When Yue Qinghuan came last time, Luoshen valley was just a common canyon.

As a result, only after such a period of time, luoshengu became what it is now.

Of course, Yue Qinghuan was stunned.

Just then, I heard a timid voice from my side.

"Are you here to see the doctor and sister long?"

Xue an and his wife turned their heads to look at them, but they saw behind a tree not far away, a little baby carved with powder and jade was looking out at them.

The reason why we only use this quantifier is that there is a red tassel on the top of the baby's head, which is obviously not human.

Yue Qinghuan's eyes gradually widened, "ginseng doll?"

you 're right!

It was a ginseng doll that peeped out their chubby little heads and watched them carefully.

We should know that it is thousands of times more difficult for plants to become essence than other organisms, especially ginseng, which is a precious medicinal material.

Looking at the size of the ginseng doll, it is obvious that it has a deep moral.

Even Xue an raised her eyebrows slightly.

This valley is really interesting.

After hearing Yue Qinghuan's words, the ginseng doll bravely stepped out from behind the tree, and then said shyly.

"My name is ah Qi. Is my elder sister here to see the doctor and elder sister long?"

That lovely appearance can't help Yue Qinghuan's eyes.

Few girls can resist this lovely temptation.

So she smiles and nods, "Yeah!"

"Hoo Ah Qi took a long breath and then called to the back of the tree.

"You all come out, this elder sister is not a bad person!"

With his shouts, but after seeing the tree, a magnificent team came out.

There are Panax notoginseng with exotic flowers on its head, Polygonum multiflorum with half of its body not yet able to turn into human shape, and even a little monster with a head still like a Ganoderma lucidum and staggering on the road.

It's really a gathering of all kinds of rare medicinal materials.

Yue Qinghuan was a little silly and looked at the scene in disbelief.

This ah Qi is quite proud of the introduction: "sister, these are my younger brother, this is small nine, this is small thirteen..."

With that, he said to these monsters, "I haven't seen my sister yet!"

These Genie people then stagger of bow to shout a way.

"I've seen my sister!"

"This... This..." Yue Qinghuan didn't know what to say.

At this time, Xue an chuckled, "there are so many precious medicinal materials. If you eat them, they must taste good."

As soon as the words came out, these monsters seemed to be frightened. They immediately scattered and hid behind the tree.

Even ah Qi is no exception.

Yue Qinghuan glanced at Xue an helplessly, and then patiently explained, "don't be afraid. He doesn't mean any harm. He's just joking with you."

Hearing her explanation, these monsters came out one after another, but they kept a certain distance from Xue an carefully.

At this time, Yue Qing asked in a soft voice, "are you all spirits who live here?"

"Well, not only us, but also many people live in the village in front of us."

"Oh?" Yue Qinghuan was stunned.


"Yes! Elder sister, don't you want to see the doctor and elder sister long? They haven't passed the customs yet. They have to go to the middle of the village before they can pass the customs! " Ah Qi said.

"Can you invite us to your village?"

"Of course!"

I don't know what the reason is. Ah Qi, who became the essence of ginseng, and these spirits all trust Yue Qinghuan very much.

These little monsters lead the way in front, Xue an and Yue Qinghuan follow each other.

On the way, Yue Qinghuan couldn't help asking.

"What do you think?"

"What do you think?"

"Nonsense, of course, it's the situation in the valley of God! I didn't have any of these when I came here before. Why is there such a big change this time and so many ghosts? ""This question... I think I have to ask the doctor himself!" Xue an light way.

The group walked along the path between the mountains and forests.

Soon, they went through the dense forest, and a village appeared in the distance.

Ah Qi said excitedly: "sister Yue, that's our village in front of us. Come with me quickly!"

The party quickened their pace and soon came to the front of the village.

The village, in fact, is just some thatched cottages, but it is very neat, which adds a unique beauty to this picture like a paradise.

On the way, ah Qi had already sent someone to inform the village, so when they came here, all the people in the village came out.

When he saw these villagers, who were either plants or natural spirits, Xue an raised his eyebrows slightly.

Because he finally found something in common with these people.

But he didn't say a word, just looked at it quietly.

On the contrary, Yue Qinghuan is very popular here, and many little monsters who can't even walk steadily surround her.

Just then, an old voice came from behind the crowd.

"Welcome to both of you. Please come in."

Hearing this voice, these monsters consciously dodged a road, and then came a white haired old man.

The old man's face is extraordinary, but his momentum is very low.

Most importantly, he is a real human.

Seeing him, Xue an couldn't help narrowing his eyes slightly.

"Ha ha, you must have been very tired since you came from a long distance, but the master doctor hasn't passed the pass yet. Please come into the village and have a rest!" The old man said with a smile.

No matter how you talk or how you behave, you can't find any fault.

Yue Qinghuan looks at Xue an and asks for his advice.

But seeing Xue an's eyes twinkling, he finally nodded.

"All right!"

They then entered the village.

Although the village is not big, although sparrow is small and has all kinds of internal organs, a reception hall has been built in it.

When Xue an and Yue Qinghuan sat down, a huge butterfly flew in with two cups.

Then the two bees lay on the cup and began to secrete honey.

In a moment, two cups of fragrant honey are ready.

But neither Yue Qinghuan nor Xue an reached out to touch the two cups of honey.

Because just now the two bees strange lying on the top of the force, it will be associated with some bad things.

"Where are you from? Why do you want to see the doctor? " At this time, the old man came in happily, sat opposite them and asked with a smile.

Xue an didn't say anything. Yue Qinghuan pondered a little and then said.

"We're from a military family. We want to ask the doctor to cure my brother!"

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