden, the atmosphere in the hall was suppressed to the extreme.

Yue Qinghuan had a pale face and tearful eyes.

She didn't notice what happened to the outside world at all. She just looked at the light curtain and was filled with infinite worry and fear.

Xue an, what's the matter with you?

You must come back safely!

Seems to have heard her prayer, just at this time, but see the light curtain suddenly began to shake up.

And then there is a space-time channel.

There was a burst of exclamation.

But the old man was overjoyed. "Well, the martial arts performance is over at last. Let's see who is the first to show it!"

In an instant, everyone's eyes are focused on this space-time channel.

Because in the past, the people who won the first place were the first to come out.

So people want to see what the outcome of this extraordinary martial arts conference will be.

Just as everyone was looking forward to it, there was a flash of light in the passage of time and space, and then a team of people appeared.

After seeing this group of people clearly, Yue Qinghuan, who was ready to cheer, suddenly became a fool.

Not only her, but everyone present was a little confused.

Because the first to walk out of the channel of time and space, is not the most eye-catching Yue family, nor is it the long family and Sima family, but the Song family, who ranks behind!But see song Yuze head up in front, face no sorrow no joy, can't see the slightest clue.

The Song family, who had been overjoyed, saw this scene and immediately pressed back the joy in his heart, because he knew that there must be something in it!

Sure enough.

But after the Song family came out, they did not return to the team. Instead, they stood by the side of the space-time channel, standing in silence, as if waiting for something.

At the same time, the passage of time and space is shaking.

This time, the three families of Lu taobai came out.

Seeing the three of them, there was not much speculation.

Because even if you think about it with your heel, you can still think that they will never be the winners of this martial arts performance.

But it's strange that the three families, like the Song family, found a place to stand after they came out.

Then there is the family, clock away from home.

The appearance of these two families still caused a slight commotion.

Because only the dragon family, Sima family and Yue family are left here.

People can't help but raise their hearts to their throat to see who will come out next.

Yue Qinghuan raised his heart to his throat and watched intently.

At this time, a pair of soldiers appeared in the passage of time and space. At the beginning, because of the barrier of time and space, they couldn't see clearly.

But after walking in, you can still recognize the mark on these soldiers. It's the dragon family.

There was a commotion.

Yue Qinghuan shed tears at that time.

Long Yushu took a long breath, and a smile slowly appeared on his face, but soon he couldn't smile.

Because at this time, people suddenly found that all these soldiers were listless and had no momentum. It was obvious that they had been trapped by some means.

Long Yushu's face turned black in an instant.

But Sima Chongchao burst out laughing, "it seems that our Sima family is still laughing to the end, brother long, this time it's really a concession!"

Long Yushu didn't say a word.

But a sneer came from the passage of time and space,

"You don't have to accept him, because you Sima's family will come to the same end!"

Sure enough.

After the soldiers of the long family, they were the soldiers of the Sima family.

This picture is like an invisible slap on the face of Sima Chongchao.

Yue Qinghuan, however, broke her tears into a smile because she had already recognized the sound.

At the same time, when the soldiers of the two families came out of the passage and were forced to the ground, the passage of time and space suddenly gave out a bright light.

The huge pressure swept the whole court, forcing the people who left the passage to retreat again and again, with a look of horror.

Then, in the bright light, the figures of the soldiers of the Yue family began to emerge one after another. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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