Click, click!

Accompanied by a burst of clear footsteps, but see a black Xuanjin armor, evil spirit of the team out of the passage of time and space.

Just to that station, the people who were oppressed by the fierce military power retreated and were shocked.

Many people can't help but open their eyes and look at the scene in disbelief.

In particular, Sima Chongchao, long Yushu and other family owners, their faces are even more difficult to see the extreme.

Because it is obvious that after the martial arts performance, the soldier of the Yue family not only made great progress in his military power, but also gained rich benefits.

This can be seen from the standard Xuanjin armor they are wearing.

This kind of armor almost covers the whole body, and the whole body is streamlined. Under the cold metal luster, it contains extremely terrifying power.

This alone can't be produced by any one of the twelve Branches of the military.

The most important thing is that this is not a set, but a set of all the soldiers of the family in law. This is too terrible.

Yue Qinghuan's attention is not on these. She looks at the passage of time and space, looking forward to the familiar figure.


When Guanghua began to converge, a young man appeared in the passage.

I saw him come slowly, out of the bright light, standing in front of the crowd.

All of a sudden, everyone's pupils are shrinking.

There is no other reason. In fact, this young man is too powerful.

As the commander of the Yue family, the military power of all the soldiers of the Yue family concentrated on him.

Combined with Xue an's own strength, he even directly suppressed the power of all the military masters present.

Such scenes also made Sima Chongchao and long Yushu and others turn pale.

How is that possible?

When he entered the martial arts arena, this guy was just an ordinary immortal master. How could he become so powerful after just a few days?

But when they were shocked, Yue Qinghuan rushed forward with infinite joy.

"Xue an!"

Xue an looked at her with a smile, but did not speak.

Although he didn't speak, Yue Qinghuan instantly understood the meaning in Xue an's eyes.

I'm fine. You don't have to worry.

This made Yue Qinghuan stop and stand in the same place, laughing without saying a word.

Meanwhile, Xue an's eyes swept over everyone's face.

Where they had passed, they all retreated. Even if some unconvinced people wanted to stand still, they were still defeated in front of the powerful Yue family.

Only Sima Chongchao, long Yushu and a few others barely moved.

Even so, they still feel a strong pressure, and at the same time, they begin to feel nervous.

What is he going to do?

Is he going to kill us now?

Just when Sima Chongchao and others were thrilled.

Xue an suddenly chuckled, "well, it's all over. Go back home!"

After that, he didn't even look at Sima Chongchao and others. He turned and walked out.

The soldiers immediately followed, followed by Yue Qinghuan and Yue Hechang.

In the blink of an eye, all the people in the hall went clean.

Sima Chongchao and long Yushu were about to drip water. They looked at each other and left in silence.

When the long family and the Sima family all left, the martial arts hall burst into a tsunami like noise.

"God, I'm right. The owners of the long family and the Sima family, who were just suppressed by the Yue family, dare not speak?" Someone was shocked.

"Ha ha, haven't you seen it yet? After winning the martial arts performance, the Yue family is not what it used to be. Let alone the soldiers, who can resist? " Someone sneered.

Hearing this, everyone was silent.


Just just just in the face, the valiant soldiers of the Yue family made them all creepy!

If you really want to start, who dares to say that you can win?

Just as these people were talking, Gu forgot Ya took back his eyes and said in a low voice, "let's go!"Gu's family immediately retreated like a tide.

As soon as they left, Zhong Li also yawned.

"It's boring. I went home to sleep!"

Then he left.

As for the Song family, song Yuze smiles, "let's go, too!"

When they're gone.

Naturally, the Taoists, the LVS and the Bais have no reason to stay.

So in the blink of an eye, all the nine soldiers left.

Someone looked at this scene and could not help sighing in a soft voice: "strategist... It's going to change!"

The Yue family.

When the news came back, the whole family was boiling.

From top to bottom, no matter the elders or servants left behind, all of them rushed to tell each other and were smiling.

Without him, it's really a long suppressed family that needs such a victory!

The remaining elders almost had no discussion, and immediately made a decision to hold a welcome ceremony for the returning soldiers.

Just before the welcome ceremony left a lot of things, so it is not difficult to prepare.

Soon, the whole family was in full swing.

But it's strange that from the beginning to the end, Yue Shifang in the backyard flower hall didn't make any statement. Not only that, but even the two girls didn't appear.

But because the news was so inspiring, many people didn't notice it at all.

It's not too far away from the Yues' family, and it's only half a day for the troops to march in.

But this is the scene of half a day, when Xue an people came to the Yuejia branch, the whole Yuejia headquarters has completely changed.

Colorful flags are flying everywhere, and the exotic flowers and plants along the road are in full bloom. The left behind family members have been waiting here for a long time.

When he saw Xue an, he immediately met him.

"My Lord, congratulations on your victory!"

"That's right. All of you have worked hard. You've done a lot for my wife's family. Go inside quickly!"

Several elders left behind said excitedly.

As for other people, except for cheering, it seems that they don't know what to use to express their feelings.

Yue Qinghuan was also affected by the warm atmosphere. He only felt that his nose was sour and his eyes were hot.

However, Xue an just gave a faint smile, nodded to the crowd, glanced at the whole audience, and then, as if he had noticed something, gave a slight light.

This light voice is very low, others didn't realize it, but Yue Qinghuan, who is nearest to him, heard it and asked in a low voice, "what's the matter?"

"Nothing!" Xue an's head also does not return of say, even the smile on the face has not changed at all.

But if someone looks at Xue an's eyes carefully at this time, he will find that his eyes suddenly become extremely deep, just like a cold spring, which makes people shiver.

At this time, all the people welcomed Xue an and his party like the stars holding the moon. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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