"Ha ha, it turned out that he was a descendant of one of the hundred military schools in ancient times. It's really disrespectful!"

Although I said that, I can't see the slightest respect from the old man's tone or expression.

Then there was a long silence.

Yue Qinghuan finally couldn't help it. He took the lead to ask, "when will the great doctor go out?"

"It's possible that the next second will pass, or a month later!"

"What? A little anxious? "

Yue Qinghuan lowered his head, "my brother's condition is critical. Naturally, he is a little anxious in his heart!"

"Ha ha!" The old man just laughed and said nothing.

For a moment, the situation reached a deadlock.

Xue an sat on the chair with his eyes watching, nose asking, heart asking. The old man on the other side closed his eyes and dozed off.

Only Yue Qinghuan scratched his ears anxiously.

Because this trip to Luoshen Valley is really a little too strange.

First, there was a green dragon gang that monopolized the resources entering the valley.

It's not easy to come in, but earth shaking changes have taken place in it.

What's more important is that there are more monsters who don't know where they come from.

Now I met an old man who played riddles.

But Xue an said nothing.

Seeing the passing of time, how could she not be worried about it.

But at this time, there was a big crash outside.

Then he saw that ah Qi ran in in a panic.

"Mr. village head, it's not good. Suddenly a group of people burst in. They are very fierce. Xiao Jiu and Xiao shisan have already been arrested!"

Hearing this, the old man suddenly raised his eyes. Originally, he was very old. At this moment, he broke out a powerful power.

"Oh? Then I'll see who dares to run wild in Luoshen Valley! "

Then the old man turned around and walked out, regardless of Xue an and Yue Qinghuan.

As soon as he left, Yue Qinghuan came over and said solemnly.

"Who is coming again?"

"I don't know!"

As she said this, Xue an got up and went out.

"What for?"

"Don't you want to know who's coming? Naturally, I'll go outside to have a look, or I'll just sit here and guess? "

Yue Qinghuan also quickly got up and walked out of the reception hall.

By this time, the elves of the whole village had come out, some with sticks in their hands, looking into the distance with serious faces.

The old man stood at the front.

Just at this time, I saw a piece of rays flying to the village, when the village before and after, just fall together.

It was the group of people who followed Xue an and entered the valley of falling gods.

Right now.

When the young man in gorgeous clothes saw the monsters full of this village, he couldn't help but brighten his eyes.

"Tut Tut, it's really strange. It's hard to see anyone outside. There are so many ghosts here. It seems that the ghost needle doctor really has two brushes!"

But the old man didn't pay attention to the young man's words. His eyes stayed on the small nine, small thirteen and other spirits who were tied up firmly, and he said in a deep voice.

"What do you mean?"

"Oh? You ask that? It's not interesting, but as soon as we entered, these little monsters told us to get out, so they punished us a little! " The boy said slowly.

"You're bullshit. At that time, it was you who moved your hand first. What's more, such rare spirits can't let them go!" Small nine struggles to shout a way.

The smile on the boy's face did not change, but soon his hands blocked the mouth of small nine.

The old man's face gradually subsided.

"What are you here for?"

"It's natural to come here for a miracle doctor!"

"Ha ha, just use this kind of courtesy to ask for a meeting?" The old man sneered.

The young man shrugged, "if you can't meet me, it's OK to fight in directly!"

This sentence aroused public anger.

"Let go of Xiaojiu, or we'll never finish with you!"

"Yes, elder sister long will not let you go at that time!"The spirits began to shout.

The smile on the boy's face is getting colder.

"Su's family is never threatened by anyone, so believe it or not, as long as you dare to shout one more word, then these little monsters will die without a burial place!"

The situation suddenly became extremely tense.

The old man's face was gloomy and he was staring at the young man.

He had never seen such a bully.

In the past, no matter what the status of people, after entering here, they could not be respectful, for fear that they would never see the ghost needle doctor again.

But the boy is very arrogant.

What does he rely on?

At this moment, Yue Qinghuan suddenly gave a light voice.

"Su family? Where is the Su family from? "

As soon as the voice came out, everyone turned to see her, including the teenager.

When he saw Yue Qinghuan's appearance, the young man's eyes could not help showing a look of astonishment, and he couldn't help exclaiming.

"What a beautiful girl!"

This word does not conceal, also make Yue Qing Huan face a red, spin even if very angry stare this youth one eye.

But strangely, she did not feel the slightest malice of the boy.

At this time, the teenager's eyes moved and he began to laugh.

"Since there is such a beautiful woman on the side, it's rude to start, so I'd better let these little monsters go, and this matter should be exposed. What do you think?"

Although the young man's words were to the old man, his eyes remained on Yue Qinghuan, and the more he looked, the more happy he was.

The old man didn't want to make a big deal, especially the others couldn't understand the details of the boy, so he nodded.

As soon as the boy waved his hand, he immediately untied the rope on the small nine and other monsters.

Then the young man came forward with a smile and gave a salute to Yue Qinghuan.

"Su Feijing, I've seen a girl!"

Yue Qinghuan didn't know why, but she soon calmed down and asked in a deep voice.

"Are you the Su family in the absolute cold immortal region or the Su family in the wild sand of Mobei?"

In the sky, powerful families are like stars in the sky. For example, the Su family has two well-known families.

But Su Feijing just shook his head with a smile after hearing Yue Qinghuan's question.

"Neither of them. I'm in Su's family, which is rarely known by outsiders! It's the girl you... "

"Why did the heirs come here alone?"

In the whole process, Su Fei didn't look at Xue an at all, and took it as a servant.

Yue Qinghuan frowned.

Although she can't feel Su Feijing's malice, she has some resistance to his self familiarity, so she doesn't ask.

"Does it have anything to do with you?"

"Of course not!" Su Fei smiles and shakes his head.

"But if the girl needs to see the doctor, I think I can help her a little bit!"

Su Fei was very sincere.

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